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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Baiting is gone. No big deal, gave up on G&F when they made my chute plane worthless. lol
  2. Swivelhead


    I believe Tucson is a hot bed of liberalism ..................................... Grivalja, Pastor. Know what I mean?
  3. Swivelhead


    Cats came back big time in this game. Thought they had it but .................. Oregon state is for real. I'd beat up on Cat fans but it'd be like kicking an old dog.
  4. Swivelhead

    Fox News Airs car jacker suicide - LIVE

    Sad, somewhere, somebody's heart is broke.
  5. Swivelhead

    Deer Clinic

    I've been to numerous mule deer and whitetail clinics, next one is starting Oct. 26th. lol
  6. Swivelhead


    It would nice if both teams have a lot a stake come Territorial cup time.
  7. Swivelhead


    Cat defense played their hearts out 1st half. Cat offense .................................... nowhere to be seen. Oregon will wear out any defense eventually. Could of been a totally different game if the Cat O scored on those 1st quarter turnovers. Too bad so sad. BTW, Devils lookin' good!
  8. Swivelhead

    Beyond my wildest dreams!

    Congrats on a horse of a bull. I'd venture to say your bull has a world class front end. WOW!!
  9. Cool! Good habitat and old age is a great combination.
  10. Swivelhead

    cow elk with. 223 and sheds

    I agree, his marksmanship is up to snuff and he got the job done. My question to him was bullet and wound channel. A monolithic bullet out of a .223 weighing 60 - 70 grains would hold up and penetrate well. My only suggestion to anyone wanting to take larger game with "light" calibers is to: Continued: 1)Use a monolithic bullet. 2) Place bullets well. Again, congrats on getting it done in a "limited op" area.
  11. Swivelhead

    cow elk with. 223 and sheds

    I agree, his marksmanship is up to snuff and he got the job done. My question to him was bullet and wound channel. A monolithic bullet out of a .223 weighing 60 - 70 grains would hold up and penetrate well. My only suggestion to anyone wanting to take larger game with "light" calibers is to:
  12. Swivelhead

    GIANT bull down!!

    Holy Cow! Congrats.
  13. Swivelhead

    cow elk with. 223 and sheds

    Congrats, what load did you use? Decent wound channel?
  14. Swivelhead


    It does not compare. The games still need to be played. Cat football has been poor for a long time, not that the Devils have been any better. Both teams are off to a good start, a welcome change.
  15. Swivelhead


    Sooner or later the cats will get skinned, hopefully the Devils will get in on the party.
  16. Swivelhead


    Football season is here. What is it you're waiting for?
  17. Swivelhead

    200 inch archery mulie!

    Yes, South of the ditch. Cool!!!!
  18. Swivelhead

    200 inch archery mulie!

    Great buck ............ south of the ditch?
  19. Swivelhead

    Thoughts on Thermal Imaging

    Thermal imagery should only be allowed when baiting ain't cuttin' it. LOL I could see TI used for safety reasons. Locating fellow recreationist's by their heat signature could diffuse potentially unsafe situations. That being said, if I had a TI unit it'd likely be used to locate booners.
  20. Swivelhead

    U of A Football

    Great game, congrats to the cats. Fluke ........ yep NO, NO, NO
  21. Swivelhead

    coal for tent stove

    I've been told coal cannot be purchased by the general public in AZ. I've purchased coal in Kanab but that was a long time ago. Coal works great but you must maintain your chimney as it will plug, usually about 3 am. I'd recommend a hot wood fire in your stove at least once or twice a day.
  22. Swivelhead


    Texas got it right. Instead of the state paying to control feral hogs, they've got willing shooters paying to do it for them. Probably sold a few choppers too. I hope AZ will copy this model should feral hogs become an issue in our state.
  23. Swivelhead


    Great job you guys! Thanks for posting.
  24. Swivelhead

    Thoughts on Baiting

    I believe most people bait to draw game so photos can be captured via trail cam. A bait station can be placed away from known water sources where cameras are likely to be tampered with. Bait can be placed where a favorable approach and/or wind can be utilized for a blind or stand site. Baiting is effective, otherwise most of you would not defend it as necessary. I strongly believe most non hunters and many hunters see baiting as cheating. I also believe baiting was not much of an issue till the advent of trail cams. G&F will ban baiting, timing is the only question left unanswered.
  25. Swivelhead

    Thoughts on Baiting

    This issue can be massaged from every viewpoint. Point is, G&F see's baiting as a conditioning of animals. Baiting is done.