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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Point Guard

    Fairly certain I know where you are going with this, and I'm likewise pretty certain you are wrong. But I'd love to hear your train of thought.
  2. rossislider

    Unit 1

    Some sponsors of this site focus on and guide that unit. Don't know if he is completely booked up, but I'd call Shane Koury of Koury Guide Service out of Show Low/Pine Top. I know a couple of other good ones, but they are already doing personal hunts.
  3. rossislider

    Point Guard

    Liked it when they first announced it a couple months ago. Love it even more now!
  4. rossislider

    Antler Theft

    Did someone say camera stealing? Here we go....
  5. rossislider

    Shoulder/Chest Holster

    What kind is this?
  6. rossislider

    Yeti Cooler Raffle

    Just ordered my 3. Been meaning to do this for a while. Thanks for the reminder.
  7. rossislider

    anybody need work?

    A few more years and I may be sending my son your way.
  8. rossislider

    12x50 swarovski EL V.S. Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    Definitely worth the money to get the stud installed from Outdoorsmans.
  9. rossislider

    12x50 swarovski EL V.S. Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    Sold my 12x50 Razors for 12x50 Swaro EL. Not knocking the Razors, I loved them and wouldn't have a problem owning another pair. But Swaros are just flat out better. Comes down to what you can afford. If you can afford $1000-$1200 Razors are great. If you have $2500+, get the Swaros. Guys who use Cabela's brand love them as well and the are comparable to Razors in price.
  10. rossislider

    Elite impulse 34 input

    I shot just about everything out there over the past few months. The Elite is in my top two along with the Prime Rize. Both were awesome and I go back and forth between the two a lot. I'm leaning towards the Rize, but you couldn't go wrong with either. The are both super smooth, very solid wall, next to no vibration, etc. They carry them both at Timber Mesa archery, along with just about every other major brand. Go down and talk to Junior. He is a good guy. Here was my take and rankings on the bows I shot: 1. Rize or Impulse 2. Rize of Impulse 3. Matthews Halon 4. Bowtech Boss 5. PSE Decree 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hoyt Defiant - I wanted to love this bow and went in with this bow at the top of my list. But did not like it and have heard a lot of bad things about Hoyt's latest offering from a lot of Hoyt die hard fans.
  11. rossislider

    Kansas Turkey hunt

    That's awesome! Congratulations Ammon.
  12. rossislider

    Az Deer Association Banquet

    Just a couple of weeks out. Come join us at the CWT table.
  13. rossislider

    For our kids

    There is plenty of money for education. But the politicians know voters will never vote to approve the money for their 100s of BS programs. So they take the money that should go to education to fund the BS. Then they flood TV and radio with sob stories about needing more money for education because they know the voting majority for the saps they are.
  14. rossislider

    Regs out for deer

    Starting all over this year as I finally got to cashed my points in last fall. Love agonizing over the regs and making plans for hunts I won't be drawing!
  15. rossislider

    Gold Tip XT or Easton Axis?

    I was having the same internal debate a couple of months ago between these two arrows. Got a lot of great opinions and was leaning toward Gold Tip, thanks largely for the same advise WHT_MTNMAN gave you and me both. However, I am now leaning toward the Victory VAP after having the chance to look at and shoot a few. Among other things, they have the benefit of the smaller diameter without all the special insert nonsense. http://victoryarchery.greenrope.com/victory-vap.html
  16. rossislider

    Cases getting stuck in chamber

    My buddy had the exact same problem a couple of years ago with his Remington Sendero 7mm Mag. He tried all kinds of things himself without success. Ultimately he took it to a gunsmith who polished the chamber. Pretty simple, but that did the trick. Hasn't had a problem since and it is a tack driver.
  17. rossislider

    Finally! My turkey jinx is over

    Congratulations on breaking the streak with a great bird.
  18. That was a great video! Congratulations to Darr, Parker, Paul, and crew!
  19. Strange, I don't have any voice messages, texts, or emails?
  20. rossislider

    Utv tire suggestions

    The fact that 95% of the riding we tend to do here in AZ is on hard packed dirt roads and trails, I'm going to opt for a tire that is less knobby and more of a hybrid. I think I will get a lot more life out of them. I really like the look of the Greenball Kanati Mongrel and am leaning in that direction for my Ranger. http://www.kanatitires.com/products/utv-tires/mongrel/#.VyEXQ_krLy8
  21. rossislider

    Tell me your experiences with September 3A3C archery bull

    I don't have any tags in the unit this year, but my extended family has a cabin towards the east side of the unit. We usually make a few trips up there throughout the summer and I'm always looking for an excuse to sneak out and away from the craziness of my inlaws and see what I can find. Hope to do some good digiscoping...
  22. I came across this on my Facebook feed this morning from Youth Outdoors Unlimited. I would take an option like this in a heartbeat over sitting through four nights of class with a field day at the end. I'll jump on it if it is available in a couple of years when my daughter is old enough. This is a great organizations and it will probably fill up quick! http://www.youthoutdoorsunlimited.com/upcoming_events/index.html From the webpage: DATES: Saturday, July 30 through Sunday, July 31, 2016 Registration LOCATION: Near Happy Jack, Arizona (A map of the location will be posted at a later date) Map HOSTED BY: Youth Outdoors Unlimited, Arizona Outdoors Sports, and Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation INFO: Do you know a youth that need a hunters education class? If you do then make plans to join us at our annual hunters education camp. This camp will include both the classroom portion and field day portion of the hunters education class all done in one weekend. The class will begin at 8 am on Saturday, but you are welcome to camp out Friday night. The camp is free of charge with meals provided beginning Saturday morning and ending on Sunday morning. Space for the hunters education class is limited to the first 90 people that sign up, so do not delay. Priority registration will be given to kids, followed by families with kids, followed by adults without kids (room permitting). Please bring the entire family to the camp and join us for a great weekend. If you have any questions, please contact us. To recieve credit for the hunters education class you MUST attend both days. If you have already passed the online portion of the hunters education class you are still required to attend both days. This camp does not accept people that only want to complete the field day. Approxiamtely three weeks before the class begins, you will get an additional email inviting you to finialize your registration for the class with Game and Fish. If you do not complete the final registration step with Game and Fish you will not get credit for the class. So watch you email for updates. Registration for the camp is required. To reserve your spot, please fill out the registration form on the right and submit it toscott@youthoutdoorsunlimited.com. Once your registration form has been accepted your will receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions or trouble with the registration form, please send an e-mail to Scott.