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Everything posted by bvanetten

  1. bvanetten

    Kifaru Field Chair

  2. bvanetten

    Kifaru Field Chair

  3. 1.6l VW Diesel with 120hp "Giles" built injection pump Toyota W56 5 speed transmission Acme Adapter kit to mate engine to transmission dual toyota transfercases (main case has 4.7 gears, 2nd case has 2.28 gears) main case converted to twin stick Toyota axles with toyota e-lockers (front is electric, rear converted to cable) 4.88 gears Jeep YJ springs 96 inch wheelbase 33x12.5 tires with aluminum rims Jeep 4.0 radiator with Ford Taurus electric fan 1 wire GM alternator 1 ton Scout power steering gear box Kong high steer kit 15 gallon fuel tank new windshield new battery new fuel pump Flexes awesome great mileage offroad stupid low gears for offroad (both tcases in low and tranny in 1st gets you 228:1) but still able to run on highway. 2600 lbs Will throw in a bunch of extra VW diesel parts to include a 1.6l long block and injection pumps. Also an adapter to allow you to run a variable geometry turbo from a VW TDI motor.
  4. bvanetten

    24 ft pontoon boat log - $500

    Pontoon boat toon or log from a 1988 Tracker Party Barge. 24' long 21" diameter I used the other log to turn my pontoon boat into a triple toon.
  5. bvanetten

    24 ft pontoon boat log - $500

  6. bvanetten

    DPMS AR10 For Sale .260 / .308

    Posting for my son. He'll be enlisting in the Army in the next couple of months (68W) and won't need the rifle for a few years. DPMS AR10 Currently is fitted with a DPMS .260 Remington barrel. Has the original .308 barrel as well as the parts and furniture for it. Both barrels are threaded, a brake is installed on the .260. Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 scope. Free floating aluminum tube hand guard. 2 pmag, 2 steel 20 rnd magazines. One 5 rnd steel magazine. Soft case. Wish I still had the paper to prove it, but it shoots 3/4 to 1/2 inch groups with Hornady 123grain ELD match bullets. I'm not a big fan of brakes but with the weight of the rifle and the brake this thing is a hoot to shoot. You can stay in the scope and on target shot after shot. Asking $1200
  7. bvanetten

    24 ft pontoon boat log - $500

    Doubled up on crossmembers, 12" on center now. Welded strakes on the center toon before I put it under the boat to help getting on plane (oxymoron with a pontoon boat). Pushed the motor back like the newer boats are. Much more stable in the water. picked up 3mph. turning diameter decreased by 50%. Need to build furniture now. Can't wait for flathead season now.
  8. bvanetten

    Suzuki Samurai based 4x4 buggy - $5000

    had to get a class II (?) inspection on it. And it got a new AZ VIN from that inspection. As far as the DMV and Insurance is concerned it is a 1986 Samurai.
  9. bvanetten

    Suzuki Samurai based 4x4 buggy - $5000

    When it had all it body panels it went through emissions as a 1986 Samauri. Back then I drove it in town so emissions were needed. Once it was tubed out and we were using it mainly offroad and out of Maricopa county I registered it in Pinal county where emissions were not required.
  10. bvanetten

    DPMS AR10 For Sale .260 / .308

    .308 is 16" .260 is 20"
  11. bvanetten

    Suzuki Samurai based 4x4 buggy - $5000

    LOL! That's exactly what my family and friends have called it for years. It has a personality disorder for sure. Forgot to mention the super comfy seats. They are out of a chevy mini van 2005? 2006 vintage? Air down to 15 lbs and put it out in its element and it is unstoppable and reliable. It will go farther than I'm willing to go.
  12. bvanetten

    24 ft pontoon boat log - $500

    hmm, pic upside down. Upside down, rightside up, the log looks the same. lol.
  13. bvanetten

    Kifaru Field Chair

  14. bvanetten

    DPMS AR10 For Sale .260 / .308

    Evening bump.
  15. bvanetten

    Kifaru Field Chair

    Evening bump.
  16. bvanetten

    Wildland Firefighting Jobs

    Oldest son just graduated from wildland firefighting courses up in Prescott. Arizona Wildfire Academy I think? He's looking for a job now. From what little I know about the process it looks like he has missed the hiring window (jobs posted in November and filled by January). He has a few applications in for entry level jobs around the state, we'll see how that goes. Does anyone here have any insight into the process? Any leads on State, Federal, or private jobs? Any info is appreciated.
  17. bvanetten

    Wildland Firefighting Jobs

    Yep, his boss said they have been trying to burn that mountain for a few years now. Apparently each time they scheduled it the conditions weren't right.
  18. bvanetten

    Wildland Firefighting Jobs

    Update. The boy landed a job on a brush truck stationed in Tucson. Department of Forestry and Fire Management. Just finished up a prescribed burn south of tucson. He is enjoying it so far.
  19. bvanetten

    ATV vs UTV vs 4Runner/Samuri/Etc

    Interesting topic. I to have been through the gambit of options. Started out with a dirt bike. That lasted until a rock pushed the front tire weird and I ended up flying over the handlebars! Then we got a quad. had a blast. it would fit in the bed of the truck and we would pull the camper. Wife would ride on the back, we saw a ton of country. They the FS started cracking down on riding double so we picked up a 2nd quad. This caused us to "need" a toy hauler. The boys got old enough to ride so we needed to add a couple more quads. Sold the toy hauler for a bigger toy hauler. Then needed a bigger truck! Got a bigger truck and things were fine for a few years. But now it was a production to get going. big truck, 38ft trailer, extra fuel, etc. Got tired of maintaining 4 machines and tired of all the dust and weather. As far as hunting goes, everything was dirty, pack guns, bows, everything. That got old quick. So sold the quads and got a rhino. Liked it better then the quads but still had the dust and weather issues. Then I had the bright idea to build a samurai. Enclosed cab, heater, street legal at normal speeds, thought it would be perfect. once the samurai was done it was tipping the scales loaded with gear at 3000 lbs. It would fit fine in the toy hauler but, and I know people haul this size vehicle in them, but it isn't safe. So we started looking for cargo haulers with living quarters. $$$. About this time I came to my senses. This whole thing got out of control and expensive. Quads are gone, sxs is gone, samurai will be gone, toyhauler is gone (keeping the truck ). Boys are in their own vehicles. Picked up a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a v8, 4in lift, 32 inch tires and the selectable xfer case. Love it. Incredible off road. long arm coil suspension floats over washboard (with aired down tires). Will be picking up a light (3500 lb or less) camper to tow behind it. I can sleep in the back for short hunting/scouting trips. AC, Heat, heated seats! Quiet. Won't go as far as my samurai or quads (dam close though) but I like to hike into hunting spots anyhow. Toyota LC or the Lexus version of it would work nice also but the money people want for those is stupid. I'm sold on this setup so far. I like the samurai alot but it just isn't as nice. If your samurai beats you up off road then you don't have it setup right. Mine is smooth as butter. Here is a pic of my jeep.
  20. bvanetten

    Wildland Firefighting Jobs

    Email addys sent. Thanks Hoyt.
  21. bvanetten

    Wildland Firefighting Jobs

    AZLance, Thanks for the link. The only position left is a Squad Boss. We'll go down there and figure out if he can get on a list or something.