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Everything posted by DEERSLAM


    2nd Day Buck

    Great buck! You gotta be one happy camper

    Trail Cam Photos

    That's a great buck! Gets the blood flowin.

    2nd Day Buck

    Very important tip!! Can't wait to see everyones pics from this weekend!

    Little guy

    Tommy did you take those pics while scouting this weekend? What unit? Did you see anything bigger?

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    Great pic Tommy. Hope to see a sunset like that with a big coues on the horizon while I'm in NM!!

    about "70

    Congrats Mike. Hope to see alot more posts like this later today!

    nice bucks

    That one buck looks like a toad for sure

    U of A Racks!!!

    WOW , nice bucks! I couldn't believe as I scrolled down the bucks got BIGGER! Gets the blood flowing, let's go huntin. Dang, forgot I have to wait till Nov.

    Seen this video

    BASS posted this earlier this month. Got my wife and kids pretty good with it.

    Found another shed

    I thought he might have scored a bit better but who cares he's a real pretty buck.
  11. BASS that looks like a booner!
  12. I can see a perfect pass thru already!

    Antler found

    Nice find BASS. Wonder how it got broke off the skull plate and so far from the rest of the deer? I found an elk antler just like that a number of years ago, no other bones around.

    Found another shed

    Very nice pickup! Have you put a tape to them?
  15. Yes I can see it now but I still can't find Waldo

    My Hunt

    You're starting off great! Hope your luck holds out on the next 6 tags! Good luck.

    10% cap coming back to AZ tags

    Not all of use nonresidents are whiny. I think USO was wrong and I never really had a problem with the 10% (I actually drew an antelope tag before all this happened). Remember though that nonresident are paying a large percentage of the fees that support your state game dept. I pulled these numbers from the new American Hunter magazine. In Colorado 2002: resident hunters paid $8,860,848 for 387,879 tags and licenses while nonresidents anted up $43,298,084 for 160,132 licenses and tags. Montana who has a 10% cap sold 819,506 licenses and tags, 15 times more than sold to nonresidents, to residents for $6,021,875 while nonresidents spent $17,856,562. In Idaho residents bought 720,243 licenses and tags for $7,990,156 while nonresidents hunters bought 92,366 licenses and tags for $12,873,953. Wyoming residents bought 165,454 licenses and tags for $4,258,947 while nonresidents bought 75,434 licenses and tags for $15,242,063. Unfortunately there were no numbers for AZ. Now I'm not trying to get you AZ. residents all riled up I understand where you are coming from but please don't group all nonresidents together as outsiders and whiners. I had friends (nonresidents) hunt in AZ last year and they were given a bad time by AZ residents while hunting. I hope we are all above this. Peace to you all and I hope I am not offending anyone, I'm surely not trying to do so.
  18. I agree with ultramag on the shirt choice. The third drawing would make a great decal. One suggestion, don't just have white shirts made, maybe a light tan.
  19. That's a good start. How about a drawing or photo of the typical or nontypical world record. Might as well go BIG!


    The rifle and calls are already packed, the dogs need some serious thinning out were I'm going. Just need to watch my back cause there is also a high density of lions!
  21. I was thinking about upgrading my daypack, I currantly use a Crookedhorn Masterguide pack and for backpack hunts I use a Kifaru Longhunter guide series. My main problem with the Masterguide is if I get way back in some where I would like to carry out as much meat as possible since I'm there instead of going back empty handed to get a packframe. I'm looking hard at the Eberlestock Justone pack, www.eberlestock.com, it can expand from 2100ci to 4500ci and with add ons up to 7000ci. The pack has a center compartment that expands and could easily pack out a fair amount or meat/antlers/cape. It also has a cool backscabberd to get your rifle out of your hands yet it is easily accessable. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of this pack? What do you all use?
  22. Sounds cool, I could use a new huntin shirt or hat. Don't think I need that sling shot thing though!

    Who's been scouting?

    Going this weekend with new map and my GPS to check on posted land (I think landowners are cheating on their boundaries and closing access to public land, BLM is already looking into some of this info I have given them). Scouting for what you all refer to as carp.

    A new pair

    Thats a great find, nice mass!