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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead


  2. Swivelhead


    Sold to KRP
  3. Swivelhead


  4. Swivelhead

    Should I upgrade from 30-06?

    If you have not done so already, consider spending your money on long range accessories prior to acquiring a new rifle. High end scope, chronograph, rangefinder, ballistic programs, etc. Learn to use these accessories with your existing rifle, get proficient, upgrade the rifle/cartridge down the road.
  5. Swivelhead

    Lee's Ferry

    Nice fish!
  6. Swivelhead

    The other draw (The Grand)

    Did a private trip October of 2018 which was the wettest October in recent history. Stayed wet and somewhat cold which was the only negative. Sixteen days, got out @ Diamond Creek. Used Moenkopi for our gear and shuttle. The gear provided was very good as were the provisions. We were fortunate to have former river guides/boatmen on our trip who provided strong leadership. Get in shape and take care of your feet while in the canyon. Trip of a lifetime! We had good trout fishing till the water clarity went south from all the rain. Nothing of any size, all 12-14" rainbows caught with anything shiny. Expect monsoon action during your August trip and therefore, water clarity issues.
  7. Swivelhead

    Storm Precip

    5" in Vernon. After 4 days of high winds this morning is still but cold.
  8. Swivelhead

    2021 37A Bighorn Hunt

    Outstanding ram, congratulations! How old? I'm guessing 9 .....
  9. Swivelhead

    Tire Question

    Speaking from experience, BFG muds are great tires but don't last long on a heavy vehicle (Diesel F350 LB CC got about 25 - 30K on 37's). Sounds like you don't drive much, rotate regularly and you could get 40K.
  10. Swivelhead

    Where's Casey? 5 in a row baby!!! 38 - 15

    Devil fan since the late sixties, ASU athletics at an all time low. Time to clean house. AD, Edwards and Hurley, send em' packing. Integrity is everything.
  11. Swivelhead

    Which Hunting Rig?

    I don't have personal experience but a coworker steadily cussed the one he had. Computer issues, death wobble, etc.
  12. Swivelhead

    A10 Thunderbolt

    I hear ya, witnessed an F111 fly down White Sage wash in 12B, it was flying incredibly low and FAST. I was on foot and did not hear or see it coming. Aircraft passed within a hundred yards of me, dang near cost me a pair of underwear.
  13. Swivelhead

    A10 Thunderbolt

    A friend had a place off the Table Mesa road near the Agua Fria many years ago. Spent a lot of time at his place. A-10's flew through regularly very close to the ground. If we were lucky enough to spy a "hog" approaching we would perform a vigorous fist pump, in return, they ALWAYS gave us a wing waggle. Great memory and an outstanding aircraft.
  14. Swivelhead

    bobcat,mountain lion and bear

    FYI https://mountainlion.org/2022/01/04/arizona-hunt-guidelines-action-call/
  15. Swivelhead

    bobcat,mountain lion and bear

    ^^^^^ This! Current management practices, i.e. female harvest objectives, mandatory reporting, etc. is sound management. AZ will have bears, lions and bobcats as long as there is available habitat.
  16. Swivelhead

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    When practicing whether rifle or bow try to execute a relaxed shot, i.e. no target panic/buck fever. When hunting remember to transition from hunter to marksman at the moment of truth.
  17. Swivelhead

    Where to have shotgun drilled and tapped?

    You might give Nelson Ford "The Gunsmith" a call. I know he is fond of 870's & 1100's because both have steel receivers. He don't like aluminum or plastic.
  18. Swivelhead

    BIg Game Draw Application mistake

    Odds say I won't draw again this year, have not had an AZ tag EAB since 2014.
  19. Swivelhead

    BIg Game Draw Application mistake

    You got a mean streak, LMAO
  20. Swivelhead

    Hornady Nickel Platted BB

    Had good success with BB's on coyotes. Used Federal 3" copper plated lead BB's for many years, bought a number of boxes but am down to my last few rounds. Federal no longer makes it and it appears the only option for lead BB's is Hornaday predator loads you mention. Bought the Federal loads for $15 a box of 25 not that many years ago. Those days are long gone. Have used steel BBB's in condor areas, not nearly as effective as lead, 50 yards is max and that is a stretch.
  21. Swivelhead

    Where's Casey? 5 in a row baby!!! 38 - 15

    Teams that depend on a QB's legs are weak on the O line. Devils and Cards are prime examples. ASU got jack stomped at the point of attack, end of story. NCAA cloud is filling the transfer portal and making recruiting challenging. Rough road ahead. Go Devils!
  22. Swivelhead

    RIP Madden

    Turducken A good man moving on.
  23. Swivelhead

    The wife got it done

    Congrats to your wife. Nice buck too.
  24. Swivelhead

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    I'd wager 12A/B hunt will be an easy draw next cycle.
  25. Swivelhead


    "Probable Cause" will likely be the excuse to examine cameras/SD cards. How will AZGF determine intent? What if I photograph a bruiser bull with my cellphone, post it here and later take said bull? Will the sleuths @ AZGF show up at my house? This ban is going to be a mess.