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Everything posted by dsotm

  1. dsotm

    Tranny Mechanic

    Steer clear of Tri-City Transmissions in Tempe. They are trash.
  2. dsotm

    Looking for a lower

    Tombstone has aero lowers for 70 bucks, gonna grab a few more before the congress critters try to ban stuff again
  3. dsotm

    Ruger Redhawk 44 Mag

    Thank God it didn't have scope mounts, I don't need one but I want one 😂
  4. dsotm

    Gas Prices, how high will they go?

    Must have a small tank 😭
  5. dsotm

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Along with a lot of the officers who refused to do the right thing
  6. dsotm

    Why do they keep doing this?

    And it's starting to sound like those officers were cowards as well. Not sure how they can live with themselves.
  7. dsotm

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Officers refused to go in for 40 minutes. Disgusting cowards. How can they live with themselves?
  8. dsotm

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Our country celebrates mental illness instead of treating it
  9. dsotm

    Rocky Point Fishing

    Looks like a blast
  10. dsotm

    Tarptent Rainbow Tent

    Have a moment and love it. They make great tents.
  11. dsotm

    Rokslide members?

    That guy is a tool and a commie to boot
  12. dsotm

    WTB SWFA 3-9x42 HD scope

    Anyone have one they're not needing?
  13. dsotm

    Rokslide members?

    Think you need like 10+ posts to PM or do the classifieds. Would keep the scammers down here too.
  14. dsotm

    T3X Lite 223 Rem In Stock at Europtic

    Now find a T1X for me 😄
  15. dsotm

    New Member

  16. dsotm


    Weird, I don't see any mention of hunting here Brandon, senile old c*nt
  17. dsotm

    Going Old School

    Way too many "stop liking what I don't like" types on here
  18. dsotm

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

  19. dsotm

    Anyone have any luck in 6b?

    Which hunt? See plenty every year deer hunting in there.
  20. dsotm

    Unit 6A

    You stole my tag! 😂
  21. dsotm

    Draw Results

    Can't wait to see leftover tags in units I applied for