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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Anybody have beetles for skulls?

    I think you might be referring to my son Draysen? He has done skulls for a pile of members on here. He doesn't use beetles. There was another guy out here in STV, can't recall his name right now, that used beetles. Good guy, but he got out of it about 6 months ago. He offered to sell all his beetle stuff to Draysen, but the wife wanted nothing to do with 100,000+ flesh eating bugs.😂 Draysen is simmering them, but unlike a lot of guys we see doing them on Facebook these days, he does javelina the right way. They have bones than have such deep saturated grease, that they need a month, sometimes more, after cleaning to do a deep long leeching soak in a degreasing agent to make them look right right long term. We have learned through a lot of experience, that you can do a javelina in a weekend, and it will look fantastic for a few months, but in time, that grease ALWAYS pulls through, and it shows. I might have to do a picture post to demonstrate one of these days. Anyhow, if you are interested in my son doing them, hit me up. I'll include his current info below.
  2. rossislider

    Kifaru vs mystery ranch vs stone glacier vs Kuiu

    Kifaru over Kuiu. No experience with the others.
  3. In excellent condition. Very low round count (estimated at less than 50). Comes with 2 magazines. Freshly cleaned and oiled. Will also include 11 remaining rounds. They are my own load using H4350 and 143 grain eld-x bullets. Shoots groups under 1" at 200 yards. Asking $1000. Price drop to $950. Final price drop to $900. I have a standing offer at $875, so if I don't get $900 soon, I'll keep it of let it go to that guy. Located in Queen Creek. Thanks
  4. Final price drop to $900. I have a standing offer at $875, so if I don't get $900 soon, I'll keep it of let it go to that guy.
  5. Thanks for the offers. Not looking for trades at this time. Thanks
  6. I finally had the chance this past weekend to get out to Rio Salado and test some of the loads I had worked up for the Tikka t3 7mm Mag I purchased from a member here a short time ago. I have plenty of Retumbo and H4350 that I use for other rifles and would love to find a good load that uses one of these powders. I also hope to shoot Berger 168 grain hunting VLDs. Berger's max load recommendation for that bullet with Retumbo is 71.2 grains. So I worked up the following loads using the 168 grain Berger VLDs with the Retumbo: 4 rounds of 71 grains 4 rounds of 70.5 grains 4 rounds of 70 grains 4 rounds of 69.5 grains 4 rounds of 69 grains *All rounds were set to my max magazine length which results in a little jump. I have found that I have the best luck testing Bergers at 200 yards since they tend not to settle in till well past 100 yards. I shot the 71 grain rounds first, and had a good (not great) group that was right at MOA (2 inches). As I dropped down in powder weight the groups seemed to spread out more and more. So my initial thoughts are to stick around 71 grains and see if I can get any improvement. However, my goal is always to get to 1/2 MOA or better with my loads. Clearly this may not be possible with all factory barrels, but it has never stopped me from trying. My question is, does anyone else here have a Tikka t3 in 7mm Mag, and a load they shoot out of it with great success? Of course every barrel is going to shoot a little different, But I have found that barrels of the same caliber and from the same manufacture tend the shoot similar. Like I said, I would prefer to stick with Retumbo or H4350 and 168 grain Berger VLDs, but am open to other ideas. Thanks
  7. rossislider

    Can anyone use these old style propane tanks?

    Interested if Edge does not take them. My son goes through propane like it is candy. Cross streets?
  8. rossislider

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    Oh shoot, here we go with more power line pics. I have no problem with the pistol, but I do now wonder where the pigs were actually shot...
  9. rossislider

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    Did I miss the picture of a someone with the PISTOL against anyone's shoulder, or are we still in our make believe world making up rules and reality as we go? If you are looking to get into a debate over ethics and being an all around good guy, hunter, conservationists, etc., Adam (aka Big Browns) was a really stupid choice. He is one of the best and most well known on this site for being an all around stand up guy, helping out other hunters, etc. Again, maybe do a couple minutes worth of research before attacking a guy. You've shown your colors, intelligence, and maturity to us all.
  10. rossislider

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    See my previous comment about doing some research before commenting to save yourself some embarrassment.
  11. rossislider

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    LOL, Just keep living in your own make believe reality, dictated by the rules your small mind sees fit to create and impose. The rest of us will continue to live in the real world where we learn how to make the existing rules work for us.
  12. rossislider

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    What a bunch or ignorant people on here. AZGFD follows the ATF's definition of a pistol/handgun. This firearm fits that definition. But this is the state of forums and social media in general these days. Guys are in a huge rush to put their ignorance on display for the world to see. Maybe spend as much time doing your research as you do trolling, and you might save yourself a lot of embarrassment. Congrats to you both Adam. Hope to shoot one with my AR pistol as well in the near future.
  13. rossislider

    FS Leupold & Japanese Tasco

    That is twice now that I have seen this post, read "Japanese Taco", and got excited to see what a Japanese taco is. I'd like to blame public schooling for my illiteracy, but it probably has more to do with stupidity and my fat gut wanting tacos. Bump on your sale. I'll probably check it later, once again thinking it is tacos.
  14. Hey CWT team, I just found out my wife entered a picture of me, my son, and the lion I shot on December 30th of 2020 in a Sportsmans Warehouse contest for top pictures of 2020. Top "Like" getter for each of the three categories (general outdoors, fishing, and hunting) each wins a $100 gift card. We just found out 3 days into the voting, and have some ground to make up. If you don't mind giving me your vote by liking my picture at the link below, I would be super appreciative! Thanks https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2716067021977474&id=1623654517885402
  15. rossislider

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    I'm so confused? What kid with a forkie? The old guy?
  16. rossislider

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    Thought I knew who my friends were! 😢
  17. rossislider

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    Spend it on eggs to throw at your house! 🤣
  18. rossislider

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    Today is the last day to vote. If any of you haven't yet vote by liking my lion picture at the first link on this post, I would appreciate it. Here is my first food preparation with the lion. I deboned the front shoulder (on lions the front shoulder is almost as meaty as the rear) and slow cooked it in the crockpot with roasted green chilies, onions, garlic, seasoning, and a stick of butter. Based on color and texture, I was expecting the favor to be similar to pork. I was very surprised to find it tasted extremely similar to beef. It wasn't at all gamey. In they was it is prepared here, I think I could have passed it off as a shredded beef roast and noone would have known otherwise.
  19. rossislider

    San Carlos Turkey hunt cancelled?

    They have not refunded the 2020 turkey tags. Many were successful getting their money back by disputing it with their credit card company.
  20. rossislider

    2018 Gould's and 2019 Merriam's full mounts

    They look awesome Tommy! Congrats again.
  21. rossislider

    Do some javi stink more than others?

    In this second video, I am trying to get them up for a shot. Initially I was tried throwing some rocks, not to hit them, (they were about 200 yards away if memory serves correctly), but to make noise. That didn't work very well.
  22. rossislider

    Do some javi stink more than others?

    I can't speak to scientific fact, but my crew has probably shot about a dozen javelin over the past few years. I would estimate they were probably 50/50 boars to sows. Every boar we have shot had a much stronger odor than any of the sows. The meat also tends to be a bit stronger with boars. But if you clean them carefully and not touch hide than meat (I always go through multiple pairs of gloves as well), it really is excellent high quality meat. With the lingering smell the next day, it is highly likely that the herd (or at least part of the herd) returned to the spot. I have a video of several javelina returning to a dead pig my hunting buddy's son shot, and lay down and bed next to it. My son then shot one. I'll see if I can find the video.
  23. rossislider

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    Yes, there are 3 categories. The first three pictures are in the general outdoors category, the second group of three pictures is in the fishing category, and the final three (including mine) are in the hunting category. There will be a winner for each category.