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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Outdoorsmans Pack and Triclawps setup

    Interested in the triclawps setup. Would definitely like to see pictures, model of tripod etc.
  2. rossislider

    Whole Foods Partners with HSUS - Must Read!!!

    Just so everyone understands, we are dealing with a lot people who don't think like normal people and have zero boundaries they are unwilling to cross to accomplish their agenda. A couple of night ago I entered into a conversation with a handful of these activists on a Facebook post about Whole Foods. Some involved in the discussion are the leaders of this anti-hunting movement here in Arizona. I mistakenly thought we could have a friendly rational discussion about the issue, but was clearly mistaken. It wasn't long before this particular individual (see screen shots below) decided to troll my Facebook page and crossed the line in her comments. A lot more was said that what the screen grab shows, but you get the jist. In fairness, the leader of this local movement, Kellye Pinkleton, was kind and professional during our dialogue, and did not in any way appear supportive of her minion's comments in this instance. Please make sure you let your friends, neighbors, family, etc know what type of people we are dealing with. Here is a link to the conversation if any would care to read, it went pretty long under one of the replies. https://www.facebook.com/kpinkleton/activity/10155817358396293?comment_id=10155817591111293&reply_comment_id=10155819912441293&notif_id=1518617437219051&notif_t=open_graph_action_comment_reply&ref=notif
  3. rossislider

    KUIU set FS verde 1.0

    Too small for us fatties.
  4. rossislider

    'Stink Pigs'

    👆 This gets my vote.
  5. rossislider

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    I've had a couple of friends contact me now a little worried about me, so I guess I'd better come clean. I put in online last week, but I appreciate you guys looking out for me. I was however online at about 11:30 last night putting in for a couple of my nephews who have never hunted and have a dad that droped the ball.
  6. rossislider

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    I don't plan on getting at tag, but I'm feeling pretty optimistic my wife will be getting her first bull/elk tag.
  7. rossislider

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    Okay, maybe really just 1...
  8. rossislider

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

  9. rossislider

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    I dropped my paper app off at the Mesa AZGFD drop off box last night for early archery bull in 27.
  10. Wow, nice birthday present. My dad is a slacker!!!
  11. rossislider

    1 Day!!!

    Updated, just for you. 😊
  12. rossislider

    Want to learn more about fishing

    Also keep in mind, that when it is colder, the fish's metabolism slows way down so they eat less and the fishing is slower. So don't get discouraged if the bite is a little slower this time of year.
  13. rossislider

    Want to learn more about fishing

    Honestly, for someone who is new to lake trout fishing, my suggestion would be to get some small treble hooks, probably size 12 or 14, some Powerbait, sliding sinkers (sinker size depends on a lot of things like how far out are you looking to cast, how windy is it, etc), and swivels. Everything you need is at Walmart. Put your line through the sinker and attach the swivel. Then run a leader line from the swivel to your treble hook (slip sinker rig). This way you can get away with using a little bit heavier weight if you need it, but the fish won't feel the weight when biting. The leader length can vary depend on where the fish are feeding, but I usually start at around 18 inches off of the bottom and adjust from there. Cover the hook with just enough bait to hide the hook and cast it out there. Sometimes the fish are biting out far in the deep water, and sometimes they are closer to shore, so try both. Most AZ lake trout are small stocker fish so go with an ultra light pole with about 4 pound test and adjust up if you are into bigger fish. Cast out and get your line tight. With the smaller stock trout, you will never know if they are biting if your line isn't constantly tight. With this method I've taken my young kids many many times and pulled in trout after trout while other around us weren't getting as much as nibble.
  14. rossislider

    Want to learn more about fishing

    I okay at best with bass fishing, not much experience with cats, but I've got a ton of experience fishing for trout with a spinning reel all over the west. Haven't dabbled much in to fly fishing. Happy to help you out if you have any questions. Anywhere you are looking to fish in particular, are you interested in fishing with lures, bait, etc.?
  15. rossislider

    Winter Olympics

    What is happening with the Olympics? Most of what I've seen is being hosted by a couple out of the Hunger Games, and the guy who tied in votes to carry the US flag out tomorrow, but lost in a coin toss, is now trying to turn it into a race thing. 😨😨😨
  16. I'm excited to get back out and after the pigs this weekend with my son. His tag is for 37a, 37b, and 33, but we will most likely be down in 33 to see what we can kick up. He will be going after javelina number 3 to my big fat 0, and he reminds me about it frequently. It is going to be a crazy week, my little girl will be doing hunter's education Monday night through Thursday night this week. Fortunately there is no class on Friday. Hopefully we can find and kill a pig on Friday as Saturday morning it is back to the field day for her hunter's ed class. Who else is going to be out?
  17. rossislider


    That is how it is supposed to be.
  18. rossislider

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    Javelina season has kept us busy around here! Pre degreasing and whitening:
  19. rossislider

    10mm HAM opening day

    Very cool. Congratulations!
  20. rossislider

    Winter Olympics

    Russia got kicked out this year. That is pretty cool. Not quite. There are more than 100 Russian athletes competing. They just cannot display the Russian flag or use the national anthem on the podium. Exactly, Russia got kicked out. They are not be represented. Their "clean" athletes are still there, but not as representatives of Russia.
  21. rossislider

    Spider ID

    Big A$$ Scary Spider is what I call em.
  22. rossislider

    Tags to donate

    If I wasn't trying to get my wife her first pig in another unit, I'd offer to take these guys.
  23. Are these returns, floor models, etc?
  24. rossislider

    Winter Olympics

    Russia got kicked out this year. That is pretty cool.