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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    2016 Elite energy 32 rest problems

    ^^^I was going to suggest you go see Junior at Timber Mesa in Queen Creek. But he beat me to it.
  2. rossislider

    Trekking Poles

    I always thought they seemed kind of stupid. But with my knee and ankle issues (I'm one good ankle role away from my 9th surgical proceedure), finally decided to give them a go a couple of years ago to see if I could get a little additional support. I kick myself now for not getting some sooner. I sincerely believe they may be one of the most important pieces of gear I own. I feel comfortable moving through rough terrain at twice the pace I would without them, and feel so much more stable, especially if I have a load on my back. One my son's deer hunt last year we had to move at a near jogging pace to get to a deer before he disappeared. We had to side hill in loose rock hidden in tall grass. Never would have happened without the poles. These are the ones I use: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Diamond-Trail-Trekking-Poles/dp/B001V7YX8G
  3. All do respect, but this sounds like hearsay. If your friend wants to tell his story and attach himself to it, lets hear it. But I've never heard anything but great stuff about the Ground Pounders Crew.
  4. rossislider

    Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack

    Interested, PM sent.
  5. rossislider

    Ditching TV?

    Subscribing to and using a VPN will get you around any Kodi crackdown concerns. Youtube TV for $35 a month will probably get you all the channels/shows/sports you mentioned. I think they will let you try it for a month for free.
  6. My wife and I are taking our three kids up to the AES youth wapiti weekend next Saturday and Sunday. Any other CWT members taking there kids up? Looks like they have a lot of fun stuff planned for the kids.
  7. rossislider

    Looking for a Mr.Heater...Buddy heater

    What CO sensor/alarms are you guys using?
  8. rossislider

    youth camp unit 23 deer

    I've heard the ADA does a fantastic camp! We were hoping to go and help out at the camp, but our tags are taking us elsewhere. I'd definitely check it out.
  9. rossislider

    What to do with 5BP's

    3A/3C looks like it had some upwards creep this year and took 9 points to draw it in the max (even though I know a 12 year old that drew it with 2 points for his second time in three years). You could draw most any October Coues hunt with 5 points. Those can be great hunts where the deer haven't yet seen a ton of pressure. IMO the December hunts aren't all they are cracked up to be. They have gotten the name "rut hunt" but more realistically, they should be called a "pre-rut hunt" as most years you aren't likely to begin seeing much, if any, rutting activity start until the final days of the hunt. The biggest advantage of these hunts is you usually get an extended hunting period of 2-3 weeks. This year they ended up being much shorter than usual. You also get to hunt in nice cool weather.
  10. rossislider

    7mm-08 vs 6.5 creedmoor

    I have a 7-08. Great rifle and caliber. However, it required the most work, by far, of any of my rifles to get a load dialed in. Several of my buddies have had similar experiences. But it was worth it and I am very happy with it.
  11. rossislider

    And so it begins.

    Truth be told, Flatlander makes a really good point. Not only do the odds suggest it is the 23 hunt, but the max points pool number to draw the late 23 hunt for the past several years has teetered right around that 8-9 points range, and depending on point creep, could very easily drop down to 7. I'm not guaranteeing anything, but just saying that there is a very likely chance that the group drew the late 23 hunt in the max points pass. With the way the different draw passes work, if that is the case they, actually had a zero chance of drawing the strip tag. Either way, you got a great tag and I am super jealous. Congrats!!!
  12. rossislider

    card hit

    From what I am hearing, 3C saw some upwards point creep this year.
  13. rossislider

    Pending charges now gone

    It happens. No need to worry about it.
  14. rossislider

    Thanks Axisworks

    I expect nothing less when I see Adam has started a new topic.
  15. rossislider

    card hit

    Two hits from BofA here.
  16. rossislider

    card hit

    My son's luck continues. He has 3 tags so far. Big "0" for me.
  17. rossislider

    And so it begins.

    My son's luck continues....
  18. rossislider

    card hit

    Where is the screen shot?
  19. rossislider

    Big day tomorrow

    Screen shot or it didn't happen.
  20. rossislider

    Big day tomorrow

    Yeah, I'm afraid of how much more "derailed" this might get if it doesn't happen soon.
  21. rossislider

    When Are The Results Normally Posted?

    Yes, and then next step it will flip over to is "Payment Processing" which we expect to start today. Everything appears to be right on schedule. Expect it to start in the next hour.
  22. rossislider

    Fishing Outfit Rant

    Why would he refund deposits if they had no other reason beyond deciding to go with someone else?
  23. rossislider

    Most Memorable Coues

    I would have fallen backwards a dozen times with that pack load.
  24. rossislider

    Most Memorable Coues

    Same story as in the other thread, but this one was my son's third buck. It was also the smallest, but the situation made it the most memorable.