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Everything posted by firstcoueswas110

  1. firstcoueswas110

    37b az

    im going to scout there tomorrow, if i see any bucks ill be sure not to tell you about them.
  2. firstcoueswas110

    Holiday Hunters

    on christmas?
  3. firstcoueswas110

    Holiday Hunters

    Pics of liberal aunt? you would probably smash like the hammer of thor, you sick sob. id take the 200" and show up late. but i dont have kids.
  4. firstcoueswas110

    Mexican fan tail myth?

    so its a small bodied deer with a bigger rack? isnt that just a trophy coues?
  5. firstcoueswas110

    Sunday the 28th of Dec

    im down to drive around and shoot off the road if you want. you drive i'll shoot
  6. firstcoueswas110

    Were having a great yr so far..

    i know right, i hope they had fun?
  7. firstcoueswas110

    Were having a great yr so far..

    youre my new hero
  8. firstcoueswas110

    Bear in Queen Creek

    looks like a nice sized one
  9. firstcoueswas110

    Another great 10 yr old season

    better than any season ive ever had.
  10. firstcoueswas110

    Late rifle bulls

    fatty late bulls
  11. firstcoueswas110


    lol what?
  12. firstcoueswas110

    Big Female

  13. firstcoueswas110

    Oregon Mule Deer. " Buck Norris "

    he's regressed a bit. if you have instagram search buck norris and theres some pics.
  14. firstcoueswas110

    44 BS

  15. firstcoueswas110

    AZGFD Commission changing elk structures!!!

    i would expect in increase in late archery and decrease general hunts and/or the early hunts since that way the elk populations go up since there will be less success, yet they will still earn the same amount of cash since the tags are the same overall.
  16. firstcoueswas110

    Yearbook Photo

    that picture is so dang american. love it.
  17. firstcoueswas110

    Friday - who's hunting piggy

    can you shoot them in neighborhoods with a bow? i read in tucson its legal to shoot predators in neighborhoods with a bow
  18. firstcoueswas110

    Fur handling

    ladies night at the bar, always a chance of handling good fur
  19. firstcoueswas110

    AZGFD Commission changing elk structures!!!

    you guys that want the late archery can have them as far as im concerned. f that hunt.
  20. firstcoueswas110

    Had a Successful Year of Hunting

    thats looks like a nice area.
  21. firstcoueswas110

    Wildcats Big Day

  22. firstcoueswas110

    Wildcats Big Day

    change thread title to "bad day"
  23. firstcoueswas110

    G+F hunter survey

    and that you wounded 6.
  24. well what were these wildlife professionals doing before when there was half as many tags then, you think theres been that much of an increase in game?