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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. I was thinking about this last night. At the end of the online application there is an acknowledgment box that you must check to proceed. A part of that acknowledgement statement is that the CC update deadline is 3/1/17. AZGFD covered themselves by adding this there and requiring that everyone who applies online checks this off. The only possible argument might be made by guys who do a paper app and never have to checked that box or received that email. However, since all paper apps have to be paid up front with a check, money order, etc., there is nothing that would need to be updated anyway. They don't use a credit card, so the date of the credit card update deadline has no relevance to them.
  2. They have been charging the following morning for a while now. It has happened with every draw cycle since the summer deer cycle in 2016. I believe that makes it 5 cycles that it has been done this way without a hitch. This should be the 6th.
  3. rossislider

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    I have a friend that took a few kids out for the youth turkey hunt last year. One of the kids shot at a Tom and didn't see the other two obscured just behind him. All three were killed with one shot. They immediately reported it. The warden came out to the location and used it as a teaching opportunity with the kids. No one was cited and the kid kept the bird he meant to shoot.
  4. rossislider

    Elk Options

    Not much help with elk, but there will be guarantee deer draw hunts this fall and left over tags for deer hunts.
  5. Why does this all sound so familiar... new year, exact same discussion. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/71603-reminder-azdfg-not-calling-this-year Seems like last year was the smoothest elk draw we have ever had. Maybe we ought to give AZGFD a little credit for the progress they are making.
  6. rossislider

    Credit card update

    I think and hope they can retract it if it is on all emails, the application etc.
  7. rossislider

    Credit card update

    From the bottom of my final conformation page of my antelope application, the page where you put in payment info.
  8. rossislider

    Credit card update

    Maybe they move it up because of the paper apps deadline getting moved up? I hope so. Makes sense.
  9. rossislider

    Close call-almost lost gear

    My buddy's dad had one of these moments last year on an elk hunt. We had hiked up to the top of a hill and had been looking over 20-30 cows and and a half dozen bulls. Not finding a bull we were looking for, we loaded the packs back up and headed back down to the truck. As my buddy's dad walked out a head of me I noticed his new 15x56 Swaros sitting on the ground. I started to shout out to him, but changed my mind and decided to have a little fun with him instead. I quickly scooped up his binos and buried them in my pack. As we hiked back to the truck I let my buddy in on my little secret. We agreed that we should keep our mouths shut. We made it back to the truck, then the highway, and then to the gas station (probably about an hour and a half later). My buddy was out at the pump filling up with his dad while I was in the gas station getting a soda. The story that I was told was that while pumping gas, a very concerned expression crossed the dad's face and he started frantically going through his pack. After a couple of minutes of panic my buddy let him off the hook and told him I had the binos. His dad then came in the station, insisted on buying my drink, and we had a good laugh.
  10. rossislider

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    For this exact reason I took my daughter to the range on Monday after striking out Sunday at Four Peaks where it was INSANE busy! Too dangerous so I took her to the range with the same issues you posted. I hate getting placed next to the one guy who just came straight from the store with his first ever gun purchase (matching ARs for his old lady and him) or the other guy, the one shooting the extremely large caliber and blowing me off the table every 10 seconds he lets one off. Hard to concentrate in that war zone. Yeah, I am one of those guys shooting the 300 RUM with a brake. But I do try to give the guys next to me a heads up warning. Also, I very rarely shoot more than 3 rounds out of any one rifle (most of the others are much tamer) during any given shooting round. When I'm at the range I try to simulate normal hunting conditions. Any more than 3 rounds without a break and the barrel heats up to much to simulate a normal hunting cold barrel situation.
  11. rossislider

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    I will say this for the range officers at Rio Salado, they seem to have mellowed and become more friendly in recent years. In the past I always felt they were looking down on me giving me the evil eye and just waiting for an opportunity to pounce and humiliate me. The last couple of years they have been very friendly and conversational.
  12. rossislider

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    I go out to the Rio Salado Sportsman's Club more and more for these reasons. I don't particularly enjoy paying the range fees, the wait times during and between rounds can be a pain, and the range masters can be a little intense. But it beats the alternatives of driving at least an hour outside of the valley or dealing with all of the idiots who have no common sense, respect for other shooters, and the outdoors where they leave all of their crap behind when they are done.
  13. Hey Andrew, Draysen and I want to help out again this year. I don't think I can make the meeting tonight.
  14. rossislider

    Female with horns Sonora México 2018

    That's the fashionable thing in today's world. The deer are just a little late getting on board.
  15. rossislider

    Pack Opinions

    I don't know if I would say it is quick and easy, but they are designed to come on and off so you can switch backs. There are a couple of videos on it. The tactical frame (versus the hunting frame) is a thicker stronger material. I spoke with several representatives at Kifaru as I was on leaning towards the tactical for strength reasons. But each reasured me that the only reason I would want the tactical frame was if I carried extremely heavy weights on a daily basis, like guys who use the back every day for work. But they said that the hunting frame is ideal for the hunter because it is a better frame for what we do (usually light loads of sub 100 pounds, but still does great for the occasional 100+ pound pack out). Seemed like pretty much all of the employees prefer the hunting frame and most of those guys are hard core backwoods hunters.
  16. rossislider

    Garmin Xero Bow Sight

    I see your points. A lot of my concern relates a lot to what we see in long range shooting anymore. Someone can hit a target with a rifle at a range at 100 yards, so he thinks he only needs to turn the turrets on their scope a bit and they are good to go at 1000 yards. I see this potentially doing the same thing. Some guy shoots the weekend before his hunt in his backyard at 20 yards, and because this device, assumes he is now good to take ridiculous shots he has never practiced.
  17. rossislider

    Garmin Xero Bow Sight

    I have mixed feelings. It looks cool and would hopefully improve random arrow flinging. But, and I am sure my comments will likely offend people (any snowflakes in here?), I think this may just be another tool to enable the lazy jackwagons, who don't want to get off their rears to put in time practicing with their bow, learning their equipment, etc., until the weekend before their hunt.
  18. rossislider

    2018 NWTF national call making contest

    Good luck Ammon! I still need to get with you for one. Still have those cranes for Draysen? Sorry, it totally slipped my mind.
  19. rossislider

    WTB Polaris ranger spare

    Craigslist is usually littered with them.
  20. rossislider

    Pack Opinions

    Also, the right Kifaru belt size to order can be a bit confusing for those between size guys like myself. I'm normally a 36-38 in pants, but at the moment am really pushing that 38 and need to drop 20 pounds! I run a size medium Kifaru belt and despite what Kifaru says (they say medium will work for size 34-38) I wouldn't go with a large belt unless you are at least a size 40 if not 42. Unless you are 40+, you probably won't be able to get the large to cinch down as tight as you would like.
  21. rossislider

    Pack Opinions

    I’m like several others on here and tried quite a few different packs and configurations over the years, but never found something that seemed quite right. Finally, last fall, I bit the bullet and bought a Kifaru pack with Reckoning bag. I’ll try to address some of the questions people seem to have about packs and specifically Kifaru’s packs from my perspective. First, it was very expensive compared to other packs. But not compared to how much I spent on all the other packs trying to find the ideal less expensive option. I should have just bit the bullet and bought a Kifaru to start, it would have been a lot cheaper. Several people have brought up the lack or organizing pockets. I shared this concern initially until I realized that this is intentional as it allows you to customize your pack with side pouches, pullouts, etc. I will include several pictures below showing how I have my pack set up. If you aren’t ever planning on carrying heavy loads, you probably don’t need a Kifaru pack. But if you are, there probably isn’t a better pack for it. I currently have my pack set up on stand by in a day pack mode for a light weight high speed chase over a lot of ground. I don't plan to take my spotter and tripod for this, but through them in there for the sake of these pictures. This picture shows the front. I have the guide lid, but don't normally keep it on and would probably only use it for multi day hunts. The pack cinches down small and tight. It probably cinches tighter and is lighter than my old day pack (Badlands 2200). I have 3 belt pouches around the back. A large on either side with a medium in the middle. The large on the right has a couple of extra water bottles, protein bars, and snacks. In the middle is my traditional knife (the Havalon is in the kill kit), headlamp, and extra batteries. The left bough has some cold weather gear (neck gaiter, beanie, gloves, etc.) This side pocket is where I keep my tripod. It is pretty big (I have my tripod in there with my trekking poles) but cinches down tight. On this side of my waist belt I have my ammo pouch and the Kifaru Gun Bearer. The Gun Bearer if the best carry system I have used. Much better that than a strap pulling at and rubbing my neck all day, and it moves the weight to my hips. I used with my other packs well before I switched to Kifaru. This side pocket holds my 85mm spotter and could hold something much larger. Again, it cinches down pretty tight. I also keep my Nalgene water bottle on the waist of this side. For internal organization, I really like the Kifari pullouts. They are a little pricey and other things might work just as good, but they were a great Christmas present from my wife a year ago. The ones in the picture and that are currently in my pack are my "Kill-Kit", my first aid kit (including leukotape, if you don't know what it is, Google it. It is probably the best thing ever made for preventing blisters) and I'm sure you can figure out what the other items are for. Everything else I need handy and that I never want to be separated from goes in my AGC bino pouch. Main pouch of course has my binos. Back pocket has tags, licenses, and a pen. Front pocket has my range finder. Bottom pocket has a backup electronics battery, cable, and Phoneskope adapters. Right side has earplugs, matches, a couple of bandaids, and individual pain reliever packets. Left side has game calls. Sorry for the length, but I figured some might find this helpful.
  22. rossislider

    Nosler Prepped Cases

    I've never trust it with any brand. I always run through the sizing die, trim every piece to the minimum case length, chamfer, deburr, and then load. I want to make sure ever case/round is as close to identical as possible. I have yet to buy new brass where every piece was as identical as I like it to be. But I'm also a little OCD about these things.
  23. rossislider

    Slik tripods

    Haven't seen them in stores, but I have a 723-cf and 823-cf if you want to check them out. I am in Queen Creek.
  24. rossislider

    Pre boil brain removal tip

    Interesting idea. Check out this old girl my son cleaned up yesterday. Probably seen over 100 pigs come through here over the past year. This old girl was by far the gnarliest.
  25. rossislider

    Official scorer needed

    Who did you find?