****UPDATE**** Milton was found last night!!!!
Thanks to all that gave prayers, thoughts, and advice!!!! I don't know all the complete details yet. But from what I heard, after Milton & Amandas story was aired on a local news station they received a phone call leading them to someone who had found Milton.
Tickled Pink Weimaraner Rescue
♥ We took this photo of Milton & Amanda as soon as they reunited 5 days after he was ejected from the car they were in. ♥
he is seemingly okay. He has a few bumps and scrapes and sunburned nose and also raw patches on all four paws, making it difficult for him to walk. He sees one of our rescue vets tomorrow morning. Thank you for your support
Tickled Pink Weimaraner Rescue
♥ A very thirsty and very sore Milton receives some balm and socks on his feet before his last drink @ bedtime. He'll be seeing one of our rescue vets tomorrow ♥
He was found about 3 miles from the accident site, not far from where the Bloodhound tracked his prints and we set the live trap.
Read more at Michigan-Sportsman.com: If anyone has friends or family in New Mexico....please Help!!! - The Michigan Sportsman Forums http://www.michigan-sportsman.com/forum/showthread.php?t=402394#ixzz1fxPMB1kL