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Everything posted by levers

  1. Might consider trade of Taylor Swift tickets plus cash
  2. levers

    FS Vortex 12x50 Razors

  3. levers

    Remington 722 .222 Rem Magnum

    Must resist.......love the 222 mag
  4. Here's a Lee press and a Pacific powder measure that are gathering dust at my house. $30 for the two. Located in south Tempe area
  5. Pretty nice looking pre 64 Winchester model 70 in 30-06. Made about 1954. $800 Located in south Tempe area.
  6. levers

    For Sale Winchester pre 64 model 70 30-06

    I think it's original but I don't consider myself an expert on the model 70.
  7. levers

    For Sale Winchester pre 64 model 70 30-06

    Steel buttplate, yes......24" barrel
  8. levers

    For Sale Winchester pre 64 model 70 30-06

    No, as I recall, the hollow bolt knob was a cost/weight reduction change made in the early 1950s.
  9. levers

    400amp Electrical Service Panel

    Wish I had a place for it
  10. I found myself looking at the Vortex Razor 12x50 ad this morning and almost decided to buy them....as I was thinking about it, I realized that I already have too many binoculars and that I should be going the other way. So, here's a good set of Docter 15x60's that I'd like $450 for. The lenses are in very good condition. I'm in the south Tempe area.
  11. levers

    FS Docter Optic Nobilem 15x60B

    Might be open to trades, too.....Ruger Old Army, Vortex Razor, Vortex Kaibab, and I'm sure other things, too.
  12. levers

    FS Docter Optic Nobilem 15x60B

    OK, price increase to $550
  13. levers


    Where are you located?
  14. levers


    I have of those tools. I believe they are 19.2V
  15. levers

    M1 Garand for Sale

    sold pending funds
  16. levers

    M1 Garand for Sale

  17. levers

    M1 Garand for Sale

    Maybe.....old Winchester rifles?
  18. levers

    Colt Buntline Scout 22mag 9 1/2"

    That's a pretty good deal. I love the Buntlines.
  19. I need to replace a 7500 gallon water tank. I could use anything from about 2500 up. I know it's a long shot but if anybody might have something, please drop me a pm. Thanks
  20. levers

    FS Ruger 77 17 HMR

    SPF to Yotebuster....Huntnhard second
  21. levers

    FS Ruger 77 17 HMR

    Pretty nice Ruger 77 in 17 HMR. Has a Tasco 3-9x50 scope on it. Located in south Tempe area. $450