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Everything posted by dsotm

  1. Anyone upgrade recently and have one to get rid of?
  2. Nah really only looking at these two models right now
  3. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    There’s still a few left, don’t think they opened my envelope until today. You might be thinking of non resident OTC deer
  4. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    Portal updated today, got 20b archery third choice, was hoping to use the flintlock this year
  5. dsotm

    6A Muzzleloader Hunt

    I’ll be up there too, hope the roads aren’t too bad
  6. dsotm

    NonVoter Shame

    Should have got rid of her in the primary, Lamb would have won
  7. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    Which one of you stole my tag?!
  8. dsotm

    NonVoter Shame

    How the eff did we elect that piece of crap Gallego
  9. If there’s violence and protesting it means the right guy got elected
  10. There's only one choice if you value the second amendment
  11. dsotm

    NonVoter Shame

    140 passing will sink what's left of this state
  12. dsotm

    2025 Archery DIY

    Put some miles on the boots, nobody is giving someone who just signed up a honey hole on a public forum
  13. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    Anyone have a tag show up in their portal yet?
  14. dsotm


  15. Let me know if you have a pair you’d part with
  16. dsotm

    [FOUND] Tract Toric 10x42 binos

    No longer needed, thanks again John!
  17. dsotm

    NM muzzie coues

    I'd be plenty happy with that buck
  18. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    That's what I was referring to, probably should have been more specific. Thanks!
  19. dsotm

    Campaign Signs

    Nobody ever accused a liberal of having a brain
  20. dsotm

    Spring leftovers

    Yall better not try to get the hunt I’m after 🤣 Just a few years ago there were always tons of leftover turkey tags on the north rim. Anyone know if the archery turkey tag is like deer and good for spring and fall?
  21. dsotm

    Game Bags

    You can sometimes get them cheaper directly from black ovis vs campfire, search google for a coupon code
  22. dsotm

    Game Bags

    Another vote for the black ovis
  23. dsotm

    Spring results up

    Anyone have an idea when the leftovers will be posted?
  24. dsotm

    Bergara 6.5 creedmoor B14 hmr SELL or TRADE

    That's a great deal on a fantastic rifle