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coues krazy

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Everything posted by coues krazy

  1. coues krazy

    Lost bull in 4b

    Well, my worst nightmare came true. I hit a really nice bull yesterday morning in 4b and cant find him. He was broadside at 50 yards but as I released he took a step and the arrow hit to far back. He bled some until I lost his track going down into a big deep canyon. I searched all day yesterday, and all morning today but I have to get back to work so I was forced to leave. I am absolutely sick over loosing this bull. No doubt in my mind he will die. My only hope now is if someone hunting up there finds him. So if anyone finds a bull and would like to see if its the one I hit please let me know. I will let you know where he was hit and what arrow is in him. I would even be willing to give a small reward if found. Thanks for any help.
  2. coues krazy

    suggestions on new bow strings

    Jeremy at chasing a dream makes exellent strings.
  3. It may be a small step, but at least its in the right direction. Tag #s in some of the units is crazy.
  4. coues krazy

    The Rut This Year

    I have to respectfully disagree. The more bulls in the herd, the more competition for the cows available imo. It sure makes it more fun to hunt when a herd bull has to continually fight off satellite bulls. The bugeling gets intense. Gain jmo
  5. coues krazy

    g5 quest for sale

    I have a g5 quest qs 33 bow for sale. It has about fifty shots on it. It is in mint condition. 28 inch draw, and 60-70 lbs limbs. Its right handed.Trying to get pics up. Looking for $200. I am in Queen creek. Very smooth and accurate bow, I just have to many.
  6. coues krazy

    AZ desert in August

    I dont see how you guys get them cool before they spoil. I am sure you have something figured out. Good luck, and stay hydrated.
  7. coues krazy

    g5 quest for sale

    Bow is still for sale. Sweet bow for $150.00.
  8. coues krazy

    apps online

    I agree with Thom. I hope they never bring it back. But if they do, I will put my wife, all my kids,and my mother in for the draws when normally its just me and one son. Heck i will probably start putting in for bighorn and buffalo again. Havent been able to since the online apps went away. I say screw the 21st century, paper all the way.
  9. coues krazy

    g5 quest for sale

    Need to sell.
  10. coues krazy

    g5 quest for sale

    The Ibo is 318 and they sell them at bass pro. For all you who sent private messages, I somehow erased them. Please resend . Thanks
  11. coues krazy

    g5 quest for sale

    Will take 150.00. Its The same bow as a ross cardiac.
  12. coues krazy

    National Forest NEW Maps

    Its just another step to get us out of the woods period. Ten yards off the road? Wait until someones kid gets ran over from someone blazing down a dirt road. It will be great sitting in all the dust created by passing vehicles, quads, and side by sides. They will keep pushing, and we will keep getting pushed down. Honestly, I am not camping ten yards off a road. Thats rediculous.
  13. coues krazy

    Bow Season is Upon Us

    Well I have two bows to choose from, and am not sure of the one I will use for hunting. First is a mathews reezen 70 lbs and the other is a mathews drenalin. I bought them both this year brand new for 500$ each! I shoot gold tip 7595 arrows with magnus snuffer ss broadheads. I drew a 4b september archery bull hunt and am waiting for deer results before I know where I will be hunting deer. Havent done the trailcam thing yet for fear of having them stolen. I am looking forward to a good season, with elk and definetly late archery deer. Good luck to all!
  14. coues krazy

    Season is closer... Are you ready? 3D Shoot

    I will be there. Cant wait to camp and shoot some 3-d!
  15. coues krazy

    sunrise 3-d camping

    Where is everyone going to camp this weekend? Would like to take the family up, but not sure whats open. Thanks
  16. coues krazy

    7 Pin Sights

    Take a look at the trophy ridge hitman 7. I love mine.
  17. coues krazy

    2009 PSE OMEN

    Whats your 10/20?
  18. coues krazy

    88 samurai

    please send pics to vlheyer@msn.com Thanks
  19. I am gonna try and go to the shoot this weekend. I cant find any directions. Can anyone tell me how to get there? Thanks in advance.
  20. coues krazy

    Z7 Extreme..Great Bow!

    Thanks for the review. I have been looking to get one of the three myself. I hope the magnum is a shooter for me because I like the extra speed.
  21. coues krazy

    Draw length help

    Tons of used bows for sale on archerytalk.com. You can ask the seller if the length is on or not.
  22. coues krazy

    Draw length help

    Some bows draw lengths vary. For example mathews newer bows like the reezen,monster and z7 tend to be long on lengths. I am 27.5 inch draw but had to get a 27 inch cam for my reezen. What brand are you looking at?
  23. coues krazy

    2nd Leg of the Triple Crown

    Is there public land to camp on near the shoot? What time does registration end on friday? Thanks
  24. coues krazy

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Not to bash all you outfitters because not all are alike, but I agree with Lark.