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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    My Son’s Skull Cleaning Venture Update

    Definitely, I learned this shortly after getting the pressure washer about 10 years ago. They can hurt. We always wear gloves.
  2. rossislider

    Family camping tent??

    I picked up a Kodiak Canvas 10x14 this week at Cabelas on sale for $499 like others have mentioned. Smoking deal!
  3. rossislider

    2014 Archery Bull Finally Done

    I have been drooling over that mount since Dale first started posting the pictures of him working on the form. Hands down one of the best and coolest I have seen. I had no idea it was yours! Congratulations!
  4. rossislider

    My Son’s Skull Cleaning Venture Update

    That would be awesome! Thanks.
  5. rossislider

    My Son’s Skull Cleaning Venture Update

    That would be great on the bottle! We are good on tables. Thanks
  6. rossislider

    My Son’s Skull Cleaning Venture Update

    That is an extremely nice offer of you guys, but he and I have talked a lot about this and we both feel it is very important for him to do this on his own and earning the money he needs to get up and going. He has had a great attitude about it and I have been very impressed. My wife and I got him started with the first chemicals, propane, etc. He is borrowing my knives, tools, pressure washer, etc. But he wants to have all his own stuff eventually. Once we get the license squared away he can start charging. He only plans to charge about half what a normal taxidermist would so he can get some good business going. However, if anyone has any of the following pieces of equipment laying around that they don't need or would make a him a good deal on, let me know. Approx. 1700 psi pressure washer (ours doesn't have much life left). Havalon knife Propane bottle that can be used at the exchanges 10 gallon water tub
  7. rossislider

    RTIC 65 cooler

    PM Sent
  8. rossislider

    New Swarovski BTX

    I'm waiting for you to get yours so I can try it out.
  9. rossislider

    ISE/G&F Expo/Bowhunters Banq

    I'd like to get out to the ISE expo this weekend, but it all depends on what my wife will allow. Last year I took the whole family. The little ones made it a bit of a nightmare and I didn't end up getting to talk to as many people as I would have liked.
  10. rossislider

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    Sorry Adam, hopefully he comes around as the season gets closer.
  11. rossislider

    Podcast on bowhunting turkeys with Jay Scott

    I listened to it driving to and from work on Monday. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was surprised to hear how much it takes to bring a turkey down with a bow. Speaking from the perspective of someone who is largely a turkey newbie, I got a lot out of it. My son got his first turkey last year. Hope to get mine in the not too distant future.
  12. Got my tickets. Fingers crossed and good luck to the girls!
  13. rossislider

    Youth Application Question

    10 on the first day of the hunt. A few years back my friend's boy was turning 10 on day 3 of the hunt. We here hoping he could just start hunting on day 3, but it wasn't allowed. So we applied for a later hunt. If I recall correctly, the online application would not allow him to put in for any hunt where we wasn't 10 on or before the opening day.
  14. rossislider

    2017 is starting out great!!!

    No, unfortunately everyone's say that while they are uploading data.
  15. rossislider

    How to Find ELK in Unit 1?

    Not buying it for a second.
  16. rossislider

    2017 is starting out great!!!

    For you. I think it sucks!
  17. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    How I feel about those of you who drew and about the chances of those of us that haven't been hit.
  18. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Unfortunately past experience tell me they are 98% done. Some banks process a bit slower and they may still show up. In past years you had a chance at getting the tag of someone who they couldn't get a hold of after 3 attempts. Not so much anymore.
  19. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Yep, the depression is starting to set in. Time for me to sign off and go into a hole of sobbing, self pity, and misery for a few days.
  20. rossislider

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Great point! Won't happen, but if it did it sure would make it a much more enjoyable experience. My little ones would think they found a treasure if they ever found one and it would be a personal treasure that they would never even think to sell for money. Unfortunately the big dollar $$$ crowd hits it so hard that they've become tough to get a small kid out to a place where they could find some.
  21. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    go back to bed your card won't get hit for another 10 years.Maybe, but I will draw my Goulds tag before you!
  22. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    It is usually on portals a day or two earlier they release them to the general public.
  23. rossislider

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Between 7:00-8:00 seems to be the "usual" time.
  24. rossislider

    Which tripod do you use?

    I've used a couple models from Vanguard which are a great combo in the sub $200 price range. I had a Vortex and generally like their products but was disappointed in the tripod. I also had an Outdoorsman's tall tripod until recently. It was nice but I ultimately decided there was better out there for less. You don't need to spend over $500 to get a great tripod. My favorite hands down has been my Slik 723CF (3.1 lbs). I didn't like the twist lock legs at first, but once I got used to them, found that I prefer them. The twist locks also go in and out of my pack a lot quicker and easier as they don't catch on things (straps, other gear, branches, etc.). Don't discount how big of a benefit this is! After I got the Slik 723CF, I passed the Outdoorsman's down to my son to use until I decided to sell it a couple of weeks ago, and picked up the Slik 823CF. It is almost identical to the 723CF but weighs 8 ounces more. The weight gain adds a lot of stability and weight capacity rating (18 lbs vs 11 lbs), which is something I wanted to give greater stability when shooting with a tripod/Triclawps setup. Now my son will use the 723CF and I will use the 823CF. Both are right around $250 on Amazon. I've also messed around with a bunch of different heads. For me the best bang for the buck is the Manfrotto 700rc2 or the Vanguard PH-113V. I've used them both a lot and really like them both. You will notice I have one of each on the tripods pictured. Between the two, I give the slight nod to the Vanguard. IMO the Vanguard plates release and lock on better and more smoothly. It also has a slightly higher weight capacity. But honestly, you can't go wrong with either.
  25. rossislider

    14yr old Daughter makes NT B&C

    That's awesome! Congratulations.