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Everything posted by dsotm

  1. dsotm

    2025 Wyoming Antelope Hunt

    3 points gets you like 0.000001% draw odds in AZ
  2. dsotm

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    That’s a toad, congrats
  3. dsotm

    DIY Home Pesticides

    CyKick works great and a bottle will last well over a year, way cheaper to do it yourself
  4. dsotm

    Old rem 700

    7 pm?
  5. dsotm


    Which one of you broke the site?
  6. dsotm

    Codyhuntsaz aka Cody Smith has passed away

    Horrible, that is way to young
  7. dsotm

    14 people indicted for poaching

    How many of them named Ward
  8. dsotm

    CEO and Ghost Guns

  9. dsotm

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    I only do one shot groups
  10. dsotm

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    Two inch groups Post up a video
  11. dsotm

    How much meat?

    I’ve always been happy with Casey’s but will probably just buy a grinder and try it out myself next year
  12. dsotm

    WTB Knight Ultralite .50

    Western or bare primer, prefer olive stock but open to others. Needs to be drilled for front and rear sights.
  13. Some people are too stupid to see it, they aren’t trying to ban hound hunting, they are trying to ban ALL hunting. One little piece at a time until it’s all gone, we need to be smart enough to stand up against this sort of thing and speak up.
  14. dsotm

    Nightforce and Leupold rifle scopes

    Leupold lives off of its reputation from decades ago, they don’t tend to hold zero or dial well
  15. dsotm

    How bout them Devils!

    Look what Moreno has done with the Angels, that cheapskate isn't chipping in any coin
  16. And there's plenty of people on this site that would happily give up scopes on muzzleloaders and plenty of other hunting restrictions. Hunters are our own worst enemies.
  17. dsotm

    Athlon Optics Reviews??

    This one gets reviewed pretty favorably on rokslide, I’ll probably pick one up at some point
  18. dsotm

    Black Friday Sales

    MDT website doing the same thing it does every year 🤮😭
  19. dsotm

    Black Friday Sales

    Isn’t that the standard price for a “Glock fawty”?
  20. dsotm

    Shockey’s sheep

    Buzz should stick to fuddtalk with the rest of the angry liberals 🤣
  21. dsotm

    Archery Range at Public Park NW Phx Metro?

    Ok what the heck, where is the archery at Paseo? I live right nearby!
  22. dsotm

    Question about Howa 1500

    Not as refined as something like a Tikka but both my mini and short action 1500s shoot great