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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Vortex 12x50HD Razors and Leica 1600B. PICS ADDED

    Huntjunkie recently let me try these out. Bump for some awesome binos in great condition.
  2. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

    This is my "most wonderful time of the year!" Guarantee you this thread is more entertaining and worthwhile than trash like 50 Shades of Pornography!
  3. rossislider

    Unit 3a/3c Deer hunt

    Like other have said, outside of the Kiabab, it is one of the toughest units to draw for a rifle hunt. Look over the draw data for the past few years and evaluate your chances of drawing before investing a lot of time in the unit.
  4. rossislider

    Online draw deadline?

    ^^^ Probably true, but there would probably also be a lot fewer stupid people with me in the mountains.
  5. rossislider

    Online draw deadline?

    From the draw website: The Department makes no representation or warranties in relation to this website, the operation of the web-based application process or the information or materials provided on the website. By using this website and the web-based application process, you assume all risks associated with the use of the website, and the Department disclaims any liability for damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, including failure to complete or transmit an application prior to the deadline date or any errors in the application or transmission. Here is a screen shot from where it is posted:
  6. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

    So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together.Take care, Willie Apparently you have never read the websites disclaimer on the front page. They extend the draw to not piss people off and make more money. The Department makes no representation or warranties in relation to this website, the operation of the web-based application process or the information or materials provided on the website. By using this website and the web-based application process, you assume all risks associated with the use of the website, and the Department disclaims any liability for damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, including failure to complete or transmit an application prior to the deadline date or any errors in the application or transmission. This disclaimer means the deadline date should be 100% a hard deadline. You have plenty of time to get your online app done or take it to G&F directly. I make sure to give myself at least 1 full day incase there is an online issue so I have time to take the app to g&f in person if I need too. It's not my fault you waited to long and can't read the rules. If you read the rules and still gambled on the worst odds on how to submit your app and lost why is that everyone else's problem? Let's stop changing rules to make everything "fair". Life isn't fair. Well there it is! Now AZGFD just needs to enforce it.
  7. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

    So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together. Take care, Willie You are incorrect, They did do something wrong. They did not get their app in on time.
  8. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

    Pretty lame argument. The two aren't even in the same universe to compare. The stupidity of you last minute people is that we all know the site is going to crash EVERY year, yet you continue to try to do it in last minute and then want to cry a river when it doesn't work. stupid people? I put in weeks ago and had no problem. I also understand the servers crashing...I just don't understand the lies from G&F. Sorry, I didn't mean to refer to you. I was referring to the last minute crowd.
  9. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

    Pretty lame argument. The two aren't even in the same universe to compare. The stupidity of you last minute people is that we all know the site is going to crash EVERY year, yet you continue to try to do it at the last minute, and then want to cry a river when it doesn't work.
  10. rossislider

    Deadline EXTENDED

  11. rossislider

    23 hours 54 minutes

    So can we start placing bets about when the first jacka$$ comedian is going to post something about his card being charged.
  12. rossislider

    Really AZGFD? Really?

    Yeah, got one of those as well.
  13. rossislider

    23 hours 54 minutes

    Have your popcorn ready for tomorrow night when all the whinners who procrastinated till the last hour come on here complaining about AZGFD because the online app is down.
  14. rossislider

    Vortex 15x56 HD kaibab

    Bump = a new post takes it back to the top of the recently updated list.
  15. This time around it looks like women's hiking boots and law enforcement boots. If you haven't been to the Danner factory outlet site before, you must create a free account to view. http://www.hitthebreakroom.com/invite/?r=237537
  16. rossislider

    reloading powder

    No bullet manufacture could ever list all of the possible powders that could be a successful combination with their bullet. There is a good chance that the IMR 4064 could shoot very well through your rifle. If you match and compare several different manuals, you will find that bullets of a similar weight tend to use powders in very similar quantities. If I were you I would pick the middle powder weight recommendation from Lymen for the IMR 4064 and use that with the Bergers as a starting point to work up a load.
  17. rossislider

    HAM Hunt in Unit 32 Can I Give you my Javelina?

    Wish I was closer. Hopefully my son and I will have a couple pigs of our own by the end of the month.
  18. rossislider


  19. rossislider

    Train to Hunt?

    Looks very CrossFitihs. Not that that is a bad thing, I love CrossFit. Curious if the developers are CrossFitters?
  20. rossislider

    WTS Vortex Viper HD 10x42 Binos

  21. rossislider

    WTS Vortex Viper HD 10x42 Binos

    Want to sell my Vortex Viper HD 10x42 binos. In excellent condition. Still have the box and all original materials. Also included is the tripod adapter. Ask $500 OBO Might be wiling to trade for Vortex Razor 12x50 plus some cash. Thanks
  22. rossislider

    New 1000 yard shooting range

    My thoughts on it not being open to the general public would be similar to those mentioned above. It would be a logistics and management nightmare with all the lead lobbing village idiots wanting to try their 22lr on the 1000 yard range. It would make target checking times unmanageable once you allow the "no business being there" crowd on a range like that. Like lancetkenyon said, a general public range that required a qualification shoot seems like a good idea that would eliminate 95% of these people.
  23. rossislider

    New 1000 yard shooting range

    LOL! That is what I build my loads and rifle to shoot MOPP at 50 yards. LOVE IT!
  24. rossislider

    WTB: outdoormans binocular tripod adapter

    Just bought one myself and love it! Long shot for sure, hope you find one.