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AxisWorks LLC

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Everything posted by AxisWorks LLC

  1. AxisWorks LLC

    Leica Rangemaster 1600-B Rangefinder

    I purchased this rangefinder through BigWave and just wanted to say He is a real top notch guy! The rangefinder needed to be shipped and he was in touch and on top of it every step of the way. Thanks again Dave. Speedy.
  2. AxisWorks LLC

    Another deer killer down.

    I cant wait to get back out. I called this one in with a mouth call and it was my first time using a decoy. I have to say the decoy worked unbelievably well. It would look right at me because it knew the call came from there but as soon as he noticed the robo bunny he just couldn't resist. .22-250 stopped him before he could get to it though. I just bought a FoxPro from the classifieds last Sat. and cant wait to see how well that will work.
  3. AxisWorks LLC


    I believe that is blue painters tape and the picture is probably while he was bedding it. Great work I did the same with my Remington 700 .257 Wby in an HS Precision stock. What did it end up weighing?
  4. I am selling a Rossi 62 .22 blued with octagon barrel. Its in about as new condition as it can get. I bought it from an older gentleman a few years ago and Ive never shot it. Simply because I have the same rifle in stainless and standard round barrel. It looks like hes never shot it either but I cant 100% claim that. They are selling on Gunbroker for $400-$550 with the octagon barrels. With that in mind and the great condition. I'm placing $425 on this one. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture. I can take better pictures of it tonight. Thanks, Speedy. Location: Live in East Mesa and work in Tempe.
  5. AxisWorks LLC

    WTS Swarovski Rangefinder

    Crap. Too late again.
  6. AxisWorks LLC

    MeatEater with Colburn and Scott Mexico

    Meat Eater and On Your Own Adventures are both at the top of the list of my favorite shows.
  7. AxisWorks LLC

    GoPro to Spotting Scope?

    I'm not sure it will either but I'm willing to give it a try. Ill be machining an adapter to adapt it to my Leupold gold ring HD spotter.
  8. AxisWorks LLC

    GoPro to Spotting Scope?

    Guess I'm just going to have to buy one and be the first to see if I can make it work.
  9. AxisWorks LLC


    Price drop from $250 to $200
  10. This is the incremental approach. Their claiming to support the right to keep and bear arms but also saying that right must be "balanced" with the needs of society as a whole. their claim that banning certain guns, or parts of guns, or features of guns doesn`t constitute a serious infringement of rights. Their claiming society`s "greater good" outweighs the individual right to own a semi-auto with a large-capacity magazine, or a large capacity magazine itself etc... The incremental approach, where the individual`s constitutional guarantee is weighed against some alleged governmental or societal need, inevitably leads to the loss of rights, sometimes to their total destruction. The incremental approach can similarly undermine a freedom by claiming the reasons for it no longer exist. An answer to the question, if all they want is a few rifles and handguns, or a few restrictions, why not give it to them?" is that that`s not what they want. Since none of the infringements is aimed at the problem of criminal violence, each and every one is doomed to failure. The anti-gunners are sure to follow up each failure, not with an admission their policies were misguided and should be repealed, but, instead, with a call for still more restrictions on the grounds the earlier restrictions weren`t enough. Thus, every infringement, far from reducing the pressure for more restrictions, simply increases the pressure for the next curtailment of the freedoms for which our forefathers fought and died.
  11. AxisWorks LLC

    Desert Muley Video With Smart Optix

    Wow that's really amazing.
  12. AxisWorks LLC

    Desert Muley Video With Smart Optix

    How far out were these deer?
  13. AxisWorks LLC

    Need to buy a Easton Bow Scale

    Please let me know if you have one I might be able to buy. Looking for this specific one. Thanks, Speedy.
  14. AxisWorks LLC

    My Bowtech Insanity Speeds

    I was running some arrows through the Chronograph last night to gather some data for my slider sight and thought Id post some real wold numbers. All speeds were a 10 shot average over 5 arrows. 2012 Bowtech CPX 72.8 lb draw 29" Draw 1.) 415 gr. arrow 307 FPS 2.) 424 gr. arrow 303 FPS 3.) 389 gr. arrow 317 FPS 4.) 364 gr. arrow 326 FPS
  15. AxisWorks LLC


    Were you out last Sun. 12/30 with 3 guys total? I believe I glassed you up putting a stalk on in the morning.
  16. AxisWorks LLC

    Broken Aarow Archery...

    Another +1 for Robert.
  17. AxisWorks LLC

    WTB 870

    Looking for a Remington 870 12 gauge, Non vent rib, any barrel length or choke will do. Thanks, Speedy.
  18. AxisWorks LLC

    .257 WBY MAG Mark V **SPF**

    Nope. My buddy picked it up drom him shortly after my Ill take it.
  19. AxisWorks LLC


    Yes I have hunted this unit quite a bit. Any chance you drive a white Wrangler? I might have seen you out there. Speedy.
  20. AxisWorks LLC

    Bow advice

    Don't decide untill you've shot Bowtechs Insanity. So far 3 buddies and 1 buddy of a buddy have switched after shooting mine. Just saying make sure it's one on the list for comparison.
  21. AxisWorks LLC

    WTB AR-15

    He has sold out. Thanks, Speedy.
  22. AxisWorks LLC

    WTB AR-15

    I have a friend selling some brand new DPMS AR-15's I think. He's in Mesa. I told him he's crazy but that's what he wants to do. If your interested PM me I'll get you his contact Info.
  23. AxisWorks LLC


    No rut activity last weekend in 39. Anyone else here hunt this unit?
  24. AxisWorks LLC

    The world has gone crazy

    Agreed. Laws don't stop crazy, bullets do.