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Everything posted by DEERSLAM


    Awsome Growth

    Scott, Looks like you are doing a great job of stacking your odds come Dec. Good luck.
  2. Wow, you guys have got a honey hole for sure
  3. Happy Birthday guys Have a great day!

    Awsome Growth

    He's a good one for sure I'm saying 108"
  5. You use the inside spread of the main beams for the score

    .17 HMR

    Wouldn't use it even if it was legal. That tiny bullet would EXPLODE be for it got to the vitals.

    First hunt for son and me

    AZoutdoorsman, It is awesome to get your son outdoors with you. I cherish the time spent afield with my 10 year old son My first suggestion is to make sure your son is as comfortable as possible, ie. proper clothing, something to sit on while glassing, good, proper fitting boots, etc. Second, make sure to make it FUN! Don't take it to serious. Let him fool around in the dirt and just be a kid As for caliber of a first rifle, the .243 is a great choice. For my son I'm looking at the 7mm-08. I've heard very good things about this cal. Most importantly, make sure the rifle fits him properly. Have a great time, I know you will
  8. Very nice, he looks like he is in great shape
  9. Gorgeous Just got back from a week long huntin trip and it was awesome to be in the outdoors
  10. Super nice buck and nice sheds That looks like BOARZILLA

    Archery Elk

    Super trophy, congrats!
  12. stanley your right those posts about the binos for sale were pretty funny opps sorry about that Scottyboy
  13. Scottyboy, It's going to be hard to take any of you posts serious now

    Happy Birthday

    Hey Chef, Happy birthday man

    .17 HMR VS. 22MAG

    Ric, I shoot a savage 93R17. It likes the Federal V-MAX. Groups 5 shots at 100yds. at just under 1 1/2 inches. Not bad for a fast little rimfire.

    Just some shed pics

    I'd guess he'd gross about 110"

    .17 HMR VS. 22MAG

    Lets get back to the topic .17hmr vs .22 mag. From my experience with the .17 on jacks, you would do best to shoot for the head if you are going to eat them. I don't eat them so I shoot for the shoulder and that little bullet explodes Can you say BIG HOLE! My savage .17hmr is pretty accurate with Federal ammo.

    .17 HMR VS. 22MAG

    I use a .17hmr on jacks and cottontails. I can tell you it drops the hammer on em! So far the longest shot on a jack was about 80yds. I will for the most part hunt them like deer, spot and stalk and try to get fairly close. I have taken ground squirrels with it out to about 125yds. I have never had the chance to take a yote with it but would not hesitate as long as it was a fairly close shot, say max 50yds. If you will be huntin mostly rabbits you can't go wrong with the .17hmr.

    Just some shed pics

    Wow, he looks even bigger

    I know this isnt coues but....

    My uncle shot a blacktail buck quite a few years ago that looks exactly like that. He forked on both antlers right above the pedical.
  21. Coll pic. Don't look like he's been out of velvet very long.

    trail cam pics

    Definitely a "grey ghost", looks like a spiker to me

    successful archery elk hunt

    Wow, looks like you guys had a great hunt! Congrats