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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Pmags for sale

    Nothing wrong with making a few bucks. That is the way our economy and the law of supply and demand works. If this type of sale bothers anyone, particularly on this site, I would encourage you to evaluate your political beliefs. If you claim to be conservative, but have problems with such a sale, isn't your belief more liberal than conservative? Moreover, Magpul's cost to make these is probably less than $.50 per mag. Yet I imagine they sell them to retailers for around $10, a mark up of 2000%. Where is the proportionate outrage in contrast to the individual trying to make a 100% profit? Sorry PRDTAR, I don't mean to unleash all my venting on you, but I have seen this type of condemnation a lot lately, and think people need to make certain they are not being hypocritical and understand all the different economic factors at play. Just wanted to get my $.02 in on the subject.
  2. rossislider

    A few pics from the trapline

    Congrats to both you and Cody!
  3. Brilliant speech. Such a shame that it was wasted on this "President". You can visibly see him tuning certain portions out.
  4. Proud to call him my congressman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki-LQkivF3Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  5. rossislider

    Idiot Next Door

    Not funny, but funny. Good luck!
  6. rossislider

    Steel Lip Butler Creek 10/22 25-Round Mags $35

    All mags have been sold. Thanks sjvcon
  7. I was able to find some Steel Lip Butler Creek 10/22 25 rounds mags recently and picked up more than I need. With tax I paid just a little under $31 a piece for them. As long as you are willing to come to me to get them, I’ll sell them for $35 each. Thanks
  8. rossislider

    Where can I find bulk .223 bullets?

    I hope you are right Coach. I just have a hard time being as optimistic. I have very little faith left in our federal government, and that includes both parties. Our leadership puts pride and power over right and wrong, so I don't trust any of them. Personally I'd rather pay a few bucks extra now for things that might be potentially banned than a ridiculous amount more on the black market after a potential ban.
  9. rossislider

    Seating depth on Barnes TTSX

    I've had the same problems loading ttsx in my tikka 7-08. Due to my magazine size I can't go longer so I have worked up some new loads to try which follow firstcourse's suggestion of going shorter. I have gotten great results using the ttsx in several other rifles. Just a matter of patience with my recipe. I have been using H4895, my 30-06 loves this combo. If I can't get this to work in the 7-08 after try some shorter rounds, I may try IMR 4350. Let me know what you try.
  10. rossislider

    Hunting in a Post Obama/Biden/Feinsten World

    Dang, now we are totally screwed! A butterfly net maybe?
  11. Trust me, it is coming. He just knows that doing this via executive order is suicidal on his part.
  12. The liberals are as hypocritical about this issue as they are on anything else. As Alpinebullwinkle suggested, they are enraged that the NRA would dare to throw kids into the middle of this debate. The insanity in this argument is that kids have been at the foundation of the debate since this started. The liberal's major premise is that guns should be banned to protect kids and prevent future school shootings. Liberal translation: Children should only be involved in the debate as much as it furthers our agenda.
  13. Thanks, I had been looking for this.
  14. rossislider

    Baby Girl hunting room ideas... anyone?

    You could do lettering in vinyl, brown on the purple walls and purple on the brown walls. They can also print almost any design you can think of in vinyl and I'm sure it would be a lot less than hydro dipping. Not sure of what it actually costs. My sister-in-law has the equipment to make it and sell it so my wife always gets it at cost. Congrats!
  15. rossislider

    they live among us

    I think I may work with a few of these people...
  16. rossislider

    Bulk ammo

    Good luck with the gun show! Get there early because if it is like Mesa's last week it will be insane and you will likely pay a crazy premium.
  17. Yesterday on his radio show Rush reported that Walmart corporate released a statement saying that they have not discontinued ammo sales, rather they will no be ordering any to restock their warehouses until the current insanity is settled and they know what they can and cannot sell. From his description Rush made it sound like their concern is buying and stock loading a lot of ammo in their warehouses which might be banned and thus they would not be able to sell. I AM NOT REPORTING THIS AS FACT. Only what Rush reported yesterday on his show.
  18. Only a truly ignorant a$$ with your sense and tone of moral superiority would judge such a large group of people , and yet posses such little knowledge of those he judges. I have never killed an animal over bait but have no problems with anyone who does. More than anything I am sad that the right do so, should I want to in the future, has been taken away from me.
  19. rossislider

    $25 for NRA Membership and Free $25 Bass Pro Gift Card

    Someone should sign him and Barack up. I like your thinking, we can just list the White House for the address.
  20. rossislider

    $25 for NRA Membership and Free $25 Bass Pro Gift Card

    I signed my wife up as well. It goes to a great cause and I'm sure I'll spend the money at Bass Pro anyway.
  21. rossislider

    Elk Draw odds question

    No, it really does not decrease your cow draw odds by putting in for bull on the first choice and putting cow second. However, if you put cow first and bull second, don't ever plan on drawing a bull tag. Third and fourth choice are a different story.