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Everything posted by rossislider

  1. rossislider

    Results are Up!!!

    Wow, how many "Results are Up" threads are we going to get?
  2. rossislider

    Results are Up!!!

    3A/3C for both me and my boy!
  3. rossislider


    Fall 2015 results might still be referring to elk and antelope.
  4. rossislider


    I don't see anything on the website stating they are available?
  5. rossislider


    Seems they usually have them up on the phones a few hours ahead of the website.
  6. rossislider

    HEALY ARMS - New Store in Tempe AZ

    Glad to see you guys are open in the new location. You are now much more convenient to where I work in Tempe, another place beside Basspro to spend a lunch break. I'll come check your new place out this afternoon.
  7. rossislider


    Lucky for me the boss is out of the office today. Perfect day for the results to hit....
  8. rossislider


    Based up on the number of people reading this tread, it looks like a lot of people (myself included) aren't being very productive at work this morning.
  9. rossislider

    G&F Loading the Data Base

    Fingers crossed! I'm not getting much work done this morning as I sit listening to Jay Scott podcasts and refreshing my browser.
  10. rossislider

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    Were you on the hunt?
  11. rossislider

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    Pretty awesome bull and still could have had a few more weeks of growth! Huge congratulations to the hunter and everyone involved. Curious to know why the hunter didn't wait a few more weeks. Maybe wanted it at it's velvet peak?
  12. rossislider

    $500 Bass Pro Gift Cards for $400

    Thought I would share this website again as they have a couple great deals on Bass Pro cards now. Might be worth jumping on it if you plan on purchases for hunts this fall. Great site, I have purchased from them several times. https://www.raise.com/buy-bass-pro-shops-gift-cards
  13. rossislider

    $500 Bass Pro Gift Cards for $400

    Someone jumped on the 20% off ones real quick. There are still several others between 18%-19.1%
  14. This past weekend we took the kids up to the Rim for one vacation before school starts tomorrow. Everything was green and beautiful, we had LOTS of rain, and the fish were really biting!
  15. After 5 years without a deer or elk tag, I finally had some luck and had my card hit a week and a half ago for a deer tag. The question now is what unit? I either won the lottery with a super premium 13B Strip tag, or the more likely premium 3A/3C tag. Either way, a fantastic hunt. I know for certain that my 10 year old son drew a 3A/3C tag, because that is the only hunt we put him in for. If I also drew the 3A/3C hunt, we have a couple of great plans already in the works for the hunt. The big questions is, what if I did by chance win the lottery and end up with the 13B tag? There is no way I would have the time to do the level of scouting in 13B that this hunt warrants and deserves. With it being a potentially once in a lifetime type of hunt, I would probably look to an outfitter. Any suggestions for top outfitters in the unit? I know there are a number of great outfitters that are sponsors of this site, but I would really want someone that specializes in 13B. I know I am putting the cart before the horse. But if I do decide to go with an outfitter, I don't want to be behind and find the best outfitters booked up. Thanks
  16. rossislider

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    Not sure I follow you here? If your son already has a draw tag, he can not get another draw tag. Okay, I follow you. Not that I plan to transfer my tag, but I believe you can transfer a tag to a minor so long as they do not take more than one animal. I would be curious to know the answer from someone that knows for certain.
  17. rossislider

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    Not sure I follow you here? It is 13B or 3A/3C. What do you mean by more than one tag?
  18. rossislider

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    Lost my loyalty point due to some BS paper app error a few years ago, 6 points. So not necessarily at max points.
  19. rossislider

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    Will do, thanks. They are high up on my list.
  20. rossislider

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    The two hunt are a couple of weeks apart. I wouldn't risk tags in separate units at the same time. That's the reason he was only put in for 3A/3C. He got a nice coues buck on his first hunt last fall, and the 3A/3C hunt for him will happen regardless of what I draw. So call me selfish, but if I draw 13B I'm keeping it, he is young an has a whole lot more years of hunting ahead of him than I do. I'd take him with me on the 13B hunt as well, if drawn, but that's a bit too much time away from school. Probably wishful thinking anyway. 13B is a long shot.
  21. rossislider

    When will results be posted ?

    Now that I know I have a tag, I am finding that waiting to find out which hunt is way more brutal than waiting for the card hit.
  22. rossislider

    End of Summer Camping/Fishing on the Rim

    We went for a long Ranger ride into the Woods Canyon Lake store one afternoon to get ice. Each kid got to pick a treat. He saw that $3 thing of gum and had to have it. Toted it around the whole rest of the trip. Unfortunately, on the drive home, a good chunk of the chewed stuff ended up in the dogs hair. But better the dogs hair than the upholstery!
  23. rossislider

    vanguard aluminum tripod w/pan head

    I use a Vanguard tripod. Awesome tripods for the price. Evert now and then I start to look at the Outdoorsman's tripods, but can't justify the cost compared to what you get with Vanguard.
  24. rossislider

    AR Scope Question

    I just picked up an mounted the new Vortex Strike Eagle and mounted it on my AR this past weekend. Haven't had the chance to test it yet, but like what I have seen of it thus far. Might be a little more than you were looking to spend.
  25. I have used Lance at Dane Armory several times and have always been very impressed with his work. 480-215-2295