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About Swivelhead

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  1. Swivelhead

    San Carlos Turkey Hunt Camp Info

    SCAR has legendary mud when wet. Roads are generally good if dry. Either way, you'll have a blast.
  2. Swivelhead

    2025 Elk Regs up

    Best post on this thread. Heck yeah, put the primitive back in "primitive" weapon hunts. Up next, muzzleloader rules need to be updated.
  3. Swivelhead

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    AZ's lion population is estimated to be around 2,000 animals. It's estimated a lion will make a major kill once a week. Not all are deer but if each lion takes 30 deer per year that's a lot of deer. We don't need 3,000 lions. Center for Biological Diversity wants humans out of the picture, they'll do it one piece at a time. Always thought CBD would be all over the feral horse and burro issue however it is unpopular with the general population, CBD won't touch it. They have zero credibility with me and are merely eco-litigants who suck off the government (us) via the Justice Act.
  4. Swivelhead

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Anti groups are all about reintroducing predators, banning the take of predators, method of take, etc. Why you ask? Think about it.
  5. Swivelhead

    How bout them Devils!

    There is an upside to the portal. Big time programs can no longer hoard all the top players. A top recruit is not going to wait 3 years too start. Parity in college football is happening. Not so sure about NIL.
  6. Swivelhead

    The hot desert provides!

    Good work!
  7. Swivelhead

    2024 Archery Bull

    Well done!
  8. Swivelhead

    Wildcats Win!

    Glad to see Cats knock off Utah. Surprised you die hard Cat fans are not doing some chest pounding, thought I'd help you out.
  9. Swivelhead

    bonus point

    Drew 5B in 2020 with 27 pts. Got tag #4 which was the final bonus pass tag. Outstanding hunt but 25 years is too long to wait.
  10. Swivelhead

    Winchester Model 70 7mm STW LH

    Consider posting on 24 hour campfire's lefty section. https://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/forums/73/1/the-lefty-forum Beautiful rifle BTW.
  11. Quail hunting is a great way to cover/scout a whole lot of ground.
  12. Swivelhead


    What works for me on long flights: Liquid Benadryl for sleep. Wear loose clothing, take off your shoes. When awake, walk the aisles. Avoid heavy meals and stay hydrated. Greece is beautiful, the people are friendly.
  13. Swivelhead

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    +1 on 3" #5 shot. Stacked many gobblers out to 50 yds without issue. Federal turkey load - lead with a flight control wad.
  14. Swivelhead

    Auction tags

    Just out of morbid curiosity, how many auction tags are there?