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About Chris

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    Premier Member

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  1. Seen any antelope hits yet?
  2. Chris

    Credit Card Hit

    Wow, 7:20 is pretty early for hits! I thought most were well after 8:00 .....
  3. Chris

    Credit Card Hit

    My card got hit. Fraud. Over $4K at Home Depot. Transaction denied. I'll have to put another card on my application.
  4. Chris

    Killer Home Depot deal

    Does Delw need help defying this as right or wrong?
  5. Chris

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    So, there can be penalties that matter: Okay, lets start with elk ..... $20k and lost of hunt license, forever! Just think of how many years of multiple breeding is done with the loss of one bull. Is the G&F going to deter or not? 17-314. Illegally taking, wounding, killing or possessing wildlife; civil penalty; enforcement A. The commission may impose a civil penalty against any person for unlawfully taking, wounding, killing or possessing any of the following wildlife, or part thereof, to recover the following minimum sums:
  6. Chris

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    He won't get $8000 fine. They'll plea around that.
  7. Chris

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Why bother, g&f will slap puny fine. Waste of time. When is G&F going to give real consequences?
  8. Chris

    Archery goat 2019

    That's a big goat! Congrats!
  9. Chris

    Raffle bull

    Any pics of that bull from last year? I would love to see the growth in this wet year!
  10. Chris

    Popcorn thread

    Wow, How long can this drag on? Are there serious charges?
  11. Chris

    Any recent velvet pics?

    Just looking to see how they are starting to look!
  12. Chris

    Top selling toy 1964

    You might stay off the streets with that bad boy! Don't want anyone to confuse you for anything!
  13. Chris

    5B north archery hunt

    Good luck with that
  14. Chris

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    He doesn't use tags.