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Everything posted by 3Coues3

  1. 3Coues3

    Draw results

    Got Permit#0001 for Dec. 35a&b muzzy any antlered deer
  2. 3Coues3

    Shoot or Pass???

    Thank you everyone for the input. In my opinion I will be looking for something bigger with that bear being at my minimum size to shoot. And kidso I know you love your color phased bears but I am looking for a jet black bear. I personally like them more than the color phase.
  3. 3Coues3

    Credit card hit

    Got hit too!
  4. 3Coues3

    Come on draw

    I just got hit for $45.00
  5. 3Coues3

    Unit 28 OTC Elk

    I have personally seen them in 32 and ran into a few others that have seen them as well. But like mentioned above those that know where they are don't release that info.
  6. 3Coues3

    Got My Bull Back!

    Got My bull back the other day! I am extremely happy with it, Greg Williamson @ SBB Taxidermy in Vail, Az did and amazing job!
  7. 3Coues3

    My Wifes First Hunt

    My Wife and I went on her first hunt ever. We left Friday morning about 9am. Arrived at camp around 1230 we got set up and out hunting by 330. By 415 we had a heard spotted and by 445 she had made a perfect one shot kill @150 yard on the lead boar. I am very proud of her! She had the flu all week but was determined to get out there on her first hunt ,and get it done.
  8. 3Coues3

    My Wifes First Hunt

    Yeah firstcousewas80 I told her it doesn't always work out perfectly like that. We were in 36b, I saw you post that you were taking your wife out there as well how did you guys do?
  9. 3Coues3

    Vortex vulture line 'please help'

    I have looked through the 10X56's and they were really nice for the price. Cant wait to look through the 15X56's to see if the quality is still there. If it is am picking up a set for sure!
  10. So I recently purchased a San Carlos bear tag and have never hunted bear!! Was wonder what caliber rifle to use? I have a 7mm or a 300. What would you guys recommend?
  11. 3Coues3

    What Rifle to use?

    Thanks for the input!! I figured either would work just figured I would ask.
  12. 3Coues3

    What Rifle to use?

    Neither!!! Chevy!!
  13. 3Coues3

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    13 points for antelope unit 1 / unit 2a Thanks!!
  14. 3Coues3


    Had this guy pushing does on the afternoon of the 13th.
  15. 3Coues3

    NM Ibex! Better late then never!!

    Awesome mount!!! What do those things taste like?
  16. Does Blackhorn 209 go bad? I bought some about a year ago that I still have. I kept it indoors and dry.
  17. Kelney thanks for the info. and personal experience with it. I searched the web and couldn't really find much saying if it could go bad or not.
  18. 3Coues3


    Awesome looking sheep! I really like the mount.
  19. 3Coues3

    Elk down low

    That's cool!! Definitely a couple different bulls coming in.
  20. 3Coues3

    Another 27 Bull

    Congrats!! Sweet bull!!
  21. 3Coues3

    Redemption Bull

    Awesome bull!! Congrats!!!
  22. 3Coues3

    Archery bull 3 generations

    Nice bull!! Congrats!!!
  23. 3Coues3

    Rusty's Arizona Archery Bull

    Congrats!! Sweet Bull, looks like he has length every were!!
  24. 3Coues3

    My solo archery hunt

    Congrats!! Looks like he had some weight to him!!
  25. 3Coues3

    First Bull Tag / First Bull

    Here is a few pic's of my first bull! Got him friday on a spot n stalk after seeing him for two afternoons in a row in the same spot. Attached is a pic of the bull the afternoon before season opened.