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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    They are starting to hit CC

    I thought you said you were logging off?
  2. rossislider

    They are starting to hit CC

    You seem like a good kid who is making a lot of great choices about how you spend your time. Most kids your age would be wise to follow your example. I'm sure your friend who told this to you is a great person and perhaps calling him an idiot seems harsh. But just like I tell my son, a part of growing up is realizing that you are responsible for your own actions and words. If you are going to make a statement that has no support and is way in left field, you had better be willing to take some criticism.
  3. rossislider

    They are starting to hit CC

    Not sure who your source is, but he is an idiot. I really wish people would quit posting every random thing their uncle's cousin's sister's neighbor's barber's dog breeder says.
  4. rossislider

    I'm gonna be a daddy

    Congratulations! Nothing in my life had brought me more joy than being a father.
  5. rossislider

    campfire and fuel

    I've also taken one of these and cut it into about a dozen pieces for fire starters. Easy to transport and burns for a while.
  6. rossislider

    campfire and fuel

    As a boy scout leader I would take one of these on occasions where we had a separate leader and scout campfire. I found great joy of those cold wet campouts while watching the scouts struggle with there fire for a while and then pull out my torch to light mine. Looks on their faces are priceless!
  7. rossislider

    campfire and fuel

    Like the others said, get one of these from a motorcycle shop.
  8. rossislider

    Looks like I drew a Elk Tag

    Antelope is $103, Elk is around $148. So your charge would be $90 for antelope and $135 for elk since the $13 app fee was previously charged.
  9. rossislider

    cc are being hit

    I'm with CRAZYBUCK.If they were hitting, this site would be littered with posts in minutes.
  10. rossislider


    Still looking.
  11. rossislider


    Nets found. Thank you.
  12. For the moment Basspro has lots of .22 lr ammo.
  13. rossislider

    Lots of .22 lr Ammo at Basspro

    Sorry, I didn't notice. I work a couple of miles down the street from Basspro and go by there more often than I should. I'll check next time I am in.
  14. rossislider

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Anyone guilty? http://www.menshealth.com/best-life/25-douchey-things Please add to the list: You post "My credit card got hit!" before they start charging cards. You are a double D-bag when you do it weeks before the draw.
  15. rossislider

    PolarRanger Tires/Rims

    Interested. Do you have any pictures?
  16. rossislider

    Snowmobiler Shoots Moose

    Biggest problem I have is that he bolted out of there while the animal still appeared to be alive and suffering. I am arm chair quarterbacking this a bit, but I don't think the moose was still a threat at the point he took off. He should have made sure it wasn't suffering.
  17. rossislider

    AR15 made in Tempe, Az?

    Is it a custom build from a gunsmith? There are several of those in Tempe. I have used Phoenix Custom off of McKlintock and University but prefer Dane Customs in Chandler.
  18. rossislider

    Muzzle Brakes???

    I have rifles with both kinds. The one with the bottom ports really isn't as bad as some make them out to be. Still, given the option to do it again I'd stick with a side ported brake. Here are what the two look like:
  19. rossislider

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Yea, kinda just meant for this to be humorous. But to each their own.
  20. rossislider

    Signs you might be a D-bag

    Curious if you clicked on the link and read the list???
  21. rossislider

    WTB/Trade H4350

    How urgent is your need for the H4350? I don't have any now, but should have some extra I could sell you in the next few weeks.
  22. rossislider

    Happy Birthday Speedygoss

    As do I. Happy birthday!
  23. rossislider

    Dick Cabela

    Let's not forget, Dick Cabela didn't build his company. Obama and the government did.
  24. rossislider

    Wow 2013

    You are correct, they did split their games. You UofA guys must be beaming with pride after splitting with the lowly Sun Devils. Guess we'll have to go back to football for the tie breaker. I think we all remember how that one turned out.