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Everything posted by Legendary

  1. Legendary

    Pse decree

    2015 Pse decree. Draw length adjustable from 24.5 to 30. 60 pound limbs. Super fast bow for 60 pound limbs. Will come with trophy ridge smackdown pro drop away arrow rest, 3 pin pse sight, G5 meta peep, and stabilizer. $550 or best offer. Located in Tucson.
  2. Legendary

    Pse decree

    Im not sure, I've never put a scale on it. But its gotta be pretty light. I bought it for my son and he was able to shot it at 10 or 11 years old with the limb bolts only backed out 4 or 5 turns, I think they can go a max of 7 turns
  3. Legendary

    Pse decree

    Last price drop $400
  4. Legendary

    PSE Evolve 31 HL 70# RH Black $600

    Free bump for an awesome bow and a smoking deal
  5. Legendary

    Pse decree

  6. Legendary

    Pse decree

  7. Legendary

    Pse decree

    Price drop $450
  8. Legendary

    Pse decree

  9. Legendary

    Pse decree

  10. Legendary

    Zeiss 6.5-20x50

    PM sent
  11. Legendary

    solo archery bull

    I've had 2 archery tags. 1st hunt had a partner for the first 7 days. I had 2 shot opportunities but passed in that 1st week. Killed a bull solo on day 12 of that hunt, i got into way more elk solo, I was quicker and quieter and didn't have to stop and discuss the gameplan while hubting. 2nd hunt I had a buddy with the same tag, and my brother was able to go with me but I refused to let anyone hunt with me, I had at least 1 shot opportunity every day until I killed on day 10. My suggestion would be to do it yourself, on the actual hunt. Lucky for me I had plenty of help on both pack outs though.
  12. Legendary

    Equalizer release

  13. Legendary

    Equalizer release

    Equalizer release $110. Used to extend draw length. My son used it to shoot my old bow. Shortest the bow would go was 27 and his draw length is 24.5 so it works as advertised. Located in Tucson.
  14. Legendary

    Equalizer release

  15. Legendary

    Pig videos

    These are my 2016 and 2017 hunts. https://youtu.be/1zkAjDC3Ab0 https://youtu.be/BBugI9EzmbI
  16. Legendary

    Pig videos

    Thanks. No that call is a circe p1 long range. I have had better luck with that and primos raspy coaxer than with calls made for Javelina. And yes both are gopro videos.
  17. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    Up for sale is a pair of Leica 12x50 trinovids. I just got them back from Leica in July. I had both the ocular lenses replaced, They are literally brand new. I believe I have the receipt but I'll have to look. No scratches on the objective lenses either. These are in perfect condition. Asking $1300. I'll try and post pics later.
  18. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    Price drop $1200
  19. Legendary

    Sold please delete

  20. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    Pms answered. TTT
  21. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    The binos are in Tucson.
  22. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    I'm not sure how old they are but I know they don't make this style anymore.
  23. Legendary

    Sold please delete

    And I do have the reciept
  24. Legendary

    Sold please delete

  25. Legendary

    12 in b stinger

    Where are you located?