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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    SLC hunt expo

    Saw one like the one on the left in Kiabab on scout trip. I believe he went in top 4 for Az
  2. Chris

    WTB G43

    https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/2084_21_43/products_id/99168/Firearms/Handguns/Glock/Glock+G43+43+9MM+6%2B1+Fixed+Sights $456
  3. Chris

    Sig p320? S&w? Looking for a 9mm

    I would imagine the 320 will be coming with a safety (if you care) as the military wants. So you might wait.
  4. You have a 7mm-08, just curious why your going 6.5 ? Are they that different? Are you target shooting? I have no idea here.
  5. Chris

    Sig p320? S&w? Looking for a 9mm

    Buds Guns. No tax. No shipping fee. Easy. Sig over S&W for semi-auto. Sig 2022 also
  6. Chris

    torn rotator cuff

    LOL.. Actually, that crossbow permit is not a bad idea! You'll certainly improve your odds over shooting with the shoulder as it is. My dad got the Dr to signoff for the crossbow, then changed his mind because he wanted a bow kill. He got a shot at a 6x6, the arrow didn't penetrate as he had the weight dropped way down, so he could draw it easily. DAM.
  7. Chris

    2 BIG Igloo Coolers

    Easy to order hinges/latches!
  8. Chris

    Reminder - AZDFG Not Calling This Year

    In the event there is a payment issue (lord knows many issues can and do come up) the G&F should just show on the draw results with a note: "Payment for tag did was not successful, please visit G&F office to finalize payment and receive a tag." I know, it's another step in their process. But it certainly avoids any time delay in results.
  9. Chris

    torn rotator cuff

    A friend got it done, and said his shoulder was better than it had ever been. He wished he had done it sooner. His doc was: Angelo Mattalino MD-Southwest Sports Medicine 6097 N Paradise View Dr, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253Cross Streets: Between E Paradise View Dr and N 38th Pl (480) 763-5950 mattalinoorthopaedics.com
  10. Chris

    In need of a gun appraiser

    Cant go wrong with looking what they have sold for on Gunbroker.
  11. Chris

    smoothest shooting bow??

    Just have to get out and try them. Hopefully, side by side. That valley and wall can make a big difference in your preference. Let off is nice, but 90 ... I want to try that one! What kind of speed does it have, and how consistent is it? You might get on the ArcheryTalk website as well. Many ideas about some bows to avoid.
  12. Chris

    RTIC coolers

    The inside of a 65 is pretty small. 24 3/4" x 13" x 11 3/4"
  13. In searching the web, I can not find any MPG for this truck? Anyone? I'm thinking the 2500HD.
  14. Cummins would be nice. Ugh, maybe I'll stick with gasoline.
  15. Chris

    Trap and skeet newbie

    Sweet. Thanks
  16. Chris

    Trap and skeet newbie

    I want to take the wife to ben avery and try shooting. Is today a good day to go there or is it a busy place? I don't know a thing about it.
  17. Chris

    Trap and skeet newbie

    How do the "count" clays ? Do you start your shoot, and then they check to see how many were thrown?
  18. Chris

    Trap and skeet newbie

    Perfect, thanks! I see G&F rents Berettas, so that's likely semi's, right?
  19. Chris

    Trap and skeet newbie

    How do I possibly avoid the recoil issue?
  20. Chris

    Expert Opinion

  21. What are those Hntnguy?
  22. I don't know why they even make non-fluorite. Spend that kind of money and almost get the good stuff, makes no sense. What do they weight? (with fluorite)
  23. Chris

    Gun safe upgrade

    I would try to save more $$. To get 11 gauge or better, your safe would be really small at $1,000. When your looking for steel wall thickness, if your not finding it on your ad, that is usually a sign of what the company is trying to hide, which is their weakness, steel thickness. Pros can get into the safe, it's just ... what level of resistance do you wanna offer.
  24. Chris

    Draw question

    Only put in the hunt you want. Life is short.
  25. Chris

    Expert Opinion

    Wow, you have more patience between hunts, than I do! I would say, just stay after that elite tag, and get a guide that has many "eyes" out in the field to make sure you get one!