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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Optics Planet taking 9mm BO 46 cents

    Optics Planet is terrible about backorder stuff. I had some bullets on back order for four months until I recently canceled. I know a guy with bullets on back order for almost a year from them.
  2. rossislider

    Bruno’s has retumbo, varget, H4350.

    Don't suppose anyone from the east valley is headed up that way? I could use a couple pounds of H4350 is anyone is going.
  3. rossislider

    Where's Casey??? 70 - 7

    The two schools that played in the 3A championship last year (ALA Queen Creek and Ben Franklin) were bumped up to 4A, in no small part due to the whining and complaining of the small town schools. If you can't beat them, get them out of your division.😉
  4. rossislider

    Where's Casey??? 70 - 7

    Well, it should be noted "those valley academy schools" got bumped up to 4A this past season. So yeah, asterisk...
  5. The title might be a bit of an over exaggeration, but it seems like every couple of yours I discover a new piece of gear that I can't imagine how I managed to get by without. Example: I process most of my own meat. In doing so I have a bad habit of trying to go a little to fast. This pertains to in the field, as well as in my kitchen. With how sharp disposable blades are these days (another how, it did I get by without it piece of gear) it only takes a small slip to do some pretty good damage. I'll usually end up with at least one really good cut per hunt. My wife bought me a pair of these food handling "cut resistant" gloves (see link below). They aren't much bigger or heavier than a pair of latex gloves, but they have saved me from lots of cuts, nicks, and who knows how many stitches. https://www.amazon.com/NoCry-Cut-Resistant-Gloves-Performance/dp/B00MXUHHGK/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1470617214&sr=1-1 What are some of these for you? Doesn't have to be a life changer, just something some of us might benefit from that we hadn't thought of before.
  6. rossislider

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    I dropped the ball and didn't expect it to be as difficult as it is to find waterfowl shells for a crane hunt starting 11/29. I have some fallback stuff to use, but would really prefer to shoot Winchester Super X, 3.5", BB, 1 3/8 ounce or the Federal version of the same. Anyone have a few boxes sitting around that they would be willing to part with, or have a line where I can get some in the east valley? I have a few boxes being shipped, but it might not arrive in time. Willing to pay cash or trade (H1000 or Retumbo are trade options).
  7. rossislider

    "How did I live without it?" Hunting Gear

    I've become a huge fan of the Kifaru Gun Bearer over the past several years. https://kifaru.net/store/accessories/gun-bearers/
  8. rossislider

    Thought about HECS clothing

    It is total BS and one of the biggest loads of malarkey to hit the hunting industry in the past 100 years.
  9. rossislider

    33 Youth Javelina

    Most of them that I have seen in 33 recently have all been low and in the ridge bottoms of the rolling hills. With the warmer than usual weather, I would look for them to be moving a little earlier in the AM than usual and bedding a little earlier as well. In 33 this time of year, we have historically seen them start moving between 8:00-8:30. They tend to not like the early morning cold, so get up a later than deer, once the sun is well up and over the hills so they can get warm (no undercoat). But I wouldn't be surprised to see them up and moving as much as an hour earlier. My kids all have 37B tags, so we will hopefully be chasing them early tomorrow as well. We plan to get to our spot at first light, but probably won't see anything till 7:30 or later.
  10. rossislider

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    Thanks, we have some help that knows the area really well, but if we struggle, you may hear from me!
  11. rossislider

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    I had not. I have some backup stuff in steel in #2. So I an by no means desperate. Just hoping to find my preferred load. Thanks
  12. rossislider

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    30A, 30B, 31, and 32
  13. rossislider

    ISO Waterfowl Shells - 3.5" BB

    Thanks, probably won't get down that far, but I appreciate the tip.
  14. rossislider

    Paper Apps for leftovers

    Mine showed up on my portal last night around 6:00 PM. Wasn't there an hour earlier around 5:00.
  15. rossislider

    Kansas 2020

    Don't post them. He ^^^ will look at for every opportunity to troll you for years after and call you out for stuff he has no clue about. It is what he does.
  16. rossislider

    300 win mag load

    I told you where the bullet hit, you said that it didn't hit that spot, and have now said it in multiple posts. May not be outright calling me a "liar", but really, it is what it is.
  17. rossislider

    300 win mag load

    No you just talk crap to and about other hunters and call them liars without first hand knowledge of the events. I have seen your posts and comments enough over the past several years to know the caliber of person you are. As for the left field irrelevant guide comment. You should give it a try. I hunt with family and friends, and on a few occasions, with a hired guides. I work hard and make a good enough living to allow me that occasional privilege, and have been fortunate to hunt with some of the best. You should give it a try. I didn't grow up hunting or come from a hunting family and can't express how much I learned from those guys. Some of my fondest hunting experiences and closest lifelong friendships have directly resulted. I wish everyone was fortunate enough to have the opportunity at least once. But I can see how it might be easier to just judge, criticize, and armchair quarterback.
  18. rossislider

    300 win mag load

    No, as usual, you are very wrong. I often wonder what it must be like to armchair quarterback everything while clearly not knowing anything about what you are talking about. Do you even hunt? READ THE COMMENTS, I have said it several times now. I removed the hide which exposed the clean rib shot, right behind the front shoulder. The shoulder was not impacted. The bullet hit the rib and gernaded, as did the following 2 shots. I'll give you yet another anatomy lesson. Doubtful it will register this time any more than it did last time. Note the shot location from the picture below, then see the elk anatomy pictures beneath. Shame on me for not taking pictures after caping the animal and examining the wounds. But I didn't expect to be having to explain it over and over to know it all keyboard jockeys. Back to back years with poor performance on good shot with Berger VLDs.
  19. rossislider

    300 win mag load

    That shot placement argument is total BS and can be an excuse for underperforming bullets by people who haven't experienced a perfect shot go bad. I have shot many animals with VLDs, but can personally attest to their failure with perfect shot placement for me last year on a bull, and also a guy that I was helping this past season on a bull. My shot hit rib cage and exploded. The rib broke, but their was no penetration beyond. This was proven through my "field autopsy". Fortunately three additional rounds over the next 4 miles, all to the vitals, and I was able to bring him down. The guy I helped this year had a similar experience, but his bull was never recovered. Maybe you have had success with them, so have I most of the time, but it has been shown by many people on many occasions that the current VLDs have a very thin jacket that is not holding up well on big boned animals.
  20. rossislider

    300 win mag load

    Better than the VLDs, which are total garbage on the bigger animals.
  21. rossislider

    Retumbo, H1000, federal primers

    I've got a pound of new unopened Retumbo I'd trade for a pound of H1000 in like condition.
  22. rossislider

    Spring draw

    Pretty simple if you only applied for 1 hunt number.
  23. rossislider

    How to deal with bad taxidermy???

    Not much state agencies can do. Friends in similar situations have had luck showing up on taxidermist's doorstep. It is much harder to ignore someone when they are face to face. Beyond that, you really need to be warning people on social media. These bad taxidermists will keep taking people's money to try to stay afloat long past the point of no return.
  24. rossislider

    Hunters Not Voting

    NO ONE is voting "for Biden" they are voting anti-Trump.
  25. rossislider

    Hunters Not Voting

    Unfortunately hunters, as a collective group, are pretty apathetic. Most like to whine and complain (see ANY Facebook hunting group), but are too lazy to do anything.