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About NMdude
Some good private. Tough dates to hunt. Be careful. Try to get some rest at night...
Finally drew a Dec NM Coues hunt! Updated thread- Any 2017 success, pics, comments, units, tips, comments, etc.for 2017?
Forum for 2017 New Mexico year hunts! Anything goes!
NMdude started following 2017 NM Coues
probably one of a few things. 1- another hunter busted em up, 2- they're smelling or have already smelled u in the blind which is altering thier normal routine, or 3- that cat u mentioned may have pushed em out. Or, lastly u and your friend may be making too much noise in that blind... Just kidding.. Usually they dont go far tho in any event. Find a high point in the area and glass around. I usually hear pigs more often before I see em, so listen real good. If they are undisturbed they can be vocal with each other. Especially if they have little ones, babies are usually fairly noisy. Look on south facing hills. We noticed last weekend on our hunt (NM) that the pigs didnt start feeding until late in the AM (like 10:00) when the sun was well up warming things. Went 50% tag fill in camp. I didnt have to gut one this year! Was extrememly disappointed in the lack of quail this year.
Noticed tons of water bottles, clothes, backpacks, (i.e. trash), around the guzzlers/trick tanks a while back out in the mtn's where I grew up. Even some broken down trucks. Water sources were drained dry. How are the sheep being impacted by the encroachment of the illegal activities on thier water sources? I hardly recognized the places I remember growing up. Seen some carcases too. Have a feeling the sheep are having a difficult time competing for water. Just me or does anyone with more sheep expertise know how sheep do when the water sources (in this case, man made water sources) dries up?
I'm putt'n the compound down for a change and taking my longbow this year on my Javie hunt in NM. I figure if I run out of arrows, I can reach out and hit him on the nose with it anyway! Nice pig and well deserved!
Just a heads up. Take a buddy when u go. Brother was down that way last year and thier camp was ransacked by what they think were "coyotes"... Followed truck tracks for a ways but never caught up with them. Lost some good gear. Times have changed along border now days. Be careful.
I don't know I'd go as far to say Utah is doing it right. Two seasons back I had a muzzleloader tag for Mulies in an area south of Moab. Can't remember the name of the town that was right there. Anyway, one of my buddies knew a family in town, and all they could do was complain that their G&F department was mismanaging things so badly that they were surprised there was anything on the mountain worth shooting. Just going by word of mouth on that, but they were a big hunting family and seemed to know a lot about the issues. Anything one says is arguable, which I respect. But I used "fairly" as a depiction of what UT is doing. UT isnt 100% right... And was specific to elk. I'm sure they have holes in thier management as do all the states. Game dept's tend to look at each other when they incorporate regulations. Mainly, my point was more AZ has gone to be a state of "opportunity" (my definition, it means letting everyone go.... cause they feel "entitled"..). I just pulled up the AZGF numbers for 2012. I randomly looked at one unit in a area in question. 3,150 tags for one unit advertised in draw. Sums it up...
Clicked link. Is the big one $55 or $24 off the $55? Thanks.
Now live in NM but I'm a native arizonan. When my bro's in AZ told me how many permits AZ had from archery, muzzle, to rifle, it BLEW my mind... Back when I was kid growing up we archery hunted all the untis around Flag (when bowhunting wasnt hip). What the heck is AZGF doing...? I do know more average joe's are hollering more and more for "opportunity" vs "quality", but this number of permits seems very excessive in my opinion. Starting to hear thru hunt'n circles and family that the elk number and quality there is definately dropping too. Wildlife management isnt complex until wildlife mngmt makes it that way. One bro hunted Flag area last Archery season and said there were hunters everywhere. He left his AZ hunt early in frustration and met up with me on mine in NM (ended up helping me pack/process my bull... ). Utah so far, seems to be doing things fairly right. And, they're now leading each year with the quality bulls. My 2 cents...
Dig a hole, fill it with and burn a bunch of mesquite wood down to coals. Then wrap the whole hog in aluminum foil, tightly so no juices leak out on the plywood. Drop 4 slump block bricks in evenly spaced between plywood and the coals about 12" off coals. Drop the whole hog on the plywood. Get a piece of old tin and cover the top and seal with dirt. Cook for about 6 hours. Uncover and pull hog out (dont drip anything out on the plywood). Then take the plywood and cut out plate size portions from the wood and serve warm. as for the hog, I dont know. I had a friend who had 3 dogs and he said (he may be pulling my leg tho..) one of his dogs did eat some of the javelina. On serious side, the best way I had it was in a tamale. A good tamale cooker can make it pretty good.