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Everything posted by firstcoueswas110

  1. firstcoueswas110

    190" coues killed in southern AZ?!?!?

    horns look pixelated af. you do realize that all digital imaging devices from CCD to CMOS use digital pixels and interpolation to create a digital image .... Lighting and exposure settings combined with the type and quality of the camera can create pixels and artifacts most would think point to an altered picture ... for those claiming lack of shadows you really should look closer as there are many varied shadows throughout that seem proper and within similar gradients that would reflect a natural light source .... Could it be faked of course, but from what I see IMO it is not ... Granted there seem to be more CSI worthy experts on this site than myself ... good lord man calm down, all i said was the pixels look weird. when someone asks you the time, do you tell them how to build a watch?
  2. firstcoueswas110

    190" coues killed in southern AZ?!?!?

    horns look pixelated af.
  3. firstcoueswas110

    3B Muzzle Loader hunt

    in the woods is a good place. check the area around snowflake, bomb elk hunting up there.
  4. firstcoueswas110

    Buffalo in unit 18a?

    did you know that nearly all american bison have cow blood in them
  5. still a bargain for a good hunt really though. even if it had been hunted.
  6. firstcoueswas110

    Monday Check in

    Not going to turn this into a pissing match... if your argument is that a calorie is a calorie ( negating the reality of empty calories ) then you are correct in stating that in weight loss the calories are equal... the nurtitional benifits are not equal... The rate of cumsuption by the body is not equal.... The metabolic rate as which one is converted to energy is not equal.... as far a timing it comes down to what the body needs to maximize the output while maintaining and rebuilding any muscle during any activity level... Body uses energy constantly simple carbs covert quick and are used first .. complex carbs take longer but can give adequite energy quickly enough.... Body runs out of quick energy for the activity it goes to stored energy A.K.A Fat.... body uses stored energy up and to the point that it is repelnished with more easily converted energy ( such as that plate of Pasta.... If it runs out of Stored energy and is not being replenished it breaks down muscle .... That is why individuals with a large fat reserve can eat at a deficit and both lose Fat Weight while gaining muscle through strrength training... especially when feeding enough protein to feed the repairing of muscle... Now that does not ever mean that a person is making the same kinds of gains as in eating in surplus with more strength training , but it does allow for both fat loss and small gains while losing... heck even the digestion of the food itself has different caloric burn rates a process that is always happening as he body converts to energy and absorbs neccessary nutrients .... You ar enot going to go do months of strength training without feeding your body protein nor should you starve it of the quick energy to help fuel the process but I do not think most are using Twinkies to fuel their workout .. If you do that is awesome DYEL?
  7. firstcoueswas110

    Buffalo in unit 18a?

    does that mean theyre fair game?
  8. firstcoueswas110


    ya i can, i said tucson. just like it reads. maybe you cant, you should have gone to asu.
  9. firstcoueswas110


    location: Tucson
  10. firstcoueswas110


    sure they did. thats why i have a bowtech, chicks dig it.
  11. firstcoueswas110

    Kaibab wolf

    oh my god. that thing is massive.
  12. firstcoueswas110

    Reputable Taxidermist Southeast Valley

    i took a big bass i caught to a guy that was cheap in the east valley. came out like garbage. spend the money on someone good. after 20 years, whats an extra 150-300 bucks.
  13. firstcoueswas110

    My FIRST mule deer!

    cool looking area to be hunting in. thats a sickening buck too
  14. firstcoueswas110

    Hanging animals

    go to kaibab, same meat poles hanging in trees that have been there 20+ years. people using them too
  15. firstcoueswas110

    36a buck

    need better thread title. should have something like monster or giant in there. congrats on that beast.
  16. firstcoueswas110

    190" coues killed in southern AZ?!?!?

    i can confirm, i was 190" coues.
  17. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    ok slight rant, i was reading some comments on the "Coues Hunting" FB group. apparently im not a hunter because i dont find it "funny" or 'bad butt" that a semi smashed a deer and left us with a gruesome pic. am i that far off base? i mean ive killed lots of animal, never thought it was funny. i thought serial killers think its "funny" to kill animals. idk maybe its nothing but i thought that was kind of disturbing that someone would have that reaction
  18. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    idk who casey is. thats hardcore but i get it. i know some guys that hunt with hounds and theyre pretty hardcore. more than me thats for sure. .
  19. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    isnt it wild that you can have those feelings, but a guy like lance feels nothing at the sight of a suffering animal.
  20. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    self important? when i read this, i realize how much different all our perceptions of reality are.
  21. firstcoueswas110

    Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50

  22. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    i see what youre saying, but even when i blast a coyote i dont start laughing. i might smile with excitement, or show some joy after a kill, but im not thinking wow that was hilarious and laughing about how his brain fell out. i enjoy hunting, killing is part of it. seems like some people get off on the killing.
  23. firstcoueswas110

    thinking its "funny" to kill a deer

    right. maybe i was being sensitive but, it being funny. made me think wtf.
  24. firstcoueswas110

    Most hunters are not honest.

    was this article to remind me that i suck at hunting or that OP is the best there is?
  25. firstcoueswas110

    Spot the Sniper

    i can confirm, i was snipered.