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Everything posted by levers

  1. levers

    Need help ffl question

    Call Wright Armory in Tempe, Arizona Arms in Chandler, or Quentin Defense in Gilbert. I can't imagine any of them having a problem. The guys at Quentin Defense and Wright Armory are set up to do it very easily and they are customer oriented.
  2. Anybody have any of these laying around? I'd like to buy, borrow, or trade for some old copies. I used to like reading them but I think all my old copies are lost.....
  3. I used to have a ton of them too but they have disappeared!!!
  4. I'm in the south Tempe area
  5. Pretty good looking Winchester model 43 in 218 Bee. Made about 1950. Has Weaver K4 scope on it. Located in south Tempe area. $700
  6. levers

    357 Herret reloading dies

    The 357 Herret used to be a pretty popular Contender round. I'm not a Contender fancier so I haven't kept track. But, I think interest has fallen off since there are so many other more commonly found calibers available. Pacific dies are nice quality. I'd think they'd be worth $40-$50 to someone who needed them......maybe $15-$25 to someone who thinks they might need them down the road.
  7. levers

    Looking for a firearm collector.

    I think he meant made in 1897.....or just a typo
  8. $900 located in south Tempe area
  9. That's tempting....let me think on that a while.
  10. levers


    I'll take it
  11. levers

    Toyota Tacoma tires and wheels

    What size are the tires?
  12. Interested in trading for Kaibabs or Razor 12x50's.
  13. Would be open to a trade for a set of Kaibab binos plus cash.
  14. levers

    FS Microsoft XBox 360

    sold pending
  15. levers

    FS Microsoft XBox 360

    This is a white earlier model Xbox 360. I got it a quite a while back for the kids but we've never gotten around to even plugging it in. Comes with one controller. $65 Located south Tempe
  16. levers

    FS Microsoft XBox 360

    I bought it used quite a while ago from another Coues member (if I'm remembering correctly) I have never used it.
  17. levers

    FS Microsoft XBox 360

    Or, I would add a little cash with it for a set of Swarovski 15x56
  18. levers

    Leupold VXIII 3.5x10x40mm

    Lightening only strikes once
  19. levers

    FS Microsoft XBox 360

    Or trade for a set of Vortex Kaibabs…..they can be used