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Everything posted by rsager8970

  1. rsager8970

    13B outfitters

    I am happy to say I drew a 13B tag . I used to live in AZ but now live up in Montana so no pre-season scouting for me which makes DIY pretty impractical in 13B. I'm looking for an ethical guide in 13b thats not going to have me road hunting. I have heard about some shenanigans up there with outfitters blocking off roads, chasing off dear from hunters stalking, and setting up in front of people to glass. I want to steer clear of that type of element. Keeping it positive...any recommendations?
  2. rsager8970

    13B outfitters

    or bullshizzz...so funny.
  3. I used a Visa debit card and there is no possible reason why it would have been rejected. Every other transaction has worked on that card this month and there was always a sufficient balance to cover the cost of the tag. What options do I have? It appears that not only did I lose out on the draw due to a mistake on their part I lose my preference point for the year and probably my loyalty point. I guess paper aplications are the only way to go. Has anyone else had a similar problem?
  4. rsager8970

    Credit Card Dishonored for no reason

    I just got off the phone with Bank of America...they had problems with their debit card processing on 3/29/12 and it was fixed the next business day. They said "We appologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you."
  5. rsager8970

    Credit Card Dishonored for no reason

    Funny thing is I feel worse that my son didn't draw his Cow tag. I am hoping to use 9 pts in Colorado to hunt Mulies in Unit 61! It wasn't meant to be...probly would have got a broadhead in the eye or something...lol!
  6. rsager8970

    Credit Card Dishonored for no reason

    It turns out that Bank of America denied the charge 3 times on 3/29/12 even though I had sufficient funds in the account. I am trying to figure out why. Bottom line sounds like AZGFD did all they could. I am following up with the Bank figure out why they denied the charges.
  7. rsager8970

    Unit 27 Bull Tag

    I hunted on Alma Mesa a couple years ago for deer. I only saw 1 bull in 2 days, but it just seemed like an awesome place for the late hunt. I bet they would hide in there (no roads on the Blue) after a few days of getting shot at. I have a unit 1 rifle bull tag. Any pointers?