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Everything posted by firstcoueswas110

  1. firstcoueswas110

    Shawn Wagner wins appeal

    do NOT call azgfd until the draw results are posted dang it.
  2. firstcoueswas110

    Arizona Unit 1 Early Archery – Getting Warmer?

    i bet you suck at hunting in real life.
  3. firstcoueswas110

    Where did you put in?

    i put in for unit 31 elk and unit 25 for antelope. card got hit for both
  4. firstcoueswas110

    The Hook-Up

    like buying something here i would expect some amount disclosure up front about problems. yeah i guess i should have looked it over better, my fault. i paid g.loomis $100 and they sent me a new one.
  5. firstcoueswas110

    Arizona Unit 1 Early Archery – Getting Warmer?

    last couple decades? lol hard if you dont think the indian with the biggest bull back in the day didnt get his pick of the squaws that night. just lol.
  6. firstcoueswas110

    Results available

    like repay us for the millions they make on license fees? id say we give them lots of love.
  7. firstcoueswas110

    The Hook-Up

    scooter sold me a broken fishing pole so we all have all our own stories. i mean it was a deal but would have been nice to know the reel seat was broken. i duct taped it.
  8. firstcoueswas110

    Elk Antelpoe tags

    i already got mine the other day when they came out. suck for you guys
  9. firstcoueswas110

    Best April Fools Day Jokes

    game and fish just posted the results
  10. is it harder to bring a gun to california or mexico?
  11. firstcoueswas110

    Aoudad anyone?

    id like to get the info on a quality place to hunt them for next season. is it best in texas or new mexico?
  12. firstcoueswas110

    Treed a nice Tom

    so youre telling me, that im deer hunting in the woods and those things are lurking around?
  13. firstcoueswas110

    Watch your step...they are out!

    but humans couldnt benefit from this?
  14. firstcoueswas110

    Still hope cc issues

    If thats the case the "update your card deadine" is b.s. your buddy should have been rejected. someone must have sued over their card charges or not getting charged and thats why theyre going through this to cover their butt just doesnt make any sense I mean are they trying to make the draw more complicated and f'd up then it needs to be? you run the card, it fails, you get booted. why the heck are they calling people
  15. firstcoueswas110

    Wednesday hits only

    ITT reminds me of being a bar at like 2am, just a group of desperate guys
  16. firstcoueswas110


    if he had cliffs notes for his responses maybe someone would read it.
  17. firstcoueswas110

    Tuesday HIts only

    i crie errytime.
  18. firstcoueswas110

    Monday Hits only thread.

    in, on desperate crew.
  19. firstcoueswas110

    is 18pts any good?

    or is that still pathetic as far as antelope draw odds go? edit: for rifle
  20. firstcoueswas110


    less applicants, as in take money out of AZGFD pockets? yeah its a great idea but will it happen, heck no. not at $13 a pop!
  21. firstcoueswas110

    Card Hit

    what unit was your first choice? congrats
  22. firstcoueswas110

    is 18pts any good?

    well nothing hit for me so fml
  23. firstcoueswas110

    Card Hit

    bunch of cry babies mad at a 10 year old? sounds about right.
  24. firstcoueswas110

    Did that get deleted?

    chicks used to take their tops off so much more back in the day too. spring break is not the same *delete why?
  25. firstcoueswas110

    Did that get deleted?

    chicks used to take their tops off so much more back in the day too. spring break is not the same