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Everything posted by JimmyHat

  1. JimmyHat

    Hunting in 36C

    Very interesting stuff. I'm reading everything I can get on this subject as I plan on being there in January '05.
  2. JimmyHat

    How Far Do Coues Travel?

    Oops, I meant to say hopefully a javelina.
  3. JimmyHat

    How Far Do Coues Travel?

    That's good to hear. I'm headed down there in January for deer and hopefully a coules. Gonna bring a whole side quiver full of blunts for the illegals.
  4. JimmyHat

    How bad is Southern AZ?

    I don't care about the harsh recourse. I am definately going on the hunt. I've got a buddy that right now is planning on going with me. I've got a pop up trailer that would be a cinch to get into so we'll take his trailer since its hard sided. Side arm? You betcha! I might even buy a nice new ultralight .45 with the most knarly flesh destroying round I can get. I just wanted to know if things are as bad as I've heard. As a side note, I live in NM and was hunting S.E. part of the State for javies last february. We're headed out for an afternoon hunt, middle of nowhere desert terrain. Come up over the hill and out there, I mean out there, parked on the side of a dirt road is 4 mexican looking dudes in real nice clothes standing next to 2 new BMW's, a Mercedes and an Audi. By the looks on their faces they were just as surprised to see us as we were them.
  5. JimmyHat

    I gotta bad feeling

    Bears in the Pelloncillos? I hadn't heard of any bears around that area. That's good to hear. I put in for a tag there this year for the first time. Of course I didn't draw so I'm gonna have to wait quite awhile to check out that bear population.