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Everything posted by levers

  1. Well used, truck gun quality Winchester 9422m 22 magnum. I'll post pictures later. Located in south Tempe. $550
  2. levers

    FS Winchester 9422 Magnum $550

    I just have a gun addiction. I see something and I have to have it, only to find a little while later, that I really didn't need it after all. I'm trying to cut down
  3. levers

    FS Winchester 9422 Magnum $550

    Has some light initials scratched in near the serial number.....hard to see in photos. Should be easy to remove if you were so inclined.
  4. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    Still available
  5. levers

    Looking for a Hunting rifle for a buddy

    What about this 7 mag Ruger posted on here? http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/67247-ruger-7mm-425-obo/
  6. levers

    Wtb 20 guage shotgun

    I have a Browning BSS 20 gauge that I'm not using.
  7. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    There were a couple guys who talked about buying them here so I have only listed them here. Those guys haven't responded to PM so I think they are out....so, still available. Plus, I don't like the idea of using Backpage or Craigslist much.....
  8. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    still available
  9. levers

    Local raw honey. South Chandler

    I'll go for a pint. I'm close by, too.
  10. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    still available
  11. I ended up with 2 extra tickets to Adele tonight in downtown Phoenix. Face value, including Ticketmaster fees, is about $325. Located in Tempe.
  12. Not only trying but succeeding....in 15 minutes
  13. levers

    WTB Side by Side Shotgun

    I have a Browning BSS 20 gauge that is collecting dust.....let me know if you're interested.
  14. That was fast......sold
  15. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    still available
  16. levers

    remington 22 long rifle ammo

    I can use the other 3 if still available.
  17. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    BENR10----I sent you a message Still available
  18. levers

    Lawn Tractor Repair

    There's a guy named Chuck that does a lot of lawn tractor and mower repair. He also sells a lot of used mowers. He's in Mesa as I recall. His number is 480 217 0026. I have not dealt with him for a long time so I can't really vouch for him but he's worth talking to.
  19. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    to the top
  20. levers

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    a couple pics