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About Lewy

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  1. Lewy

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    I drew a unit 22 bow tag for deer. I have never hunted in New Mexico so if anyone has any info I would love to hear from you. I am from Wisconsin. Reply here or email me at lewy@tds.net I am real interested on what to expect in this area. I was told this is a good area and a good time. My friend put me in on this draw and is trying to pump me up. Drop me a hint on this area, Please. Cheesehead Lewy
  2. I drew a bow deer tag for unit 22. I have never hunted New Mexic and would love any information on this unit and how many critters are in that unit. The time frame is in January 1-15. I have heard this is a great time to be there. Any info would be great. I am from Wisconsin and can't wait to see New Mexico. I have never hunted muleys or coes.