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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. Sorry, I already have mine for my daughter and I.
  2. rossislider

    Asking for a friend

    I may or may not have grown up shooting hundreds of them in my backyard with a pellet gun...
  3. rossislider

    Vanguard Alta 264AO (Tripod)

    I'm 100% with Flatlander. I've tried a couple of light weight tripods and got rid of them all. You don't need to go crazy, but a little weight is good in a tripod. My tripod/head setup comes in right at 4 pounds and I'll happily pack every ounce of it for what it gives me.
  4. rossislider


    Interesting. How is the glass on the Sig scopes? What might you compare it to?
  5. rossislider

    My Outdoor TV - anyone subscribed to this?

    I think that streaming allows for a lot more competition than cable and satellite do. Hopefully lots of competition keeps prices down.
  6. rossislider

    My Outdoor TV - anyone subscribed to this?

    FYI, I have a friend who has been hesitant to try these streaming services for fear that his internet might not be fast enough. I have Cox's cheapest, slowest plan. So cheap they don't advertise or tell you about it unless you ask. If you do ask about it, they will tell you it might not give you what you need for streaming, gaming, etc. I have had it for 9 months and have never once had an issue with streaming videos on YouTube TV, Netflix, etc. My kids have not had issues with their video games. Often, we are running multiple things at once, and it has been more than we have ever needed for anything. They are in the business of selling you the most expensive package they can regardless of what your needs actually are.
  7. rossislider

    My Outdoor TV - anyone subscribed to this?

    I dropped Dish Network last summer and went with YouTube TV. I've been REALLY happy with it. They keep adding channels almost monthly and pretty much already have (other than hunting channels) every channel we ever watch. With unlimited cloud DVR and the ability to take your shows wherever you go, you really can't beat it for $35 a month. Took a bit to getting used to casting from my phone or laptop. But I would never back. For outdoor shows, you can get a lot of great stuff on YouTube these days. Subscribe to The Mountain Project. They are putting out lot of great stuff. Here are the channels I currently get live on YouTube TV:
  8. rossislider

    Youth Turkey 2018

    Draysen and I loaded up and are on our way to 1/27 for his 2018 turkey hunt. He is determined that this year he is going to do it with his bow for the first time. We left Queen Creek a little over an hour ago, and are currently at The Burger House in Miami for a little pit stop. We won't be staying at the youth camp, but will be checking in from time to time. If you see us say hello. I will do my best to keep you updated on this thread. Good luck everyone!
  9. My wife just got me VIP tickets! Super excited. Anyone else going? http://tempeimprov.com/event.cfm?id=508846
  10. rossislider

    My 1st Turkey

    Congratulations! Way to stick it out in tough conditions.
  11. rossislider

    Live MeatEater Podcast at the Improv in Tempe

    Same could be said for pretty much any entertainment (sports, music, movies, etc.)
  12. rossislider

    Governor's Tags Raffle:Update FREE Turkey Vest

    I got one of these vest at the East Valley Tom's banquet a year ago. Love it!
  13. rossislider

    Live MeatEater Podcast at the Improv in Tempe

    I figured they would go quick. A lot of the BHA guys I know are buying up tickets as well. It isn't an overly large venue.
  14. rossislider

    PSA-Kinetic Bullet Pullers

    I also use a kinetic puller and need to get one of these. RCBS also makes on that seems to get very positive reviews.
  15. rossislider

    PSA-Kinetic Bullet Pullers

    I had a buddy who had this happen. The primer went into his cheek. Didn't end up being serious but was only an inch from his eye. It could have been bad. Since that I do this outside and keep all body parts clear of potential primer trajectory.
  16. rossislider

    Elk Indian Fry Bread

    Nice, fry bread with honey butter sounds fantastic right now.
  17. rossislider

    A/C guy needed in East valley

    I have used Dave Martin's company High Country Comfort AC. Fellow hunter, we was referred to me by a friend, and he has also been a guest on the Jay Scott podcast a couple of times. High Country Comfort AC- 480-649-5449
  18. rossislider

    A Wing It Operation

    Nice job guys!
  19. rossislider

    Polaris Mechanic

    Just west of Ironwood on Ocotillo. Jake is a good guy, fellow hunter, and also sells Vortex and PSE out of his shop.
  20. rossislider

    NFL Draft

    Super happy with the pick.. They got probably the most NFL ready of the QB's and only gave a up a 3rd and 5th round , no future picks.. What a steal. Not a huge loss if he doesnt pan out. Leave it Oakland to make a dumb trade. They knew cards needed a QB and could have got so much more in return Yeah, I didn't figure you NFC West, but not Cardinals, fans would be big on this one. I LOVED it!
  21. rossislider

    Tips for Elk Ribs and the Gutless Method?

    Taking the ribs out without removing the guts would be like poking a water balloon with a needle and expecting it to stay intact. It doesn't happen. Easiest solution to accomplish what you want is gutting and hanging by a nearby tree.
  22. rossislider

    KT Tape for hunting?

    I haven't started using KT tape, but am definitely a fan of wrapping my hot spots with leukotape. I am prone to blisters on a few spots (primarily my toes). Leukotape has been a game changer. I wrap my toes and spots on my feet the evening before a hunt and it would stay on for weeks if you don't take it off.
  23. rossislider

    3C early archery Guide??

    I'm not following? What did he/you shoot with?
  24. https://s3.amazonaws.com/azgfd-portal-wordpress/azgfd.wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/24093438/2018-19-AZ-Hunt-Regulations_WEB.pdf
  25. rossislider

    Vanguard Alta 264AO (Tripod)

    A lot better. I am a fan of Vortex optics, but have not been impressed by their tripod offerings. I tried one of their tripods a few years ago (I am a bit of a gear junky and have tried more tripods than a sane man would) and returned it after the first trip.