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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    Texas Hog Hunt - Who Wants to Go?

    Been to south Texas to hunt hogs a few times. Can be uncomfortably warm by late April. Biggest rattlesnakes I've EVER seen, lots of them too. Wherever you guys end up make sure to inquire about fishing opportunity. One of the ranches we hunted had fabulous bass fishing, way better than the hog hunting and worth the drive all by itself. Average fish was 3 pounds and an occasional 7 pounder. Ranch manager appreciated that we practiced catch & release.
  2. Swivelhead

    44 BS

    Bird Dog pm'd me a week ago and let me know his result. He hit it out of the park. Bird Dog you gotta post your story soon. I'm getting weak!
  3. Swivelhead

    3 Bulls poached

    Are you sure this really happened? Where did you get your information? Coffee shop, tire store ...... 5 o'clock news?
  4. Swivelhead

    3 Bulls poached

    I would not consider this a FULL ON poaching situation. All three did have elk tags. Assuming the OP has the story right this is a story about unprepared hunters making a stupid mistake that will lighten their bank accounts. Hopefully, the meat was salvaged.
  5. Swivelhead

    1965 400+ bull Elk

    Actually, the Plute bull was taken in the late 1800's in Colorado and was the WR for almost a century. 442 typical I believe. Thx, for posting the vintage photo. Looks like an eastern AZ bull to me. Love the old pickup and grinning kids.
  6. Swivelhead

    Archery Yote!!! (VIDEO)

  7. Swivelhead

    snow chains

    Chaining up the front wheels works great if you've got plenty of fender well clearance. If not, you can shred your fender wells. Chains of the front need to be very tight with no play. Been a long time since I chained up a front end. Install the chains on the tire then use very strong bungee cords to remove any slack. The cords themselves are not enough to keep the chains from "ballooning". Slow roll for 30 yards so the cords pull the chains tight then tie wire the chains. Twist four strands of wire together and cinch. Depending on the fit up, you may need to secure the tag end of the chain on the inside of the tire. Turn the wheels to the stops to make sure the chains don't engage springs or other pricey front end parts. Rear wheels are much easier to deal with. Hopefully somebody has and easier method, I'd like to hear it. http://www.tirechain.com/?gclid=CM32tojiw8ICFYOUfgod1WcA3g
  8. Swivelhead

    Gun safe in garage??

    Sound advice. If you must put it in the garage, spend the $$ on de-humidifiers. Ammo, primers and powder don't like heat & humidity either.
  9. Swivelhead

    Fancier tripod replacement part?????

    http://www.chinafancier.com/enindex.asp Not much on this site. They do have a contact for email on the site, good luck.
  10. Swivelhead

    Gunsmith for Handgun

    Nelson also does some real nice work on 1911's. He did a custom for me many years ago, shoots way better than I do.
  11. AZGF, USFWS, USFS, BLM, etc. are complicit in closing vast areas annually to entry for 6 months of the year to protect our national bird. The usual suspects (CBD, WW, Sierra Club, Audubon, etc.) vow that our eagles are special desert nesting birds. Their offspring however, generally migrate to suitable habitats in other parts of the country. Personally, I believe these agencies utilize these birds special status to exclude the general public from riparian areas thus protecting the habitat for 6 months of the year. The "no entry" part chaps my posterior. This principle is currently being used to protect antelope during fawning season on Anderson mesa. The closure is not "no entry" but the seasonal closure of motorized vehicle routes on the mesa. I believe the seasonal closure of motor vehicle routes in critical areas could improve herds. A few ADC agents and weekly aerial gunning for song dogs would be nice too.
  12. Swivelhead

    Limbsaver Airtech Recoil Pad

    I've got a limbsaver pad on a tikka 300 WSM. Pad does its job but is fragile. Mine has a chunk out of it, have no idea when or where it happened. Not sure which model is on the gun but it is a limbsaver pad.
  13. Swivelhead

    Anatomy Lesson and the Tenacity of an Elk to Survive

    Great pictures, thanks for posting them. Helped a friend process a bear many years ago. It was a really nice mature boar. Bear was missing an eye (not that unusual). What was unusual, at some point in his life he had suffered a separated sternum. The sternum healed but his ribs were offset 2 inches. Figured he'd been hit by a car at some point. Bear was fat as a tick and appeared healthy. Another time, I came upon an extremely emaciated cow elk. She was feeding on the side of the Diamond Rock road just after spring melt (back when we used to get a snowpack). She was so skinny, literally had ulcers where her hip bones contacted her hide. Her jaw was broken and offset, her teeth did not mesh but she was happily munching away. I approached her within 10 feet and noticed that her eyes were blue (obviously, she was blind). I agonized over putting her out of her misery for 30 minutes. She kept sacking groceries the whole time. Felt really bad but decided she had just survived a tough winter and it was up to nature to determine her fate.
  14. Swivelhead

    Anybody see this?

    Got an wildlife newsletter via email from G&F this afternoon. Copied and pasted from that newsletter: An Online Club for Hunters? Changes are coming to www.azgfd.gov The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is proposing a fee-based, online club providing unique services for hunters. Membership benefits may include: The ability to give back your tag to get your bonus points back Priority opportunity for surrendered tags Early access to draw results AGFD apparel What will membership cost? What services would it include? Join the conversation! Attend an upcoming public meeting and make your opinion known. If you can’t attend a meeting, e-mail ideas to portal@azgfd.gov. I realize this is in the dream phase but I'd like to think with the exception of AGFD apparel, why should anybody have to be a member of a club for these benefits? Personally, I find this ludicrous.
  15. Swivelhead


    meat bags, I prefer 20"X30" size. Usually carry 1-3 depending on the quarry
  16. Swivelhead


    Hoyt CRX 35, easy to shoot.
  17. Swivelhead

    Wildcats Big Day

    UA owns the cup for the next year, us Devil fans will be eating dirt for a whole year. I can handle it.
  18. Swivelhead

    Swarovski 10x50 slc

    I own both 10x50 and 15x56 SLC's. The 10x50's see a lot more use than the 15's. Bump for great glass at a good price.
  19. You guys get it done. Unbelievable ram, congrats to all.
  20. Swivelhead

    Wildcats Big Day

    Tough night for you Cat fans. That was a spankin' of EPIC proportions. Wish the Cats could have "backed up" the two wins over Oregon. Duck fans are even more obnoxious than Cat fans.
  21. Swivelhead

    Filled my 40B tag

    Beautiful ram. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
  22. Swivelhead

    Wildcats Big Day

    Cats got to have some offense NOW.
  23. Swivelhead

    What is your Go-To round for Elk?

    125 grain Thunderhead or 135 grain Zwickey Delta.
  24. Swivelhead

    Thanksgiving at AZ Stadium

    I am always impressed when a person in an authority position reaches out to our young people. GO DEVILS!!!!