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Everything posted by BigGuns

  1. BigGuns

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Well, I'm just trying to answer questions and give as many honest answers as I can. When I read some of the creative theories here and how we all make such big money on these conservation groups I feel it should be responded to. I know that several are watching this website today, some are just reading, some are obviously angry. I was a part of all this mess and have been active in a lot of groups for a long time. So if people want to take their shots go ahead. Hunters all have a unique theory, all of them are right and none of them are the same..... except that you all do not like the HB2072 as proposed. We all have a deep passion for wildlife, I have given up on drawing a sheep tag (too old) and will never see the light of one of these auction tags...But it is important for people to learn more, understand what the bill was about and know that guides and outfitters were not behind this. If no one responded to this stuff, then you would all think that we who work on conservation groups are reeling in the cash, trying to cozy up to landowner tags and destroying the rights of "joe hunter"...Whether you choose to believe it or not is your choice, but at least you can vent at me. I am new to this site, but felt I had to voice my opinion after hearing the Commissioners speak and reading these posts. I am a conservative woman who shoots, hunts, fishes, rides horses (and motorcycles), rock climbs and loves Arizona ... and is sick and tired of seeing our Founders trampled into obliteration by unholy alliances between government and special interest groups whether they be conservative or liberal, federal or state. You may scratch your head or be indignant by that comment- but let me ask you this- Are you ok with public assets funding Planned Parenthood? NPR? NEA? Unions? ACORN? Public assets (money) gets funneled back to political influence in all those cases and it drives me crazy. So- for me- it is the difference between someone who loves the heritage of this Country so much that they are willing to do the right things for the right reasons the RIGHT WAY versus someone who believes the ends justify the means, so it is ok to engage in the same back room tactics as those to whom you are opposed just as long as you meet your goal in the end. I call those people HYPOCRITES! Do hunters and 2nd Amendment supporters need representation- YES! Do hunters and 2nd Amendment supporters need a way to get their message out in a positive fashion that educates people as to how critical these issues are to the founding principles, security and independence of Arizonans and Americans- HECK YEAH! But it is incumbent upon the clubs and supporters to find the representation that reflects their values and has positive ideas and solutions ... not the same old "business as usual" as Commissioner Freeman put it. Bluntly put- when you use the same tactics as the opponent, you are speaking their language- so expect a punch in the nose back when you throw one. Let's elevate the discourse and show how it SHOULD be done! Seriously- "banquets" and "administration"- are you KIDDING?! More of the "special" people getting "special" favors for being "special." Sounds like the White House to me! Also- a 5-0 vote by the Commission- and you say they knew about this and/or supported it?! Show me the agenda where it was brought before them ...