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Everything posted by 3Coues3

  1. 3Coues3

    5bn elk, pictures added!

    +1 Pic's?????
  2. 3Coues3

    2013 348" Archery Bull

    Sweet bull!!!
  3. 3Coues3

    16yr old Andrew's first bull

    Awesome BIG 5!!
  4. 3Coues3

    Prayers Answered

    Congrats!! I got my first bull this year as well!! An amazing feeling! I was so pumped and then realized what I had wait for,for so long was over! Cant wait to get the next tag!!
  5. 3Coues3

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    Amazing bull!! love the symmetrical seven
  6. 3Coues3

    5bn elk, pictures added!

    spot and stalk!! No rut activity at all!! I know four more 5bn tag holders. They had said this morning was the first day of bugling!
  7. 3Coues3

    5bn elk, pictures added!

    I did I will post pics a little later!
  8. 3Coues3

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    I left 5bn yesterday around noon and it was a wreck!!! Roads were tore up, it was pouring rain, and water every where!!! Very little rut activity in the area I was in as well!!
  9. 3Coues3

    T-minus 169 hours

    Your not the only one.....!!!!
  10. 3Coues3


    I am having the same debate!! I want one just don't know about spending $90 on it, or end up not carrying it around every where I go.
  11. 3Coues3

    First Rubs ???

    I was out there this last weekend covered a lot of ground no fresh rubs!
  12. 3Coues3


    Got my leftover Saturday as well
  13. 3Coues3

    Revised left over tags

    Got the 33 muzzy tag! I am pumped picked up this tag last year as a left over and scored on opening day!
  14. 3Coues3

    When to mail in Leftover App??

    Yeah I would agree and wish I would have done that. All I am saying is it didn't seem to matter in my case last year!
  15. 3Coues3

    When to mail in Leftover App??

    Last year I filled out my app. and sent it in with the address on the envelope on Friday and got my first choice. I don't think it matters!
  16. 3Coues3

    The results are up!

  17. 3Coues3

    Arizona Elk Rut-2013

    Which site are you using to view the precipitation map? Have an early bull tag and would like to review and follow the rain fall over the next 2 months? Thanks, Byron
  18. 3Coues3

    road closures

    Yeah I was up in 5bn last weekend and there were people using roads that they weren't suppose to be on. As stated above not to many people are following the rules.
  19. 3Coues3

    road closures

    http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/coconino/maps-pubs The most current map should be on here
  20. Hey all, This is my first early archery bull tag and its in 5bn and have a few questions for any one that would like to give there 2 cents. I will be doing my homework with scouting trips, maps, and some boot leather so I am sure I will find out soon enough but I just had a few questions to start off with. I normally hunt Unit 1 and 27 and just don't know what to expect in a sense of herd size/ bull to cow ratio/ general size of bulls. What could I expect to see or shoot? If I were only able to take one week off of work, would you recommend the first week or second? Thanks, Byron
  21. Thanks for the input and info. cant wait to start scouting!! GJMauro12 I migth take you up on that!
  22. 3Coues3

    Draw Results Out

    Early Archery Bull 5BN havent had a elk tag in 9 years and cant wait to fill the freezer!!!!!
  23. 3Coues3

    Tagged out for the year!!

    Got my first pig for the year in Jan. and decided to pick up another tag and chase these stinkers around some more! Picked up a H.A.M. hunt and decided to take the old smokepole out. Opening day I had to work but made it out friday night. We woke up to snow and heavy winds, we hunted hard all day to find a herd with about 30 mins of shooting light and to much distance to close the gap. Went back to the same area the next morning and had no luck re-locating the herd. We went back to camp packed up and decided to give it one more try for the weekend. With in a minute behind the glass we located a single pig. Knowing pigs rarely travel alone we watched the pig walk up and down the hill and then finally cross a entire hill side and lead us right to the whole herd that was hidden in a small draw. The wind was blowing real hard so we had to swing up and over the hill to stay out of the wind. Snuck within about 70 yards and that was all it took!! After I dropped my pig I called one back for my buddy and we made a double out of it!
  24. 3Coues3

    Tagged out for the year!!

    I used the J-13. I have had mixed results with the call 3 of 4 this year was a succsesfull call back the other one sent them running the other direction.
  25. 3Coues3

    Doubled Up!!

    Well after two weekends of hitting it hard from sun up to sun down, blown stocks and blown shots we finally sealed the deal! My pig is the one on the left and you can see the damage of the exit hole from the shwacker!! Those broad heads make some nasty holes!!