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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Antler Theft

    Did you hear how much money this guy gets! That's it, I'm buying a fleet of quads! If states would not allow selling antlers, imagine how fun it would be for EVERYONE!
  2. Chris

    Found jacket in 5bn

    Yikes, I guess I should check my gear!
  3. Chris

    P&Y pending world record

    No, it's an ad.
  4. I tried this too. I found it a little too noisy for archery.
  5. Chris

    REGS are up on G&F portal

  6. Chris

    PROP 123???

    Teachers are not guaranteed a salary raise if Prop123 passes! It is up to each district how to distribute funds. Most districts are saying they would but ..........we'll see.
  7. Chris

    Gold Tip XT or Easton Axis?

    GoldTip Pros 0.001 love them. 4 years now on original dozen. Still perfect and straight. I've never had one break either. I try to avoid missing!
  8. Chris

    PROP 123???

    Yes teachers about to retire would like it to pass. But those lucky few already got their break with the "stepping" pay system before the state changed it. There is a right way, and a wrong way to increase funding. The Gov. is not handling this correctly. You have to look at the whole picture, not just: "we need money." A strike is not going to happen...... It should have been the direction the AEA took. Now once prop 123 passes the leverage is gone, and so is any hope of getting more than a one-time 5% raise.
  9. Chris

    PROP 123???

    VOTE NO! I bet the Gov is laughing his butt off! The AEA (teachers union) has the teachers convinced, because of fear, to take a 1 year 5% raise, then for the next 10 years just an inflation raise the years after! The gov steals the Trust money to avoid taking the State money as required in the state legislative laws. The Gov is giving less money than was in the original lawsuit. The Gov then goes and spends state money fighting the lawsuit. And now the Govs state budget wants to reduce the total budget for schools 21 million next year. UGH. The teachers should strike against the Governor NOW, while we (yes I teach) have leverage, which is: (the worst funding per student/per state) against the Governor. Anyone that says the schools have too much money already, have no clue what's going on. Just ask a teacher. The majority of US states spend more than 50 of their yearly budget on schools. Az is well below 50%. My dads trucking retirement pension is more than a beginning teachers salary! That's sad! The teachers and students do need the money, just not what the Gov is pushing for! What a joke.
  10. Chris

    Jeep Guys

  11. Ammo in 22LR available at Cabelas (500 Rem packs) and 22 mag
  12. Chris

    Jeep Guys

    I don't have any idea what that would cost for my truck, but would like to know ballpark. I have z71 Silverado.... How much for 3" lift ? (rough guess anyone)
  13. I have an issue, and can't figure it out, regarding my lawn sprinklers..... Maybe someone here can give me an idea or two to try. My lawn watering is split into two different runs. Run 1 and Run 2. Each has about 6 pop-up heads. In March, I notice Run 1 pressure was way down. Spraying about 1/3 of normal on all pop-ups. So I figured maybe the backflow/irrig valve was getting crappy, so I replaced it. NOW, with a new Valve..... same issue. ??? I don't know what else to check? The other side, Run 2 works just fine. I've always maintained this system, but I'm stumped!
  14. Chris

    Sprinkler help/ideas needed.

    With sprinklers, it's always something. I still have not figured out whats wrong. There must be something in the line before the valve, so I'll just have to cut some pipe off and redo the header pipe.
  15. Chris

    Sprinkler help/ideas needed.

    The backflow is the valve. Anti-siphon valve. http://store.rainbird.com/valves/sprinkler-valves/jtvas075-3-4-in-anti-siphon-jar-top-sprinkler-valve.html
  16. Chris

    Sprinkler help/ideas needed.

    Yeah, that sounds like my next bet.
  17. Chris

    This post is for the dogs

    Puppies are so dam cute.
  18. Chris

    How do you quietly scare an elk away?

    Yes suppressor! IT seems anytime I did nothing, sooner or later they wind me. It's a no win situation it seems.
  19. We've had it happen, a cow or bull comes right to you but you need to scare them away without scaring the herd. What do you do?
  20. Chris

    Worth the Weight

    Always interested in glass.
  21. Chris

    Unit 8 Sept Archery Bull

    NE corner of Morman Lake. Go get em! And drive back to unit 8 quickly!
  22. So, does he still have guiding license?
  23. Chris

    Sprinkler help/ideas needed.

    I put in a brand new backflow valve, no change. I open it up to full....no change.
  24. Chris

    This post is for the dogs

    We just had her spleen removed Sunday, due to cancerous growth. We are waiting to hear on the tests if Cancer or not. It is on her liver as well. Amazing dog. Over 300 word vocabulary. It's predicted to be less than a year to enjoy her company. 12 1/2 y/o Border Collie. Extremely good at tracking elk! The fewer the elk trails the better...lol. I am enjoying every day I get from her. Thank you lord. The first photo is modifited by an iphone app called SuperPhoto it's amazing! This first pic was done using the "paint" icon within the app.