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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Muzzleloader Rifle Needed

    A couple of years ago my wife had the limited opportunity muzzle loader hunt that is the week immediately following the one you have. The limited opportunity tag only permitted her to hunt the northern side of the unit, but we still had a blast. That hunt is a lot of fun.
  2. rossislider

    Bull Elk hunt in November unit 3a & 3c - need ideas

    Camofire has a the one state for one year deal going again today for $17.99. Money very well spent!
  3. rossislider

    Bull Elk hunt in November unit 3a & 3c - need ideas

    It's all good man. I am giving you a hard time, but I am also being a realist. I have hunted the unit a lot over the past several years for both elk and deer. By some crazy luck, my family has probably had more elk and deer tags in 3A3C over the past 5 years than anyone. The honest truth is that the late rifle hunt is probably one of the tougher bull elk hunts in the state. Even the best outfitters struggle at times to turn up decent bulls on that hunt. Have realistic expectations, and if you are willing to work, you will find something. But you should consider shooting the first bull you see with antlers. Lastly (and I mean no offense, but since I don't know you, I don't want to assume anything), make sure you know the difference between a buck and a bull before you go. You are more likely to see bucks than bulls on that hunt, and you don't want the trouble that will befall you if you accidentally shoot the wrong one. FYI, if you bought point guard you can turn the tag back in up till the day of the hunt. Scout it hard the week or two before the hunt. If you aren't seeing what you are looking for, and if you burned a lot of points on the tag, I might consider point guard. But if you only had a couple of points, go and have a good time. The worst day in the mountains is better than most any day in the office.
  4. rossislider

    Bull Elk hunt in November unit 3a & 3c - need ideas

    Pointguard and get your points back. That is my best advice.
  5. rossislider

    Costco is getting emptied

    The world has way too many people, we need a new plague. Unfortunately, the Corona virus will not be it.
  6. It is usually about this point in the following week where they start running more cards for the ones that were declined on Friday. Pretty normal. Congrats!
  7. rossislider

    How are you selling your guns?

    I'll refer back to my original statement of "depending on which child".
  8. rossislider

    How are you selling your guns?

    Selling my guns?!?!? Selling a gun would be like selling one of my children, maybe worse, (depending on which child). Plus, selling your guns makes baby Jesus cry.
  9. rossislider

    Crazy guy at Usery

    A lot like John Kerry...
  10. rossislider

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    If the pattern hold from previous draws, about 10 different guys will each start their own "credit card hits have started" within the first 5 minutes of each other rather than look and notice someone already posted one.
  11. rossislider

    WTB European mounts

    My some is a euro taxidermist and has a couple that have been sitting done for over a year. He has called and texted the guys many times to come and pick them up with no response. He might be willing to sell those for what is owed to him. This brings up an interesting question. As hunters, how long do you think a taxidemist should have to hold your mount after it is done before he sells it to someone else? Clearly a year with no response from the hunter is ridiculous. Draysen (my son) recently updated his page and FAQ sheet to say work must be picked up within 60 days of notification of completion unless the hunter and he agree on something else. Thoughts??? (Please excuse the minor thread hijack)
  12. rossislider

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    Been a while since I heard the story and I don't recall. I will have to ask him.
  13. rossislider

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    Our whole group (me included) was on the same page with you, but once we saw the animal on the ground, hide removed, where the bullet hit, how it didn't clear the rib, etc. it didn't matter that the bullet might have been a bit forward. After inspecting the animal, I don't think it was too far forward, even considering the angle. Moreover, two of the other four bullets fired had similar results on the opposite side. I wouldn't believe it either had I not seen and felt the holes and impact damage in person. I have also used Berger for many years and on many animals (not as many as you), just not a bull this big. Really all of that (forward or back) is irrelevant, because the bullet didn't make it past the first rib, and isn't something I would consider using on a comparable animal again. I totally appreciate that your experience is different. As someone I respect greatly and look up to a great deal, I love hearing your take. But for me and my group, I won't risk it with these bullets on a bull hunt.
  14. rossislider

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    I'm going to play devil's advocate with you here. Watch this video of this shot taken at 170 yards by a very capable shooter (me, LOL). Shot placement looks pretty good right? As shown in the picture below, the bullet hit perfectly behind the shoulder. Dead bull right? NOPE! 6 hours, 4 miles, and 3 additions rounds (all 4 of which were from 210 grain Berger VLD bullets out of my 300 RUM) directly to his vitals area before he finally went down. That first shot hit a rib and the bullet blew up like a grenade. While the rib broke, it did not penetrate the vitals. Shot placement is critical, but with a crap bullet, it doesn't matter.
  15. rossislider

    Timney Elite hunter

    The bolt release isn't actually on the trigger mechanism. I installed one of these in my Remington Sendero and one in my Remington UML. Both set for just a hair under 2 pounds. Great investment for improved accuracy.
  16. rossislider

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    I agree. I generally do not want my bullets to exit. A bullet generally kills from hemorrhaging and trauma versus blood loss (as is the case in archery). IMO you want a bullet to fully penetrate one side and then do as much internal damage as possible, leaving 100% of the energy in the animal. An exit suggests some of the energy from that bullet wasn't dumped into the animal. Regardless, ANY shot or bullet that puts the animal down quickly is a great one.
  17. rossislider

    Favorite Elk Bullet? Average shot distance in AZ?

    I used to shoot 210 grain Berger VLDs, but after a nearly disastrous showing with them this past fall, I will never shoot VLDs at anything larger than a mule deer again. They fly extremely well, but the performance is TERRIBLE on a big animal. Currently working up new elk loads using Hornedy ELD-X bullets.
  18. rossislider

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    This much outrage over the forum it is posted in??? 🤦‍♂️ Sorry birddogg21, I try to be pretty respectful in here, but the most extreme thing I see posted in this thread are your comments. There are real problems in this word, including some poor kid taking his own life, and the OP facing what could turn into a serious situation. I think we could cut him some slack about something as trivial as his forum choice.
  19. rossislider

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    I can't see a scenario where meeting with her could be anything but negative for you. She will likely have something to record the conversation to get you to say something to use against you. She could possibly have a news crew, attorney, who knows. Being from Chicago, she is probably not familiar with Arizona gun laws and thinks you did something wrong. I wouldn't respond. If you feel you must, I'd tell her you are terribly sad for her loss, but don't feel that meeting would be appropriate, and say NOTHING more. Good luck
  20. rossislider

    My 2018 Bull Elk Came Home Today

    Nice. How did Will get it back to you? Did he ship or bring it out?
  21. rossislider

    Broke ankle in 16A need help

    Dang Chris! I don't know how I missed this till today. Glad you got out okay. Heal up quick! Stories like these are one of my fears, and one of the reasons my wife is so paranoid about me going out by myself. I recently (this past fall) added a roll of SAM splint and windlass tourniquet to my field kit. Both weigh next to nothing and definitely give you some piece of mind. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001J5H92C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01ETMVQOI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  22. rossislider

    wanted: Taxidermist with freeze dryer for velvet

    Clay at Mogollon does awesome work and has the equipment to do what you are looking for. He would be my top choice.
  23. rossislider

    WTS/WTT Ruger Precision Rifle RPR Gen 2 6.5CM (18029) - $999 OBO

    I'm not bagging on your sale, but it just comes across as a bit suspicious when guys come in here selling stuff on their very first post, not listing prices, offering to ship firearms, then reposting an asking price that is at or above the price of new retail (depending on the dealer). Not saying it isn't legit, but it tends to raise a few red flags. But I do like the rifle. Bought one a few years ago for my wife and daughter. They both love it.
  24. rossislider

    WTS/WTT Ruger Precision Rifle RPR Gen 2 6.5CM (18029) - $999 OBO

    I'm not liking the feel on this one...
  25. rossislider

    Gilbert Outdoors Expo - Feb 22nd

    Glamping? I am envisioning a whole lot of hipster d-bags???