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Everything posted by Swivelhead

  1. Swivelhead

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    "free grazers" causing the rest of us pain.
  2. Swivelhead

    Any updates on the 60 to show low

  3. Swivelhead

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    I recommend strapping on a banana hammock and helping the new neighbors set up camp.
  4. Swivelhead

    Bear Attack

    Whether on purpose or accident, this was likely a "fed" bear. I'd wager that locals had seen this bear prior to the incident. Condolences to friends & family.
  5. Swivelhead

    How long until cards are hit??

    Spoke to this woman a few times. She was competent and most of all, had empathy for us.
  6. Swivelhead

    Any geologists or similar in here?

    I believe many on this site will know where these collapsed limestone domes are. Quite a few in the area.
  7. Swivelhead


    IMO, no but go ahead and post the grip & grin.
  8. Swivelhead

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    Lots of great gear out there for not a whole lot of money. Great looking fish Nick.
  9. Swivelhead


    Unfortunately, a circular saw with metal cutting blade makes short work of most gun safes. I am beginning to believe that a safe is a great decoy and valuables should be hidden elsewhere.
  10. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    http://www.water-data.com/ Cool site for Colorado river/lake info.
  11. Swivelhead

    Purple stripes on trees - No Trespassing

    Check out ARS-17-304, only applies to hunters. Paint (orange) on a post, every 1/4 mile of a property boundary, signage at corners & vehicle access. 17-304. Prohibition by landowner on hunting, fishing, trapping or guiding; trespassing; posting; requirements A. Landowners or lessees of private land who desire to prohibit hunting, fishing, trapping or guiding on their lands without their permission shall post such lands closed to hunting, fishing, trapping or guiding using notices or signboards. B. State or federal lands, including those under lease, may not be posted except by consent of the commission. C. The notices or signboards shall meet all of the following criteria: 1. Be at least eight inches by eleven inches with plainly legible wording in capital and bold-faced lettering at least one inch high. 2. Contain the words "no trespassing", "no hunting", "no trapping", "no fishing" or "no guiding" either as a single phrase or in any combination. 3. Be conspicuously placed on a structure or post at all points of vehicular access, at all property or fence corners and at intervals of not more than one-quarter mile along the property boundary, except that a post with one hundred square inches or more of orange paint may serve as the interval notices between property or fence corners and points of vehicular access. The orange paint shall be clearly visible and shall cover the entire aboveground surface of the post facing outward and on both lateral sides from the closed area. D. The entry of any person for the taking of wildlife is not grounds for an action for criminal trespassing pursuant to section 13-1502 unless either: 1. The land has been posted pursuant to this section and the notices and signboards also contain the words "no trespassing". 2. The person knowingly remains unlawfully on any real property after a reasonable request to leave by a law enforcement officer acting at the request of the owner, the owner or any other person having lawful control over the property or the person knowingly disregards reasonable notice prohibiting entry to any real property.
  12. Any issue with the existing scope? Does your existing scope/ring/base combo hold zero? My brother had a BLR in .243 that would not hold zero due to a poor lock up between breech and receiver. Tried multiple scopes/rings/bases on the rifle and poi wandered on all of them. Iron sights on the barrel were consistent however. Rifle was lost in a burglary but the cure for that particular BLR likely would have been a barrel mounted scout scope. Assuming your BLR is accurate/consistent with the existing scope, I recommend a quality compact scope in 2.5 X 10 X 40 mm range. Adjustable objective is a plus. Don't scrimp on bases & rings.
  13. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Best bass bite(s) I ever experienced was at San Carlos reservoir in the 70's. Hope the lake can stay full and return to its former glory.
  14. Swivelhead

    Another early monsoon?

    Close to .5" on the gauge west of Vernon. Lightning, lost power for a few seconds. Bring it!
  15. Swivelhead

    Meanwhile out at Bartlett...

    The onslaught of people living on public lands will, at some point, cause a whole new set of rules for public land use that will likely negatively affect us all.
  16. Swivelhead


    Wheeling on the edge of a cliff is always a thrill.
  17. Swivelhead


    82 road is legend. Never been on the East Sunset Mesa road of which you speak but you are saying it's worse than the 82 road? That is a lofty claim.
  18. Swivelhead

    WTB some 404 Jefferey brass

    ^^^ This. Currently, there is a very active thread about the 404J in the Africa hunting section.
  19. Swivelhead

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    Took my son in-laws on a tuna trip a few years ago, they were green as could be. Bought a couple spinning rigs as I knew they would struggle with baitcasters. Rigged the spinners with 65# braid backing combined with 30# fluoro leaders. Son in-laws took #1 and #2 in the jackpot. 45# and 43# bluefin. Only downside to a "coffee grinder" IMO, is not being able to rest the rod on the rail to take a break during the battle. I've fished the Excalibur, good boat, sleeps better than most. On another note, practice your knots prior to your trip. You can thank me later
  20. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Caught some really nice bass in Gila below Painted Rock in the 80's.
  21. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Suspect the perimeter of Painted Rock reservoir is paved with snakes displaced by rising water.
  22. Swivelhead

    Golden Algae again

    SRP has released a lot of water out of Stewart Mountain dam for at least a couple weeks. Surprised that a good flush would promote algae growth.
  23. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Colorado through Cataract Canyon should run big this year. Crazy rafters! This is what it looks like @ 70K cfs:
  24. Swivelhead

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Easy enough to monitor lake levels and inflows on the Colorado river: http://www.water-data.com/
  25. Swivelhead

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    Recommend 3" Federal #5 shot turkey loads, consistently good in various shotguns. Good luck on your sons hunt.