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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    rear rifle support question

    When my son started hunting, I started carrying one of these. I removed the cheap plastic clip and replaced it with a carabiner and can clip it to the pack. I believe it is filled with corn cob media and is pretty light weight. It has made a big difference. When combining this with a Harris bipod. If needed, I have been able to locate and put cross hairs on an animal for him and step away without the rifle moving. Sliding the stock back and forth in the v-grove lets you micro adjust elevation, which is pretty helpful.
  2. rossislider

    AES 2017 Banquet April 8th - almost sold out

    My boy and I hope to again. Have to work out some scheduling things first.
  3. rossislider

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    LOL. It isn't that bad of a deal. They said they add a lot of regular pork in with the javelina meat and should expect to get back about 30 lbs.
  4. rossislider

    Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Pint Night

    I would have loved to have come out to this, but my wife and I are headed up to Salt Lake that weekend for the Western Hunting Expo. Please continue to post these BHA events.
  5. rossislider

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    LOL, I usually process my own meat, but didn't mess with this. Miller's Southwest Processing in Queen Creek does a pretty good deal on javelina. A flat $95 for whatever you want done with it. I did all summer sausage and snack sticks. My buddy did the same last year and it turned out really good.
  6. rossislider

    East Valley Toms NWTF Banquet March 4th

    My wife, son, and I have our tickets and will be there again this year. I really like the smaller crowd and setting. For any thinking about it, you really can't beat a night out of this caliber with the wife for only $75, and you can bring the kids for only $25 each. The East Valley Toms do a fantastic job and last year was a great time. Hope to see lots of the CWT crowd there!
  7. rossislider

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    It was borderline ridiculous how many coues (a few really nice ones) and muleys we glassed up and watched with nothing but pig tags in our pockets during these hunts.
  8. rossislider

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    Also, as if to mock our past failures, after we got to the pig, took our pictures, called home, etc., and started gutting the pig we heard a noise off to our left. We looked over and had a pig walk about 5 yards from us, stare at us for a while, and walk off.
  9. rossislider

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    Also, I know most of you are saying, "Javelina? Any idiot could do that." Well...
  10. rossislider

    115" and 120" Mexico DIY

    Nice! Now take me with you!!!
  11. rossislider

    RTIC coolers

    I'll bet. It has to be hurting their business when other companies will sell an equal quality product and not require the consumer sell their first born or a kidney to be able to afford it.
  12. rossislider

    RTIC coolers

    So if anyone bought one of the 65s at this price, had it delivered, and had the wife goes ballistic about you buying another piece of hunting/camping gear, let me know and I'll give you what you paid for it.
  13. rossislider

    RTIC coolers

    Dang, just called about the scratch and dent ones. They said they do not ship them and they must be picked up at the Houston headquarters.
  14. I hope everyone is taking the time to follow this and is getting involved where you can. This is scary times for our community with the direction things are going. Sadly, it is the "conservative" party that is leading much of the charge to transfer our federal lands to the state, which will soon lead to them being sold off to special interests and the highest bidder. If you love and appreciate hunting in the west, I don't understand how this can't scare you. http://www.backcountryhunters.org/contact_congress_stand_up_for_public_lands
  15. rossislider

    Sold please delete

    What are you switching too?
  16. rossislider

    RTIC coolers

    If you throw in 2 bags of ice, it will last bout 4 days and the water is still cold about 40-45 degrees. If you cool up the cooler prior to putting the ice in (leave it outside on a night that freezes) the cooler will keep 2 bags of ice for 6ish days. Ice melts the fastest when you first put them in the cooler, if you pre-cool your RTIC prior to using it you can make ice last much longer ^^^Great tip. Never pull a cooler out of the hot garage in the summer and immediately load it up, especially if you are in the valley. Bring them in the house the night before and let them cool down and you will get much better results with any cooler..
  17. rossislider

    Youth turkey help

  18. rossislider

    Youth turkey help

    There are several great youth camps each year in units where you can get OTC youth tags. Most camps also have mentors to assist. I believe all of the camps are listed in the AZGFD main regs.
  19. rossislider

    Where Am I?

    Top of the Mogollon Rim?
  20. rossislider

    Cage Traps (updated with new listing)

    Dang, wish I saw this sooner.
  21. rossislider

    Vortex Razor Gen ll Spotting Scope 27-60x85

    Great deal. I'd be all over it if I didn't already buy the same one last fall.
  22. rossislider

    Goose decoys - 12- stackable shells - magnum- $100

    Bigbrowns was looking for some. I will let him know.
  23. rossislider

    SB 1182 Ban of Lion and Bobcat Hunting

    Thank you for putting this together. I just sent an individual email to each one and hope everyone else does likewise.
  24. rossislider

    Favorite Headlamp

    I seem to break or lose one every couple of years. My current one is hands down the best one I have used thus far. Streamlight Trident in the Buckmaster Camo edition https://www.amazon.com/Streamlight-61070-BuckMasters-Trident-Headlamp/dp/B000PWDEIS/ref=pd_sim_469_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3VHYGG3PF4WQPS9PR5VX
  25. That was the one taken by Daniel Franco of Burnt Timber Outfitters. It was taken off of one of the ranches Jay leased out for DIY. The group that went on that trip had a pretty awesome trip. Probably one of, if not the best, collective group of bucks I have seen come out of Mexico this year. https://www.facebook.com/JayScottOutdoorsPodcast/posts/10154311699886173:0 https://www.instagram.com/p/BPtZSLWFqMx/?taken-by=burnttimberoutfitters