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Everything posted by POB

  1. POB

    Supplemental feed?

    Simple... they can and you can't.
  2. POB

    2013 regs?

    When do you think the new regs will be out for next years Elk and Antelope hunts?
  3. POB

    270 wsm ballistic silvertip bullets

    Sounds like a good excuse to buy a new rifle to match the ammo..HA HA
  4. POB

    Ideas on a quad...

    So I decided I need a quad before next year. I want to get a used side by side, but know nothing about them, so need a little help. Which ones do you like, and which ones should I stay away from? Why. I'll mostly be useing it for Elk,deer, and Javi hunting. Thanks in advance.
  5. Well it's over (except for late bow). I hunted for 8 of the 10 days allowed and saw over 24 deer. I'm positive that 23 of those were does. All I could see of the 24th was the hind end as he (I think) snuck through the heavy cover in the bottom of the draw. Counting the time my hunting partner spent in the same area different hunt we put in 15 days and many hours behind the glass with only one buck seen and no kills. Last year in the same area we saw 3 bucks for every doe we saw. Now it's all about VENISON, a nice fat 2x2 mulie at 35 yards would go real good because tag soup sucks.
  6. POB

    Ideas on a quad...

    I've got an older (73) 4X4 dodge . the problem is size, it's just too wide for most of the trails that have carved up by the quads. Maybe a jeep. Thanks for all the responses.
  7. I love hunting coues but,.... when youn pass up an Elk hunt to scout... you might have a problem.lol
  8. POB

    O'Connor Non-profit could use some help

    I grew up reading outdoor life magazine because of Jack O'Conner. a truly great man.
  9. At the rate things are going, I don't think we'll see the rut before Febuary. Sorry guys.
  10. POB

    Raghorn?? - video

    Could be old and dropping off. I'd shoot him in a heart beat.
  11. POB

    Shorts on the 3rd Hunt!

    Well, it finally starts. Too bad I have to work Friday and Sat. untill 2: 15. I'll have to hit the hills each afternoon but come Sunday morning I'll be out early. Hope I don't need the extra weekend.
  12. POB

    Is he crazy or brave?

    WOW!! Really cool. Those things are HUGE.
  13. POB

    36a junior hunt

    My partner's son brought in the first coues to the SCI youth camp last night. Hopefully He'll give us the story.
  14. POB

    Duel in the Desert

    I'll be there wearing red and screaming my head off. GO CATS.
  15. POB

    Rut Hunting

    I think water or lack of it has more to do with the deer population than hunting, at least here.
  16. POB

    Toyota info needed

    You tube has almost everything on there.
  17. Okay, round one is over and round two has started. Lets see some proof of success. I've got four more weeks to wait for my hunt, and I'm jonesing bad. Help.
  18. POB

    .270 for ELK

    I just bought a new to me mod. 70 in 270. My all time favorite cartridge. Yeah, it'll kill Elk real dead with a well placed shot.
  19. From what I can find Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 by around 500,000. He won by 3 mil in 2004.Obama won by 10 mil in 2008 and by around 3 mil yesterday. The guys who wrote the constitution came up with the electoral college to give small states equal power in the election process. Bush used it to perfection in 2000, and Obama did the same in the last two elections. If we go to the popular vote Calif. and New York will be the only states that matter.
  20. George Bush lost the popular vote but Florida gave him the white house. It's happened before and will probably happen again.
  21. POB

    Points and Eyeguards

    wht_mtnman has it right... coues were a last resort deer when I was growing up. Most hunters in the 50's and 60's were meat hunters so mule deer came first and then the last weekend of the hunt you'd go south and kill al little coues. Mule deer don't often have eye guards sooo we didn't count them.
  22. POB

    Docter 15x60 SOLD!!!!!

    Those are sweet, I've got a pair just like them. Only draw back is the weight. Good glass, great price.
  23. POB

    Antler Restrictions

    No, I was not serious about the native rule. I am serious about limiting the amount of hunters though. In 34A in just the general WT hunts they allowed 1950 hunter is an area with only one mountain range. In my opinion that is at least 450 too many. Even at 20 % success that's 390 bucks ( not counting bow kills) out of a rather small area. This makes the Dept. money but we, the hunters pay the price of having a hunter on every hill and three on every water hole. Of course the native only rule would let me have a trophy hunt EVERY TIME. haha. I think something needs to be done, just not sure what. Just too many hunters and not enough deer.
  24. POB

    Antler Restrictions

    I think a better idea is to restrict the hunting to only native born arizona residents. If you were born here, you can kill any dang thing you want, and everyone else can go hunt in the state they were born in. Seriously, if they want to put more restrictions in place they need to start with the amount of tags. Then we can start putting in for a deer tag when we're born and hope to draw before we die.
  25. POB

    Round two success

    Really?!? I'd better talk to my nephew, I'm sure he said he's hunting 33 starting today. DOOOHHH