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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Lots of data points scattered about the SRP watersheds but at the end of the day it's somewhat of a crap shoot trying to balance safety vs a 100% full reservoir. Apparently there is still a substantial amount of snowpack yet to melt, SRP currently releasing 10,400 cfs from Bartlett and 1,270 cfs from Stewart Mtn. SRP hydrologists are earning their keep this spring.
  2. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Big Sandy ran 40K cfs into Alamo overnight. Verde running 25K + with more to come. Black river running 6500 cfs above confluence with Whiteriver. The melt is on!
  3. Swivelhead

    U15a,b / 18a...Early Rifle Bull. Areas to avoid?

    Burn fuel, boot leather, search for rut rubbed trees.
  4. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Water release from Bartlet dam has been raised to 800 cfs today. Salt river bed won't be dry for long.
  5. Swivelhead

    2022 archery bull

    Congratulations on an outstanding bull!
  6. Swivelhead

    Kowa spotters

    You scored a really nice optic at a great price.
  7. Concerning image brightness, BTX needs a minimum of 95 mm to compete with a 65 mm twin tube. There is a reason Swaro came out with the 115 mm module post BTX introduction.
  8. Swivelhead

    Want to hunt NM for Antelope

    Texas has landowner permits too. https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/game_management/pronghorn/permits.phtml#:~:text=All applications must be submitted,Permits under the Permits tab.
  9. Swivelhead

    Balloon shot

    A commenter from Fox News website pretty much nailed it: Cho Biden I think Cho ought to review his oath of office.
  10. Swivelhead

    Anyone been to Big Lake recently?

    How much ice at Nelson?
  11. Swivelhead

    Should I 🙃

    Long term registration (5 years) is available in AZ counties that do not require auto emission testing.
  12. Swivelhead

    Kowa spotters

    Fixed power eyepieces generally have a larger field of view @ their given magnification. Often, the "sweet spot" is slightly larger. I own a 663 Prominar scope with a 30X wide eyepiece. Nice scope but does not have Fluorite lenses. My 663 with lens caps in place + an Outdoorsman's adapter on it weighs a shade under 3#.
  13. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Roosevelt up 12' since mid November.
  14. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

  15. Swivelhead

    Elk suicide by hanging.

    Abandoned rope swing?
  16. Swivelhead

    Elk Processing from MIllers 6-8 Weeks

    Carl's is very good, so is Casey's. I would not hesitate to use either. No experience with Millers.
  17. Swivelhead

    Bear Meat

    A friend of mine arrowed a bear that was feeding on maggots on a very ripe beef carcass. Bear had at least three arrows in it i.e. "gut shot". I skinned in out for him, nastiest carcass I've ever dealt with. Maggots (dead and alive) everywhere. I've got a reasonably strong stomach but that was a rough one. We boned out the carcass and packed it out. He kept offering me meat, telling me how great it was, I declined. Eventually, I did try some and it was very good. Other than salmon bears in AK, no ethical reason not to keep bear meat.
  18. Swivelhead

    Crickets ?…

    UofA 4 ASU 1 until the last pick. Neither school has high moral standards.
  19. Swivelhead

    Crickets ?…

    Congrats to the Cats. Sad to see these teams disrespect each other.
  20. Swivelhead

    Wife’s First mule Deer

    Big ol' buck and a great smile. Congrats.
  21. Swivelhead


    Unfortunate. Hard to get any arrow through an elk shoulder when hitting solid bone (scapula is relatively easy to penetrate). Curious, which broadhead was he using?
  22. Swivelhead

    6th Time is the Charm

    Well done!
  23. Nosler ballistic tips are designed for thin skinned game, if they shoot well out of your rifle you'll be fine.
  24. Swivelhead

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Being that anti's can "save a deer" for $80, I don't trust the current call in method of reporting. Need to modify the mandatory reporting to include carcass inspection by AZGF.