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Everything posted by bvanetten

  1. bvanetten

    Wall tent treatments

    How about a tent that doesn't require treatments? http://www.elkmountaintents.com/ I don't own a wall tent yet and I'm not affiliated with elkmountiantents at all. I've been looking at getting a wall tent though and this one is on the top of the list.
  2. bvanetten

    2016 Rut Activity

    34a, not rutting. Glassed over 100 does in two days only a couple of bucks. The bucks were mildly intrested.
  3. bvanetten

    Badlands Down Jacket - Deep discount, worth it?

    So where is the built in stuff sack? is it one of the inside pockets?
  4. bvanetten

    Badlands Down Jacket - Deep discount, worth it?

    Coach, I just got mine also. And I agree, I'm a bit worried about the purchase for the same reasons as you. Maybe throwing it in the dryer under low heat for a bit will get it to poof out?
  5. Pretty ballsy, sandhill crane photobombing your selfie!
  6. I'd like to see this list also...
  7. bvanetten

    Kifaru Gear For Sale

    btt. good pack still available.
  8. bvanetten

    Kifaru Gear For Sale

    Paratipi and small stove $500 This setup has been to Reavis a few times. I remember a late whitetail hunt waking up to 15 degrees outside. Inside the tent was 78 degrees! A friend of mine insisted on staying in his bivi, he didn't know it had a stove. Was pissed the next morning. Comes with a bug screen for the entrance. In excellent condition. I really don't want to part the stove from the tent, they really belong together. Tent and stove together weigh just over 6 lbs. Pointman Backpack $250 Pack is in good shape. Foliage Green. 3000ci capacity. Best suspension in the biz. Bruce 480-390-3485
  9. bvanetten

    Kifaru Gear For Sale

    mfernaz, post up picks of the buck you stick later this month!
  10. bvanetten

    Desert Treats

    Put them in a spaghetti strainer and light them up with a propane torch while you slosh them around in the strainer. This should burn off the hairs/spines.
  11. bvanetten

    Kifaru Gear For Sale

    Stove and tent sold. pack is still available.
  12. bvanetten

    5a and water

    My youngest boy has a Thanksgiving bull tag in 5a. We have been planning on hunting the pines in the southern part of the unit. Seems to be plenty of water as every tank we've checked out was full and many canyons have standing water also. With the mild weather and all, I'm sure there will be plenty of elk in the southern part. But, we both like hunting the cedars. Does anyone have any up to date knowledge on the water situation in the northern parts of the unit?
  13. bvanetten

    where to buy 34a map

    Do you have a smart phone? I ditched my maps after I figured out this app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atlogis.northamerica&hl=en I love it. I'm sure there are other similar products that are comparable. You can cache the map area you will be hunting so you don't need cell service. Waypoints are transferable from google earth or from the app to google earth. You can choose from a bunch of different types of maps. And surprisingly, it doesn't chew up the phone battery as much as dedicated handheld gps units do.
  14. Yeah, it took a bunch of shooting to get accustomed to it. Very frustrating at first. But it's my only option for shooting lefty with my right eye.
  15. im running something similar, I would avoid the rear site options that have 4 posts surrounding the front pins. At longer distances they clutter up and cover up to much of your site picture. The rear site with two dots would be the better option. The setup I'm using allows me to shoot with my dominant right eye, left handed. This is what I'm running. http://www.peepeliminator.com/dominant-eye-sight-with-truglo-green I'm not real happy with the rear blade as it covers up to much of your target at longer distances. But I don't have to learn to shoot right handed so I live with it.
  16. bvanetten

    Govt changes minimum age to 18 to hunt

    Maybe not? http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/huntingpermit.asp Although, I'm not sure how much I trust Snopes anymore.
  17. I bet if you hit up a local 4x4 club and offered up dinner and beers they'ed pull you out for free.
  18. bvanetten

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    Oldest boy caught a 16 lb Flathead and a monster gill a couple of weeks ago. With all the bait in this lake you would think there would be more large flathead caught out of Canyon. I'm gonna figure this lake out....
  19. bvanetten

    Gear Cleanout

    id like the quiver. location?
  20. bvanetten

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    the next 4 to 6 weeks are primetime for flathead. go getum!
  21. bvanetten

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    I posted it. Post #11. He is a member of Arizona Catfish Conservation Association ( http://www.catfishaz.com/ ). So this cat was weighed, measured, tagged, and released. 50 inches long 30 inches girth
  22. bvanetten

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    He tagged it and released it. eat the small ones and put the big boys back to catch again.
  23. bvanetten

    remington 22 long rifle ammo

    6, 500 round boxes. $25 a box. in apache junction.
  24. bvanetten

    Canyon Lake Flathead and Bluegill

    catfishkev, nice flat in your member photo. swampmafia, he caught him on a gill but that gill was coming home... bluegill fish tacos are the bomb. couple of buddies fished bartlett friday night. 6 flats between 10 & 20 lbs. the 7th was 53bs!