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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Gunsmith needed!

    Have you looked into something like this? I used one to mount a red dot to my son's youth 870. It works great and only took a few minutes to install using existing holes. Be sure to get the right size as the youth model and traditional are different. Weaver also makes a cheaper polymer version, but I prefer the durability of the aluminum version. The Weaver is a "one size fits all" version with extra hardware to make it fit either shotgun. But it is not as solid on the gun as the aluminum version. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000MX3SVI/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. rossislider

    Strangest thing i have ever seen at costco!

    I'm saving two. I want the privilege of taking care of my mother-in-law first.
  3. rossislider

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Sort of one of the "I heard it from a friend's, cousin's, sister's dog's vet" things. Actually it is from a slightly more reliable source than that, but you can take it for what it is worth. Everything is still a mess at AZGFD, the same problems they had with the spring draw didn't get fixed. They want to make sure all apps are fixed before running the draw so they don't replicate the Goulds fiasco. Not likely to happen this week. "May the odds ever be in your favor", but don't count on it.
  4. rossislider

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    The conversation in here was almost identical a couple of years ago when the debate was about deer baiting with corn. Too many people (who claim to be anti big government conservatives) feel that it is okay to ban or outlaw something because it isn't their style. I've never set out a trail camera, but don't feel it is my place to tell others they cannot because I chose not to.
  5. rossislider

    Family Camping/Fishing Trip

    In Arizona you are not permitted to camp within 1/4 mile of a lake. Check out the link below for more details. The way it is written is a bit vague, but I have seen it enforced. I don't think they enforce this at all lakes, but I know firsthand that they do enforce it at Knoll. http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/coconino/recreation/camping-cabins/?cid=stelprdb5313448
  6. rossislider

    Forum Page Background

    You can change it yourself at the bottom of the page. select "Change Theme".
  7. From what I have seen and read, Canyon seem to be the best of the premium cooler lineup.
  8. rossislider

    My boys Javelina mount

    Very nice! Will does great work! He is currently working on four pieces for my family.
  9. rossislider

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    ^^^ The only absolute certainty is that it is a complete mess.
  10. rossislider

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I got hit for deer last year on the very first day right off the bat at about 7:00 AM. But agreed, it USUALLY starts around mid morning. That said, I give it about a 1% chance of happening this week.
  11. rossislider

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    If they are still fixing apps it is still going to be a while. They have been making these calls since last Friday, if not before.
  12. rossislider

    Thank you to all for supporting Arizona Elk Society

    We made it out to the turkey camp last year in unit 1 and plan to again this year. We also hit the javelina camp down in 37b this bast January. All excellent experiences! That I recommend to anyone with kids.
  13. rossislider

    Watch those cards

    Anymore you can set up pretty much any credit or debit card to send you a text alert for charges over the amount you set. I have mine set to $100. Eliminates the need to check all day, but you go nuts each time you hear a text notification chime.
  14. rossislider

    Thank you to all for supporting Arizona Elk Society

    Thank you for the invitation to help and letting me bring my son. It was a great experience and chance for him to get more involved in conservation. We both enjoyed it a great deal.
  15. rossislider

    WTS South African Photo Safari Trip for Two

    Was holding this for someone, but that appears to not be going through. So I'm putting it back out there.
  16. rossislider

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    Sorry for the oversight.
  17. rossislider

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    If you were waiting until the last day to update your credit cards before the elk and antelope draw, this is it! I'm sure we will have a few people in here complaining in the upcoming days about how unfair it is because they were traveling, forgot, etc. Just get it done!
  18. rossislider

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    Good luck everyone! The time frame to enter is now over. I'll save my rant about AZGFD's inability to run a clean and smooth draw cycle for another thread.
  19. rossislider

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    If my son, wife, or I don't pull an elk tag, I may seriously consider a doing a lion hunt. Anyone else have a backup plan?
  20. The Arizona Elk Society banquette is Saturday. I think there are still a few tickets left. They are a lot of fun.
  21. rossislider

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    I don't think an email coming out or not means anything. It is posted in the regs. We've seen the email come out on the day of the deadline before. My guess is the email about the deadline comes out later today.
  22. rossislider

    Last Day to Update Credit Cards!!!

    Like others have said, they will probably call you if he credit card doesn't go through. But why leave it to chance? Ever miss a phone call, leave you phone off, on silent, etc?
  23. rossislider

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    Sorry, only running this through 3/31.