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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    Hunting with muzzle brake?

    Definately NOT the way to go about using a brake. I refuse to shoot without hearing protection. My left ear is so damaged its caused more fights with my wife then I care to admit. Im ignoring her, I'm ignoring the kids "you heard what I said" etc etc etc. This ^^^^^ Protect your hearing. Did not use it most of my life. Paying the price now. Tinnitus, etc.
  2. Swivelhead

    Unit 27 Rocky Mountain Bighorn

    Bruiser ram! Can't wait to hear the story. Congrats.
  3. Swivelhead

    Taylor Takes Her 1st Muley

    Great write up. Even better outcome. Congrats to both of you.
  4. Swivelhead

    First Coues

    Congrats on a nice buck.
  5. Swivelhead

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    Thought it was Rose Peak in 1935. Don't know for sure.
  6. Swivelhead

    Stand and Fight or Stand to Lose!"

    http://nvohv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/BILLS-114hr.pdf Open spaces under attack! Nevada will sell it off as needed. Probably in big chunks so only corporations & developers can play the game (gotta keep the riff-raff out). This bill (if passed into law) would likely pave the way for other states with vast amounts of Federal land to pursue land transfers. Unfortunately, our population is exploding, Federal public land will be the only open space in a few more generations. We need to protect it for our great grandchildren. Contact your representatives.
  7. Swivelhead

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    Unfortunately, I suspect you're not too far off with your assessment. Hoping for a Patriot win tonight so the Cards have a chance in their division. Probably won't matter with the level of play we've seen from them this year. Hats off to the Niners for their effort, made for a competitive game.
  8. Swivelhead

    Packing Just Becoues

    Old School! Good job guys.
  9. Swivelhead

    Swaro 15X56s for sale

  10. Swivelhead

    Election time is upon us

    If you get a chance, check out butt hurt crying Hillary voters over @ inforwars. Very entertaining. I'd post it here but don't want to get banned. Got some foul language.
  11. Swivelhead

    Election time is upon us

    Time to stack the SCOTUS with 30 year old constitutional jurists. Would likely stave off full blown socialism for 20-30 years. Sickens me to think that a large segment of our young people are full blown leftists. Most have not a clue. Public education is indoctrination these days. Political correctness is a cancer.
  12. Swivelhead

    Spring Draw Results Pending

    The results are pending and could go either way. Suspect we could start to see CC charges today (assuming success in the draw).
  13. Swivelhead

    Vortex Razor 11-33x50 questions

    Spotters need at least 65mm to handle magnification above 20X IMO. There are a number of compact, lightweight 65mm spotters.
  14. Swivelhead


    Barnburner! Congrats to the Cubs.
  15. Swivelhead

    13 B

    Best of luck on your adventure.
  16. Swivelhead

    Brittany's first bull

    Really nice, thx for posting. Congrats to Brittany!
  17. Swivelhead

    Lion tag?

    Get a tag. Two friends of mine have taken cats in the last month.
  18. Swivelhead

    Shots to the right

    Great Post ^^^^ Even when you think everything you can control is covered there are still many variables that come into play.
  19. Swivelhead

    Looking to buy a chocolate lab pup

    Kudos to Barb for stepping up. The health issues of which I speak generally don't show up till the dog matures. I know nothing of Barb or her operation, just voicing my opinion concerning breeders.
  20. Swivelhead

    Looking to buy a chocolate lab pup

    Going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your comment wasn't a shot at Barb. She is a pretty awesome lady. I don't think it was a shot at anybody except those who breed/sell labs without genetic testing & OFA certification of both sire & dam. Labs, like most popular breeds have a lot of health issues related to irresponsible breeders. Spending the $$$ upfront with a breeder who truly cares about the breed will likely save a lot of vet bills down the road.
  21. Swivelhead

    To age or not to age

    This explains why the game I take is generally tough. I almost always use the gutless method, chill, cut & wrap within a day or two of the kill. Will continue to do it that way but will thaw & age in the fridge.
  22. Swivelhead

    Safford where are you?

    Those affected by this hailstorm would be wise to have roofs, A/C units, etc. inspected for damage. A damaged roof may take a while to reveal itself, condenser coil on A/C unit will be obvious.
  23. Swivelhead

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    I've got a couple Havalons. They're wimpy, look elsewhere.